The appearance of bedbugs in the apartment is not immediately noticeable compared to flies or cockroaches. Therefore, parasites spread very quickly and sometimes their reproduction is massive. You can suspect their presence by bites at night, characteristic marks on the skin and the subtle smell of the missing cognac. Before poisoning bedbugs, it's a good idea to find out the reasons for their appearance and consider the most effective methods of destruction.

Insect Appearance
The bug has a rather flat body designed for camouflage. The structure of its structure will not allow you to easily swat an insect, unlike a fly or a cockroach. However, when the parasite gets drunk on blood, its usual brown hue begins to give off a red tint. At the same time, the body swells, and at this time the bug becomes the most vulnerable. But insects are cautious, so it is problematic to detect them during daylight hours.
For food onthe head of each individual is a small proboscis. With its help, the bug pierces the human skin at the location of the capillary and is thus saturated. To fully satisfy the parasite, at least five punctures will be required. After this procedure, the insect tries to hide in an inconspicuous place.
Bug larvae are almost invisible to the human eye. An adult reaches a size of 4-8 mm.

Where does the attack come from
Before you poison bedbugs, you should understand where they came from. If the conditions for reproduction are favorable, then in a short period of time a whole colony will breed. That is why the fight against parasites becomes more complicated, because when a person discovers them, a lot of time has passed.
Probable causes of bed bugs in the apartment:
- From unscrupulous neighbors. If there are often no people in such an apartment, then in search of food, insects begin to move around using ventilation ducts.
- From a budget hotel. With things in a suitcase from the hotel, you can bring one sexually mature individual, which will become a breeding source for the colony.
- Things from a second-hand or from hands. Sometimes people bring bedbugs on things that they have purchased from their hands. In this situation, it is recommended to shake them well on the street, and immediately wash them at home at the hottest possible temperature. Ironing will enhance the effect.
- Together with used furniture. It is not recommended to purchase furniture from hands. Larvae can be found in upholstered furniture. If you have purchased a table, chair or cabinetfurniture, it must be treated with insecticidal agents before being brought into the house.

Effects of bites
At first, a person does not feel bites or perceives them as an allergic reaction. But gradually the colony spreads, bites become more and more massive. A characteristic chain of punctures appears on the sleeping person's body. Children suffer the most. Itching appears, the skin flakes and turns red. In addition to urgently taken measures to destroy insects, it is necessary to treat the consequences of their bites.
It is believed that they do not pose a direct threat to he alth. But there are cases when parasites became carriers of potentially dangerous infections. Often their punctures cause a local reaction, the skin becomes inflamed and blisters may appear.
Bites should be treated with vinegar or soda solution. Means help relieve itching and have a disinfectant effect. Of the folk methods, ice applied to a fresh bite site and subsequent processing with parsley juice helps well.
The famous "Asterisk" ointment has proven itself well. At the same time, it not only relieves itching well, but also has a barrier effect against possible infection with viral diseases.

Control measures
Suspecting the presence of insects in the house, it is necessary to check the bedding, all secluded places. If it was possible to detect an adult, larvae, their waste products or chitinous shells, then urgent action must be taken. Eat bed bugs on your ownin the following ways:
- Using industrial insecticides.
- Freezing or steaming.
- Folk methods.
It is worth noting that all the methods that come from the people are not effective. But they can be successfully used in combination with others, as a preventive measure and to maintain the desired effect.

Thinking about how to poison bedbugs at home, you can use the developments of scientists in the field of insecticides. Many drugs are quite effective and do not harm a person if the instructions are followed.
You can purchase the most optimal, in each case, form of release - aerosol, powder, solution. All drugs act on the nerve impulses of insects and completely destroy a large accumulation of parasites. Moreover, their impact is aimed at both adults and larvae.
Liquid against bedbugs "Executioner"
To poison bedbugs on their own will help a liquid with the characteristic name "Executioner". The drug is supplied in small bottles, implying the dilution of the product with water. It is convenient to process upholstered furniture, textiles in the house, clothes and books with the resulting concentrate. With a brush or sprayer, the liquid can be applied to hard-to-reach places. It is recommended to pay attention to skirting boards, wooden furniture frames and air vents. Among all insecticides, it is the safest for humans and households.animals. The properties are based on the paralyzing effect of fenthion and blocking the transmission of nerve impulses in blood-sucking insects.
Suspension GET
A novelty that is rapidly gaining popularity. If the question arose of how to poison bedbugs, then this suspension can be recommended. It is a small capsule that must be diluted with water, clearly according to the proposed instructions. Next, all the alleged habitats of parasites, their ways of movement are treated with a solution.
It is noteworthy that the product sticks well to the legs of the bug. Even if only one individual passes over the treated surface, it will infect all relatives from the nest. Moreover, the duration of the drug reaches 12 months. It is also important that "Get" is completely devoid of any odor and is considered safe when precautions are taken. The main active ingredient is chronopyrifos, which can be used in child care facilities.
Aerosol "Raid"
Quite a popular remedy, which in its composition has several active ingredients at once: cypermethrin, imiprothrin and pralletrin. Therefore, the spectrum of action of the drug is very wide, but it helps in case of a small accumulation of bedbugs. "Reid" is available in the form of an aerosol, which is sprayed in places of possible accumulation of insects. It is important that the effect does not occur immediately, because the components have a prolonged effect. The final goal can be reached after two weeks of waiting.
Among the shortcomings is the inability to get rid of a large number of bedbugsand a strong, unpleasant odor. The use of an aerosol involves leaving the apartment after treatment and subsequent airing.
Powder "Riapan"
The tool is convenient if you can temporarily move out of the room. The powder is scattered along the baseboards, on the edges of cabinet furniture and other horizontal surfaces. Particular attention should be paid to window sills, window frames, doorways and fallen off wallpaper. However, it has several disadvantages. Judging by the reviews, it often causes allergic reactions, nausea and headache. These symptoms are associated with the active ingredient - permethrin, which has volatile properties. The powder sticks well to the paws of the bug, so infection of all individuals occurs fairly quickly.
How to poison bedbugs in an apartment on your own? Effective drugs are discussed above. Their use requires special training and precautions. To prevent unpleasant consequences, it is better to temporarily resettle children, the elderly and pets from home.

