Kalanchoe is a fairly common indoor plant. There are various types of it: succulent plants, herbaceous perennials, semi-shrubs. To date, there are about 200 species of Kalanchoe around the world. This genus belongs to the Crassulaceae family. In nature, it can be found in Asia, Australia and America. It is customary for us to grow it at home. Let's learn in detail about how to organize proper home care for Kalanchoe Mix and its various varieties.
Short description
Types of Kalanchoe do not differ too much from each other in appearance and care. Basically, the difference lies in the shape of the leaves, which, depending on the variety, can be thick, dissected, sessile, or can be located on the petiole. In this article, we look at the varieties of Kalanchoe Mix, home care and featurescultivation.

As already mentioned, Kalanchoe Mix has several subspecies that differ in appearance. The most common is the Mini Mix, or the Blossfeld variety. This is a fairly compact plant that fits perfectly on the windowsill. It is distinguished by a lush flowering crown. Flowers have a variety of shades: red, white, lilac, pink. It is also worth noting Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix, home care for him is very simple, so many people choose this particular variety, and not only because of the ease of cultivation, but also for its mesmerizing flowering. Kalandiva has large fleshy velvety leaves, a fairly thick stem and small double flowers that form a lush red, pink or yellow bloom. It should be noted Kalanchoe Rosalina mix, home care for this species also does not cause much trouble. From the name itself, it becomes clear that Rosalina has pink flowers, and is also famous for its healing properties.
If you grow Kalanchoe at home, then first of all you should pay attention to lighting. For this flower, daylight hours must last at least twelve hours. That is why, from spring to autumn, a pot with a plant should be located on a window that faces the east or west side. In winter, it is better to rearrange it to the south side. If you live in a region where daylight hours are too short in winter, then you will need to take care ofartificial light.
Temperature conditions
Kalanchoe is not one of the capricious plants and feels absolutely normal at any temperature in the room. But this does not mean that you can put it on the balcony in winter. In summer, the air temperature in the room should not fall below 18 degrees and rise above +28 °C. In winter, the flower will quite calmly endure a drop in temperature to +14 ° C. It is worth considering that if the air temperature in the room is below ten degrees with a plus sign, then it is likely that the plant will get very sick, and possibly even die. Also note that at low temperatures, buds begin to appear on the plant.
How to water Kalanchoe Mix
Kalanchoe Mix at home should be watered only with soft settled water at room temperature. It is not necessary to flood the plant too much, as rotting may begin. It is recommended to moisten the soil only when its top layer is completely dry. Moreover, Kalanchoe belongs to the Crassula plants, which means that in its fleshy leaves there is always a small supply of water. But at the same time, it is impossible to bring the situation to the point where the earthen lump completely dries up. This situation often leads to the fact that the leaves begin to crumble from the plant. In winter, the irrigation technology lies in the fact that the substrate is moistened three or four days after it dries. You can water the plant under the root, or you can just pour water into the pan. Then Kalanchoe will be able to "drink" as much water as he needs.
In general, it is not necessary to spray Kalanchoe, since the plant feels quite normal without it. However, in hot summer weather, this procedure can be carried out. From this plant will only get better. The uselessness of spraying is explained by the fact that this flower has fleshy, sometimes pubescent, leaves, from which moisture evaporates rather slowly.

Kalanchoe does not need to be fertilized too often. It will be enough to fertilize in the summer, as well as at the moment when the buds begin to form. The plant blooms most often in autumn. As for fertilizers, it is better to choose those that are designed for cacti. In the summer, opt for mineral supplements, which should be applied four times a month, that is, it is most convenient once a week. You will also need organic fertilizers, but they are applied twice as rarely.
Do I need trimming
Pruning for Kalanchoe is worth carrying out, since many of its species shed their leaves, and the stems remain “bare”. It is these shoots that can be cut and planted again in a new container or next to the old plant. There are species where the shoots roll over the edge of the pot. They can also be cut and planted again, or left to hang down. It all depends on your imagination and desire.

