Rivet is an excellent and durable type of fastener. But unlike bolts, nuts, studs and screws, it cannot be removed without damaging it. The bolt can be unscrewed with keys or a screwdriver, after which it can be reused. The torn rivet will have to be thrown away. The question also arises: "How to rivet rivets if there is no riveter in the arsenal?"
The essence of the rivet
Rivet - disposable fasteners. But it is also the cheapest. If the device is made forever and does not involve disassembly of parts in the future, these parts can be riveted with rivets. They will hold just as strong as the screws, but will be even more reliable. The screw may loosen over time, but the rivet will not open on its own, since it is impossible to rivet it without the help of special tools.
Rivets in construction and mechanical engineering

There are many varieties of rivets. Some have the form of a single part - a sleeve that is inserted intohole and, using a special riveter, expand the edges of the sleeve on the other side of the parts to be joined and press (flatten). Such rivets are the most common, cheap and reliable. They are mainly used in construction and mechanical engineering. How to rivet a rivet of building varieties?
Dismantling the building rivet
It is difficult to call this action dismantling as such. This is removal. To remove the rivet, you will need a regular rivet with which it was installed. But since it is not at hand, it is worth figuring out how to rivet a rivet without a riveter.
Rivets, in which the head or bent part sticks out above the plane of the riveted parts, you can try to break with a sharp chisel and a hammer:
- Set the cutting part of the chisel exactly under the head (or bent part).
- Hit the chisel with a hammer. Some large rivets may take a few hits to break.
- When the cap (or bent part) is torn off, it remains only to remove the rivet from the hole. This can be done by pushing it out with a nail or other thin object (such as a screwdriver).
But more often you can't get close to the hats and bent parts, because they are, as it were, in the body of the fastened parts. Under the caps and expanding parts in the details, special grooves are drilled at the factory, and then the rivets sit in the metal like a glove. How to rivet rivets in such a "tricky" case?
Here a screwdriver (or drill) with a drill for metal selected according to the diameter of the rivet will come to the rescue. Act nextway:
- Make a notch on the head of the rivet with a center punch so that the drill does not walk, although some are used to doing without serifs.
- Install the screwdriver bit on the head and drill out the inside of the rivet.
- When the drill passes through, the remnants of the head and the extended part fall out by themselves.
Rivets on clothes

But rivets are also used in the manufacture of various kinds of clothing models. Their use began in the 19th century, when, when sewing trousers made of rough canvas, which would later be referred to as jeans, one of the craftsmen noticed that if the seam was riveted at the beginning with a rivet, it would definitely not open or tear.
Here, rivets are used, which are more suitable for the name "buttons". Unlike ordinary ones, they consist of two parts - internal and external. Everything is held together by the fact that the head of one element enters the cavity of another. Then, under the pressure of the riveter, the head of the inner element is flattened (expanded) inside the cavity of the outer element, and such a "super button" can no longer be broken, no matter how hard you try. The fabric is more likely to tear. How to properly rivet these types of rivets?
Removing rivets from clothes
This is done in two ways. One - with the help of side cutters, the other - with a knife and a pair of pliers. The choice of methods depends on what kind of rivet you have - alpha (internal) or beta (external). The corners and edges of the stitching are mainly riveted with alpha varieties, which are otherwise called eyelets. Betaused in cases of buttons that fasten clothes. One part there is alpha, and beta is riveted to it. Despite the fact that such rivets hold the material perfectly, they are afraid of mechanical impact.
How to rivet alpha rivets with a knife and two pliers?
- Carefully, so as not to damage the fabric, insert a sharp knife blade under the edge of the wide part of the rivet on one side and bend it so that the edge can be grabbed with pliers.
- Do the same with the opposite part of the rivet. Insert a knife blade and fold back the edge.
- Grab the edges of some pliers on the outer bent part of the rivet, and the other on the edge of the wrong bent part.
- Pull in different directions and the inside will come out of the outside.

It's done.
And how to rivet a beta rivet on clothes? It's even easier here. The procedure is as follows:
- Take the garment by turning the widened (folded) part of the rivet that sticks out inside the pressure washer towards you.
- Take the side cutters (preferably use the ones on the pliers), place them under the very bottom of the extended part and squeeze.
- Rotate and squeeze again.
- At some point, the top element will jump off the bottom one by itself. Or when there is enough space between it and the lower element, the inner part included in the pressurepuck, you can simply have a snack without harm to the material.

It's done.