Before you poison bed bugs, it is useful to know that insects are afraid of bright light and low temperatures. However, for their complete destruction, a frost of at least 20 degrees is required. Otherwise, the bugs will simply hibernate.
Very often, freezing was used earlier in villages, when insecticides were not even heard of. But even today, the method will allow you to get rid of parasites without harming human he alth.
To do this, it is necessary to take out the entirefurniture and textiles. The room is also left open for 3 days. However, the method has disadvantages. Cannot be used in apartments with central heating and needs to find a place to stay temporarily.
Using the steam cleaner
Considering how to poison bedbugs in an apartment on your own, you need to adopt the method of special disinfecting services. To do this, you need to purchase a device that is capable of releasing hot steam under pressure. There are many different models on the market. If the steam temperature is at least 80 degrees, then the larvae and adults die in a few seconds.
How to poison bed bugs with a steam cleaner:
- Processing is carried out in the most likely habitats of bedbugs - a bed, linen and upholstered furniture.
- It is necessary to pay attention to cabinet furniture, window sills, skirting boards.
- Carpets and textiles are further processed.
- It is necessary to steam all the cracks in the floor.
- Internal surfaces are processed in cabinets.
Will need to be re-steamed to effectively kill bed bugs. The heat treatment agent is quite effective. And, importantly, it is safe for humans.
How to poison bedbugs in an apartment: funds from the people
Such methods are suitable in case of a single appearance of an insect, as an addition to the main methods and for prevention. To do this, use the following steps:
- Using vinegar. Processing of aceticessence will not help in removing parasites, but will scare them away from the home. Used to process ventilation vents, door and window slots. In this case, it is likely that bedbugs from unscrupulous neighbors will run in the other direction.
- Turpentine. A rather caustic liquid that successfully fights bedbugs. Can be used in conjunction with a steam cleaner to treat baseboards, window sills and furniture that is afraid of hot steam.
- Smelling herbs. How to effectively poison bedbugs, our grandmothers knew. To do this, they hung herbs throughout the house, which repelled insects with their smell. Now this method cannot be called the main one, but it can be successfully used as a preventive measure.
To prevent the spread of bedbugs in the apartment, you can use:
- wormwood;
- valerian;
- chamomile;
- tansy.
And both natural plants and their tinctures are suitable. Especially effective is tea tree oil, which can be used to treat the wooden frame of the bed. In such a sleeping place, bed bugs, with a high degree of probability, will not start.
Main habitats
How to poison bedbugs in an apartment depends on their main habitat. If insects have settled in a mattress, upholstery of upholstered furniture, then thermal methods are suitable. The best way out, besides completely safe, is steam treatment. In case of suitable weather, you can take out some of the things in the cold.
When fighting bloodsuckers, you must remember that during daylight hours they hide in secluded places. Their favorite hiding places are:
- crevices behind baseboards;
- inside mattress;
- in the folds and seams of the upholstery of upholstered furniture;
- in the case of household appliances;
- in outlets;
- in books;
- under fallen off pieces of wallpaper;
- in the crevices of window frames;
- under carpets;
- wearing rarely used clothes;
- in the vents.
All such places must be treated with the selected agent in order to completely get rid of the problem.
How to understand that a bug has wound up at home
Often the appearance of blood-sucking insects is noticed when their population has already grown in sufficient volume. Therefore, how to poison bedbugs is not the main issue. The time of their detection is also important, when it is much easier to get rid of them. Take immediate action if:
- bite marks of unknown origin appeared on the body;
- the smell of sour berries, spoiled cognac or almonds is constantly felt;
- chitin shells and insect waste products are found.
If a nest is found after checking the room, it should be destroyed. Wrap in a plastic bag and throw in the trash.
Trust the professionals
If there is no strength and desire to poison bedbugs on your own, calling specialists to the house will be the best solution. The disinfection service uses strong agents, so you may have to leave the premises for a while. However, such measures are taken in case of largethe scale of the problem. Thermal treatments may also be offered in conjunction with insecticides. In any case, it is better to trust the professionals so as not to deal with the remnants of surviving insects later.

Bed bugs are pretty hardy. They have learned to adapt to many of the drugs that they successfully used a dozen years ago. However, scientists in the field of chemistry are constantly improving the formula of insecticides, so industrial preparations are among the most effective. However, if the problem is quite serious, affecting more than one apartment in the house, then you need to call a special service.