Features of flowering
The article has already mentioned that daylight hours for Kalanchoe should last at least twelve hours. The flowering of the plant depends on this. AlsoPlease note that the lighting must be bright. An interesting fact is that some flowers fade very quickly on a plant, but if they are cut and put in a vase, they can stand for about three weeks. When flowering stops, a certain part of the stems must be cut to give the plant a beautiful appearance. Cut shoots can be thrown away, but if you want to have as many of these plants in your house as possible, then use them as cuttings.
Speaking about how to provide care for Kalanchoe Mini Mix at home, one cannot fail to mention the transplant. This type of plant is transplanted quite rarely. This is only necessary if the flower grows strongly and no longer fits in a pot. The bottom of the new pot must be laid out with expanded clay or broken bricks. This is a very good drainage that will remove all excess liquid from the container. For young specimens, it is recommended to use a special substrate, which should include: four parts of soddy land, two parts of hardwood, and one part of peat and sand. If you don't want to spend time preparing your homemade substrate, you can simply purchase succulent potting soil from a speci alty store. It is worth noting that epiphytic Kalanchoes love it when a small amount of humus is present in the substrate. All other species do not need it. The same applies to the organization of home care for Kalanchoe Kalandiva Mix and its other varieties.

Kalanchoe breeds quite simply. This can be done by rooting a leaf or stem. This procedure is quite simple. It is enough only at the beginning of summer to separate the shoot or leaf from the mother plant and immediately plant it in the prepared nutrient soil. If you decide to choose a leaf for propagation, then it should be covered with a jar after planting to create a greenhouse effect. It does not need to be watered often, but it is better to spray from time to time. Pretty quickly, the leaf should take root and grow.

Seed propagation
In addition to cuttings, when breeding Kalanchoe Mix, home care also provides for seed propagation. Sowing seeds is carried out towards the end of winter, and preferably in early spring. To do this, take deciduous soil. It is not necessary to deepen the seeds. It is enough just to scatter them on the surface of the substrate and lightly press down with your fingers. After that, it is not necessary to sprinkle with earth on top. After landing, the container must be covered with a transparent film or glass to create a greenhouse effect. Airing is required twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. You should also control the air temperature, which should not fall below sixteen degrees and not rise above twenty. Be sure to water regularly so that the soil does not dry out. Water for irrigation should be warm, settled. With the advent of the first sprouts, the glass can be safely removed. After three to four weeks, you can carry out the first pick. The container should be slightly larger. The second time the seedlings dive when three or four true leaves appear on them.
There must be a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot, and four parts of peat, two parts of soddy soil and one part of sand must be poured on top. When you see that your seedlings are already well rooted, you should pinch the top. This is necessary so that the branching is more magnificent. The next transplant should be carried out only after the entire pot is filled with roots. The new soil will need to be four parts compost, two parts manure, one part hardwood, and one part sand. The next year, Kalanchoe will please with its flowering.
Healing properties
If you were able to provide good care at home Kalanchoe Mix, then it will definitely become a great helper for you.
Kalanchoe is not only a beautiful, but also a very useful indoor plant. Kalanchoe juice is used in many areas of medicine. It is used to treat various gynecological diseases, as well as in dentistry. Juice perfectly heals various wounds, ulcers, eliminates the effects of frostbite, and is especially often used to treat serious burns. It can also be useful for tonsillitis and stomatitis. Kalanchoe can be safely called a home first aid kit, as it can help out in various situations in the absence of the necessary drugs.

Diseases and pests
As mentioned thoughKalanchoe normally tolerates a decrease in temperature, but still too small indicators can adversely affect the condition of the plant. If the flower is watered too abundantly, and even at low temperatures, then there is a risk that mold will appear on it. Also, the plant can get sick with powdery mildew. But this leads to abundant watering already at too high a temperature in the room.
Many people worry when the stem of Kalanchoe is too long or completely exposed. This is a completely natural process, which should not be afraid. Often such shoots are simply cut and used as cuttings for propagation.

Summary of conclusions
In the article, we examined the features of many varieties of plants, including Kalanchoe Blossfeld mix, home care, features of transplantation, reproduction, and much more. It is worth noting a few of the most important points:
- Kalanchoe needs a long daylight hours (at least 12 hours);
- loves high temperatures, but tolerates low temperatures as well;
- watering the flower too often is not recommended, as there is a risk of developing various diseases;
- this plant is widely applicable in various areas of medicine, so it is a must to have it in the house.
If you organize the right home care for Kalanchoe Mix, then it will certainly delight you with its flowering, and can also help in the treatment of various diseases.