Dirty apartment: how to clean up, where to start

Dirty apartment: how to clean up, where to start
Dirty apartment: how to clean up, where to start

In life, every person happens to find himself in the middle of a very neglected home. We will not go into details of how you got such a living space. It can be after a major overhaul or as an inheritance after a grandmother, or they bought a house in such a state - it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that cleaning a very dirty apartment is up to you. In order for the cleaning process to go without tantrums and unnecessary expenses, you must adhere to a few points.

Where to start?

First you need to sit down and make a shopping list of the necessary things for the upcoming "fight". You will need:

  • a lot of rags: several pieces for washing the floor (depending on pollution), several for washing windows, for wiping dust and equipment;
  • several sponges - for cleaning stoves, bathtubs, sinks;
  • detergents for all kinds of surfaces that you have in your dirty apartment;
  • a large number of garbage bags of different sizes;
  • rubber gloves (preferably several pairs - no one knows what their strength is and what can happen);
  • buckets, basins and a mop toorequired in your case.

If you are determined to handle the cleaning yourself, without resorting to the help of a cleaning company, then turn on the music and get started! Very dirty apartments are easily rented out under the onslaught of diligent housewives.

mess in the room
mess in the room

Start with garbage collection

Your goal now is to collect and throw away everything that you will never need for anything, everything that looks like garbage. It is advisable to immediately take out garbage bags from the apartment so that they do not clutter up the territory, so that your dirty apartment immediately begins to change. In the course of garbage collection, it is advisable to collect things for washing: all kinds of bedspreads, curtains, tablecloths, towels, dirty clothes - everything that does not have to be thrown away if washed. We put the laundry on and move on.

Next step living rooms

Cleaning is better to start from the farthest room, gradually moving towards the exit. So, we choose a room and start: if you have already removed all the curtains and bedspreads, then we take a bucket of water and climb onto the window. We wash glass, frames and slopes, thoroughly clean the window sill and radiator. We wipe the dust from all surfaces, if necessary, clean the furniture.

After that, we move on to the carpet: if possible, it is better to take it outside and beat it well. If this is not possible, then you will have to do with a vacuum cleaner. We carefully vacuum the carpet and the entire floor around, do not forget about hard-to-reach corners and the ceiling. After that, we turn it up and start washing the floor.

Push back what furniture you can, don't forget about the baseboards, more oftenchange the water. As soon as the floor is washed, we put the furniture in place, spread the carpet, hang the curtains (if there are removable ones), close the door washed clean and move on.

Look around, your dirty apartment is not so dirty anymore. The rest of the living rooms are cleaned according to the same algorithm.

cluttered apartment
cluttered apartment

Done with the rooms? Let's go to the kitchen

The beginning of cleaning in the kitchen is exactly the same as in the previous rooms: remove the curtains, wash the window and the radiator under it.

Next we move along all the working surfaces. We put everything that is on the surface into cabinets and shelves - the freer the surface, the more presentable the view of the kitchen.

We wash all dirty dishes and hide them in specially designated places. Let's clarify right away that it is possible to arrange things in cabinets only if they are already clean inside.

Next we move to the stove - we wash it both outside and inside, pay special attention to the oven.

Next in line is the refrigerator: we take everything out of it, throwing out everything that emits an unpleasant smell along the way, carefully wash all the shelves and the door inside, wipe it dry and put only the fresh back, wipe it outside and start washing the floor.

The floor is sparkling clean, cleaning a dirty apartment no longer seems like an insurmountable horror, close the door and move towards the exit.

cleaning products
cleaning products

Next in line is the bathroom

We pull the gloves higher and start cleaning the enamel and ceramics. Without chlorine-containing products here, rathereverything is indispensable, so you may need a respirator or at least some kind of bandage on your face. With a brush, sponges and brushes, three all available surfaces, from the dirtiest to the walls. Do not forget to change the water and rinse the cloths well in order to avoid dirty stains. We wash the floor and, pouring clean water, move on. Do you see how a dirty apartment is being transformed?

At the finish line - corridor

In the corridor we vacuum and wipe, wash everything that is washed, we reach the front door, wash it from both sides, and you can shout "Hurray"! You have just cleaned your very dirty apartment! It remains only to deal with the laundry, hang the curtains, put the bedspreads in their places and enjoy the cleanliness.

before cleaning and after
before cleaning and after

And finally

I would like to reveal a few secrets that make it easier to deal with a dirty apartment. Cleaning does not have to be carried out in splendid isolation, but always to your favorite music, in comfortable clothes, with a decisive attitude and faith in victory. Good luck fighting mud!
