Today, various insects can be found in living quarters, which can bring discomfort to their owners. Bedbugs in the house is a rather serious problem that causes a lot of inconvenience. At the same time, these pests, unlike cockroaches, can appear even in clean rooms. The main food for bedbugs is human blood, which they are able to catch at fairly large distances. In addition, these insects often become carriers of various dangerous diseases. Therefore, after detection, the fight against them should begin immediately. To do this, use the remedy for bedbugs "Foresight", reviews of which indicate its effectiveness.
Signs of Bedbugs

If you have never encountered this parasite before, then detecting their presence in the house can be very problematic. Their bites are similar to those from mosquitoes, which is why at first you may not even be aware of the appearance of new neighbors.
The main signs of the appearance of bedbugs in the apartmentare:
- insect shells that they shed as they grow;
- bites on the body, accompanied by severe itching;
- the appearance of foreign odors in the home.
If you find any of the above signs, you should immediately inspect the bed for the presence of bedbugs. As a rule, insects live in whole colonies, so it will not be difficult to detect them. One of the most common chemicals for pest control is "Forsyth" from bedbugs, which customer reviews in most cases are only positive.
Where do bedbugs come from?
Having found bedbugs in their home, many are perplexed as to where they could come from. After all, it seems that cleaning in the premises is carried out regularly, there is no dirt anywhere.
The main ways pests enter the apartment are:
- From neighbors. In communal apartments, it is not difficult for insects to move from one apartment to another.
- Together with luggage or on clothing. If you have been in a room where there are bedbugs for a certain period of time, then you can immediately go buy the Forsyth drug from bedbugs, reviews of which confirm its effectiveness, since most likely the bedbugs will also start in your home.
- Together with the guests. If friends or acquaintances came to you, in whose apartments there are bugs, then insects can get into your home.
- In some cases, bedbugs may appear after repairs or purchases of new interior items.
To avoid suchtrouble, when buying furniture and building materials, you must carefully inspect everything for the presence of these harmful insects.
General information about "Foresight"

One of the most effective means for controlling insects is "Forsyth" from bedbugs, reviews of which are only positive in consumers. It appeared on the market not so long ago. The active ingredient is 20% permethrin. If the manufacturer's recommendations for use are followed, this chemical will not pose any danger to humans.
The drug works only with direct contact, so it is necessary to process in the habitats of all bedbug colonies. Getting on the shell of an insect, the agent penetrates under it and paralyzes the parasite, gradually killing it. The advantage of "Foresight" is that it creates a protective shell that prevents the reappearance of insects for six months.
Is the drug dangerous for humans?
Absolutely safe for humans drug from bedbugs "Foresight". Reviews and composition confirm this, however, if the rules for working with it, as well as basic precautions, are not followed, it can cause chemical burns of the mucous membranes and irritation on the skin.
To avoid unwanted consequences, it is recommended:
- work with the product only with protective gloves so that it does not get on open skin;
- use protective goggles during work, andif the drug gets into the eyes, rinse them with plenty of water;
- do not let the chemical enter the esophagus as it can cause severe poisoning;
- use a respirator as Forsythe fumes can cause fainting or poisoning.
It is also recommended to observe the storage conditions of the substance so that it does not deteriorate.
Chemical composition

The drug "Foresight" from bedbugs, the reviews and instructions of which must be studied, is highly effective due to its chemical composition. The product is made on the basis of 25% fenthion. Additional components are antioxidants, stabilizers, fragrance and solvent. The chemical has a golden color and a pungent odor that evaporates very quickly and does not cause inconvenience to the inhabitants of the apartment.
Features of working with the tool
Reviews on the action of "Foresight" from bedbugs confirm its effectiveness. However, if you want to permanently rid you of pests, it is very important to follow certain rules when working with it. The following will be detailed instructions on how to properly deal with insects.
Preparatory stage
If bedbugs are bred in furniture, then before starting its processing, you should move the interior items away from the walls. This will allow you to process them completely, gaining access to all hard-to-reach places. If it is possible to dismantle the furniture, then do it.
WhenPest control in the kitchen should remove all food and personal hygiene items so that the drug does not get on them. All things are recommended to be inspected for the presence of bedbug eggs. If this is not done, then after the parasites hatch, they will be able to continue to multiply.
If you use the Forsyth bedbug remedy to treat the apartment, reviews of which confirm its effectiveness, then it is best to take the children to relatives for the disinfection period so that they do not inadvertently drink or inhale the drug.
Preparing the solution

