In apartments different insects can start. One of them are fleas that feed on the blood of humans and animals. When bitten, dangerous infections can enter the bloodstream. Pests multiply quickly, so it is important to start fighting them in a timely manner. How to get rid of fleas in an apartment is described in the article.
Features and types of insects
For a successful fight against fleas in the apartment, you should make sure that they are the ones that have wound up. These pests have their own characteristics:
- The body has a length of 1-5 mm. On the sides, it is slightly flattened, covered with bristles, spikes that help to fix on the surface.
- Color varies from yellowish to dark brown.
- A flea can jump far (500 times its own size) because it has extra legs on the back.

On the body of people or animals, these pests are not constantly present, they can only feed. They can be easily scared off, they do not bite constantly. But eliminating fleas in an apartment is not so easy,as processing is required in almost all corners of the room. For lice, only the painful area needs to be treated.
The life cycle of these pests is 2 years. During this period, the female lays up to 500 eggs. After 2 weeks, they become full-fledged fleas. The larvae thrive in warm, damp areas with plenty of food. There are many types of fleas, but only 30 can live on the human body.
Usually, the following insects may appear in apartments:
- Basement or earth.
- Sandy.
- Bedding.
- Feline.
- Dogs.
- Rats.
Before you get rid of insects yourself, you should identify areas that require careful treatment. Pests usually settle no higher than 1.5 m from the floor. They can be found in crevices, on baseboards, sinks, on soft toys, as well as on beds, sofas, carpets.
Reasons for appearance
Where are the fleas in the apartment and how to get rid of them? This is what interests many residents of apartments and private houses. Insects appear:
- From pets.
- From public corridors, basements, porches.
- From transport.
- From neighbors.
After entering the apartment, insects choose secluded places. But still, if they are wound up, it will be immediately noticeable. The owners need to take measures to eliminate them, as they are dangerous to people.

What is the danger?
The bite of pests is unpleasant andpainful. The skin becomes irritated and itchy. When the bites are numerous, then an allergy occurs. When combing painful areas, infection and the appearance of abscesses on the skin are possible.
Parasites spread infectious diseases:
- Plague.
- Encephalitis.
- Hepatitis.
- Brucellosis.
One flea can bring over 200 infections. Therefore, it is important to take measures to remove insects from the premises as soon as possible.
Rules and methods
How to get rid of fleas in the apartment on your own? Eliminating them yourself is not so easy. You need to act as follows:
- Establish ways for insects to enter the room. Often they are brought by animals from the street. Sometimes parasites come running from the basement.
- Cure for fleas of pets, protect them from parasites at all times while fighting them indoors.
- Perform a thorough treatment of the apartment with insecticides and other means, it all depends on the degree of infection.
The main condition of the fight is thoroughness. Otherwise, pests will reappear after a while.

What do you need?
How to remove fleas from the apartment? A vacuum cleaner can be used for this. They need to treat fleecy surfaces, the floor, the sofa, all areas where insects can live. After that, the vacuum cleaner needs to be cleaned and processed so that parasites do not accumulate in it. For cleaning use:
- Bucket.
- Rags.
- Rubber gloves.
- Protective mask.
- Disinfectant.
What kind of flea remedies are needed in the apartment? Sprays, aerosols, solution concentrates, powders are used to poison parasites. To eliminate pests on pet hair, special shampoos, collars, drops are used. When buying a chemical agent, you need to pay attention to the main component. It should be safe and not cause side effects.
Sprays and aerosols
Before using these flea products in the apartment, it is necessary to free the room from people and animals. All surfaces should be treated - skirting boards, clothes, furniture. During the procedure, windows and doors must be closed. Airing is often required after a few.

The advantage of these funds lies in the excellent efficiency and speed of action. But if you do not follow the safety rules, then slight intoxication, irritation of the respiratory system is possible. Effective remedies include the following:
- Frontline.
- Hartz.
- Gett.
- Raptor.
- "Raid".
These are just some of the remedies. There are many more in specialized stores. Before using any spray and aerosol, read the instructions.
This is another answer to the question: "How to get fleas out of the apartment?". Concentrates must be diluted with water according to the instructions and sprayed throughout the premises with a spray bottle. Means are effective:
- Cifox. It contains50 ml. With a diluted agent, it will be possible to process approximately 100 m2.
- Tetrix. It is necessary to dilute 30 ml of the product with water (1 liter). The solution is used for rubbing or spraying on the surface.
- "Executioner". One bottle is enough for 0.5 liters of water.
- Medilis. Emulsion 25% with pyrethroid cypermethrin. For 1 m2 50 ml of an aqueous solution is required.
- Butox. In water (10 l) it is necessary to dilute 30 ml of the product. This will be enough to process 100 m2.
Folk remedies
Processing an apartment from fleas can be done with improvised means. They are safe for people and animals. The most popular include the following:
- In equal quantities, mix soda and s alt. The components are diluted with water and left for 10 hours. Then you can start spraying the surface. Vacuum after 8-10 hours.
- Eliminate fleas in the apartment will help remedy from wormwood, tansy (2 tsp each), eucalyptus (4 tsp). Everything is poured with boiling water (1 glass). After insisting for 10 hours, you can spray with a spray bottle around the apartment. It is not necessary to use a solution, herbs can be placed in linen bags, placed around the room. You can scare away pests with garlic spread around the apartment.
- It is necessary to wash the room with a tincture of wormwood, to which anise oil and pine needles are added.
- To get rid of fleas in the apartment will help a product based on water (0.5 l) and ammonia (a few drops). They need to clean the floors.
- You should prepare a decoction of tansy and celandine. I'm runningspraying the apartment.

Means for fleas in animals
To prevent these pests from appearing in pets, you can use the following tools:
- Collars (Hartz) provide protection for 3 months. They must be worn during the walk.
- Shampoos (Rolf Club) should be applied to the body of the animal, but avoid contact with eyes, nose, ears. After a while, everything is washed off with water.
- Drops ("Bars", "Rolf") should be rubbed into the neck, on the withers.
- Combs, combs are effective for small flea infestations.
Nuances of room processing
How to remove fleas from the apartment effectively? Before the treatment procedure, it is necessary to perform a wet cleaning. Food should also be sealed. You need to wash things, bedding, soft toys. Pillows, blankets should be taken outside, leaving in the sun.

A steam generator can be used for the procedure. Upholstered furniture and carpets should be vacuumed. Surfaces and secluded places should be treated with an insecticide. After processing is completed, close windows and doors, and leave the premises for several hours.
After arrival, it is necessary to ventilate the apartment, wipe the surfaces. Cleaning should be done a few days after treatment. The cycle repeats after 4-6 days. During this period, flea larvae mature and should be destroyed a second time. It only takes 2-3 cycles to completely eliminatepests.
It is advisable to prevent the appearance of insects in the apartment, as this is much easier than eliminating them. To do this, you need to follow some tips:
- It is important to control the cleanliness of the room, ventilate it often.
- It is useful to keep strong-smelling plants that repel pests. These include wormwood, tansy, geranium.
- Pets should wear special collars, especially when walking outside.
- Animals should be checked for pests in their fur.
- Wet cleaning must be done with disinfectants.
- Carpets and upholstered furniture should be vacuumed regularly.
- You should wash your clothes and keep them dry only.

Fleas can appear even in a very well-groomed apartment. It is only important to take immediate action to eliminate them. Better yet, take preventive measures.