Aerok aerated concrete: characteristics and instructions for use

Aerok aerated concrete: characteristics and instructions for use
Aerok aerated concrete: characteristics and instructions for use

Today, construction can be carried out not only from wood, stone and brick. The modern material market offers aerated concrete. Aerok is a famous manufacturer of such blocks. Consider what this company offers us for building a house.


In fact, aerated concrete has been around for 80 years. The material is widely used in the following fields:

  • construction of bearing and non-bearing walls;
  • production of reinforced floor slabs;
  • additional insulation.

Building material has proved its place in the market of competitors in that it is in great demand and affordable cost. Aerok aerated concrete has the following technical characteristics:

  1. High thermal insulation. It is comfortable to live in aerated concrete house in winter and summer.
  2. High fire safety.
  3. Different from all other materials for durability and economical cost.

It is worth talking about the quality that the company guarantees us forfor several years.

Aerok aerated concrete
Aerok aerated concrete

Production control

If you need to start construction for a small amount of money, then aerated concrete is ideal. Aerok is a famous company whose products meet the following characteristics:

  1. The main feature is the materials from which the blocks are made. This includes only inorganic components such as cement, limestone, sand, gypsum, water, aluminum powder.
  2. Aerated concrete from this manufacturer can be used for construction in any climatic conditions.
  3. It is easy and simple to process blocks during construction.
  4. The use of aerated concrete saves on the construction of foundations and wall insulation.
  5. Blocks are made in various sizes, colors and shapes.

The last one is worth talking about in more detail.

aerated concrete aerok price
aerated concrete aerok price


As you already understood, Aerok aerated concrete is considered an environmentally friendly and convenient material. The dimensions of each block correspond to the following indicators:

  • thickness from 75 to 400mm;
  • height from 200 to 250mm;
  • length 600 mm.

Aerated concrete blocks have several varieties:

  1. Classic. Blocks have a standard shape. Available with flat sides.
  2. "Elements" are suitable for the construction of partitions.
  3. EcoTherm has a tongue-and-groove connection at the end of each block.
  4. "U-block" suitable for the construction of hiddenconstruction elements. Blocks of this shape can be used to make permanent formwork.

Given all the technical characteristics, we can say that the material is not in vain so popular. Let's talk about how much such pleasure costs.

aerated concrete aerock dimensions
aerated concrete aerock dimensions

Value for money

We have analyzed the features that Aerok aerated concrete has. Price is considered an equally important criterion when choosing a material. The cost of blocks in each region of the country is not too different from each other. Estimated price starts from 3000 rubles per cubic meter. It should be borne in mind that the following factors affect the price:

  • construction season;
  • location of company representative offices;
  • type of purchased blocks;
  • quantity.

Now that you have decided what you will build your house or cottage from, let's talk about how to properly lay aerated concrete.

aerated concrete adhesive
aerated concrete adhesive

Strong foundation

When you have decided on your choice, it is worth clarifying how to do the styling correctly. This procedure does not use a conventional cement mortar. The company produces a special adhesive for aerated concrete "Aerok". What are its benefits:

  • when using this component, cold bridges are not formed;
  • increased water resistance;
  • resistant to severe frosts;
  • hardens only after two hours;
  • has good vapor permeability.

Use adhesive to build walls andpartitions from the cellular block. High adhesion allows you to build strong monolithic structures. It is recommended to work with such glue under the following conditions:

  • permissible air temperature is approximately 20-22 degrees above zero;
  • relative humidity approx. 55%.

If the construction takes place at low temperatures, then it is better to use a solution that will glue Aerok aerated concrete in winter. The instructions on the packaging have all the relevant information. It can be stored for a year in original packaging.

aerated concrete aerock instruction
aerated concrete aerock instruction

Glue composition

Many are interested in the components that are contained in a special solution. These include:

  • mixture of cement with special mineral additives;
  • organic and polymer modifiers.

It takes about 6 liters of water to dilute 25 kg of glue. One square meter of blocks accounts for about 1.5 kg of the mixture. If you purchased Aerok branded aerated concrete adhesive, the manufacturer guarantees that the product will meet all the specified technical specifications. All this is controlled by a special governing body that issues conclusions.

In conclusion

Today we told you about a well-known manufacturer of building materials. Its aerated concrete and unique mixtures save not only your money, but also time for construction. With a reliable manufacturer, you will get a quality home that is able to withstand all natural disasters, as well as mechanical damage. ATin such a building you are guaranteed to live for decades in warmth and comfort. Do not forget that Aerok aerated concrete is considered an environmentally friendly material, this is now relevant for everyone. The construction is virtually waste-free and the blocks are easy to process and resize.
