When choosing a floor covering, it is necessary to take into account many nuances. The ideal floor should be durable, not afraid of scratches, easy and good to wash. Which material best meets these requirements?
Ceramic floor tiles

Perhaps this is the most reliable and popular coverage. The material is very durable - if the laying is correct, its strength exceeds the capabilities of cement by 10-20 times. Ceramic floor tile has a high level of rigidity, so it does not deform or bend. The thicker the sample, the higher this figure. It should be noted the fire resistance and fire resistance of this material. It does not change color or appearance. Perhaps this is the most hygienic material. Today, ceramic floor tiles are the most popular, the dimensions of which are fifteen by forty-five centimeters or fifteen by sixty centimeters. Laying such a tile is not a very difficult process, and the result is excellent.
What determines the choice of floor tiles?
Despite the fact that this is an almost universal material, when choosing it, you should take into account the place,where it will be used. For example, in a bathroom, ceramic floor tiles should be resistant to the action of active detergents, rough so that it cannot be slipped on. As for the floor in the kitchen, it is important that it is easy to clean and not afraid of scratches. In this case, you will need high-strength tiles, at least the third class. It must be chemical resistant.
Some styling tips
The aesthetic variety of this material is almost limitless. Today, every company involved in its production, releasing a new collection, must include floor tiles in it. This greatly facilitates the choice of the buyer. The colors of the walls and ceiling should match well, but not completely match. Light and desaturated tones will make the space more airy and open. Ceramic floor tiles, laid diagonally, will visually enlarge the room. Saturated tones emphasize the purity of the background. Silver, sky blue, peach, cream colors will fill the room with light. The size of the material depends on the size of your room. If it is not too large, then ceramic floor tiles 30/30 centimeters will suit you best.

Should I tile myself?
We would not advise you to do this job. It is better to entrust it to professionals. Naturally, you can and should take part in the discussion and development of the cladding. Moreover, you must control the execution of work. qualitythe laying must be perfectly flat, without wrinkling, without depressions and bulges, tears and ledges.
Cover Care
In addition to their excellent technical characteristics, floor tiles are also good because they are very easy to clean. In addition, it retains its properties and appearance for many years. Ceramic floor tiles are easy to clean with warm water and a mild detergent.