Reviews and instructions for use of "Forsyth" from bedbugs indicate that the drug is sold in ampoules. Before treating the premises from insects, the product is diluted in one liter of water, which is best preheated a little. Approximately 3 liters of prepared solution is needed to process one average statistical room.
Processing the premises
If bedbugs have started in your house, then it is necessary to process not only the bed and furniture, but also the baseboards, as well as any cracks into which insects can climb. It will not be superfluous to also clean the floor, walls and ceiling. Any surfaces should be washed very carefully, as pests are killed only by personal contact with the chemical.
After processing, you need to wait about 6 hours, and then check the room. "Foresight" from bedbugs, consumer reviews of which are mostly positive, practically does not leave an unpleasant odor. Therefore, you do not have to leave the apartment for a long time so as not to breathe in the stench.
There are cases when, after disinfection of an apartment, parasites reappear. This happens due to the fact that not all hard-to-reach places where the insects could survive were processed. In this case, it is necessary to re-disinfect the house.
What to do after home disinfection?

Positive feedback about Forsyth from bedbugs claims that this drug is completely safe for humans, so it can be safely used in residential areas to combat harmful insects.
To eliminate the possibility of poisoning and minimize the negative impact of the chemicals that make up the drug, after processing the apartment, you must adhere to the following recommendations:
- Leave the treated room for 12 hours for the drug to completely disappear.
- After 12 hours, be sure to wash the floors again and wipe all the furniture. This is especially true when small children or pets live in the house.
- In hard-to-reach places, such as baseboards and behind furniture, it is better not to rinse the product to increase the duration of protection and prevent the re-emergence of bedbugs.
- It is recommended to repeat disinfection with "Foresight" after a week.
Following these simple tips and tricks, you can forever forget about the harmful insects that live in your apartment.
"Foresight":advantages and disadvantages

Among the main advantages of this product is the almost complete absence of smell, which also disappears very quickly. This makes Forsythe an ideal household disinfectant. The advantages include safety for human he alth. The drug does not have any negative effect on people and pets.
The disadvantages of "Foresight" from bedbugs in the reviews are also described in detail. This tool should be used very carefully, avoiding contact with the skin, eyes and mouth. Despite the high effectiveness of the drug, you need to carefully treat every corner to kill all pests. Particular attention should be paid to finding nests, as the substance does not kill the larvae.
Drug cost
This drug belongs to the category of professional products, so buying it is quite problematic. It is almost impossible to find the chemical in stores, but you can try to purchase Forsyth at sanitation stations. In addition, you can buy the product in many online stores specializing in the sale of these products. As for the cost, one Forsyth ampoule with a capacity of 500 milliliters will cost an average of one and a half thousand rubles.
Customer reviews of the drug
Reviews of "Forsyth" from bedbugs note that it is one of the most effective chemicals designed to combatharmful insects. The drug helps to get rid of not only bedbugs, but also flies, cockroaches and many other pests that interfere with normal living in the apartment.
According to consumers, one treatment of residential premises is enough to forget about insects for six months. Unlike many other types of products designed to fight bedbugs, "Foresight" really justifies advertising slogans by 100%.
In conclusion

Any pests in the house cause a lot of problems for its inhabitants, so it is recommended that you start fighting them as soon as possible. This is especially true for bedbugs. These insects feed on human blood and can become carriers of various diseases. If pests are not eradicated in time, they can create many colonies, in which case it will be much more difficult to deal with them.
Using the "Foresight" tool, you can not only quickly get rid of bedbugs, but also forget about them for a long time. At the same time, it is not recommended to buy cheaper products, since most of them do not have the desired effect. Carry out regular wet cleaning in your apartment (or house), and then the likelihood of insects will be minimal.