Polyethylene pipes: specifications and description

Polyethylene pipes: specifications and description
Polyethylene pipes: specifications and description

Most recently, the use of plastic pipes for sewerage, plumbing or heating was considered a novelty, but today they are widely used. Polyethylene pipes, the technical characteristics of which differ greatly from metal pipes, sometimes serve their owners for more than 50 years. So what is their speci alty?

Polyethylene pipes technical specifications
Polyethylene pipes technical specifications

Overview of polyethylene pipes

The first and main advantage of such a pipe is its resistance to corrosion. It is thanks to her that they can withstand a fairly long period of time without repair. In addition, polyethylene pipes for water supply and sewerage are not subject to electrochemical corrosion. Their inner part is smooth, which allows to significantly increase the throughput. Even after many years of operation, polyethylene pipes for plumbing, heating or sewerage have a much better pass than metal ones, due to the fact that there are nodeposits remain. Shaped parts can be created not only from plastic, but also from metal. In addition, condensation cannot form on their surface. These advantages have made polyethylene pipes (their technical characteristics will be described below) so popular.

Polyethylene pipes for water supply
Polyethylene pipes for water supply

Characteristics of polyethylene pipes

If we consider polyethylene pipes (technical specifications) for sewer, plumbing or heating, then first you need to pay attention to the brand of material that is used in their composition, then we can talk about the resistance of the pipe to pressure from the inside and the diameter of the product. That is why, if you want to learn more about what polyethylene pipes are, to study their technical characteristics and features, you should first familiarize yourself with what brands of polyethylene are:

  1. PE 63 (currently not applicable).
  2. PE 80 - has good properties and can withstand a fairly large pressure of any liquids. This brand is used in the creation of pipes of small diameter, which are laid for water supply.
  3. PE 100 - used to create pipes with a large diameter, which are used in the construction of highways with cold water supply.

The diameter, which is also included in the characteristics of polyethylene pipes, can be completely different. The range is from 20 mm to 120 cm. Their length largely depends on what their diameter is. So, for example, a pipe diameter of 20 to 110 mm suggests that its length is notwill exceed 50 meters.

Polyethylene pipes technical characteristics sewer
Polyethylene pipes technical characteristics sewer

Advantages of large diameter polyethylene pipes

Recently, it is pipes with a large diameter that are in greatest demand. This can be explained by the fact that they are used for the construction of a pressurized water supply, drainage system, storm sewer or sewer. They have several important advantages over metal models:

  1. Production, installation and operation are cheaper than metal.
  2. If the water inside freezes, nothing bad will happen.
  3. The weight of the pipe is much lower, so transportation and installation is easier.
  4. Technical polyethylene pipe is safe and non-toxic.
  5. Don't worry about shipping as they are not dangerous goods.
  6. Shock and stretch resistant. Connections are more reliable and durable, which increases the life of the pipe.
Polyethylene water pipe technical characteristics
Polyethylene water pipe technical characteristics

Polyethylene sewer pipes

Thanks to polyethylene, sewerage has acquired a new look, and its quality has significantly improved. The fact is that polyethylene helps to improve the development of the system itself, and its construction is many times easier and faster. For example, you can use the so-called trenchless laying. Polyethylene pipes, the technical characteristics of which help them not to be affectedeven strong chemicals can be easily transported and assembled. Their connection is considered stronger and more reliable, which helps to protect against accidents.

Technical polyethylene pipe
Technical polyethylene pipe

Corrugated polyethylene pipes

This type of pipes for sewers and water pipes is made of a special two-layer polyethylene. As a rule, they use the PE 80 brand, which is most suitable for this model in terms of diameter. Pipes are resistant to chemicals. Due to the special ring stiffness, which is quite high, corrugated polyethylene pipes can be installed using a hidden method at a depth of one to twenty meters. There are corrugated pipes made of polyethylene and for the so-called external sewage drains.

Pressure pipes for sewerage and water supply

The grade of polyethylene 80 is the most durable of all known today. That is why it is used to create special polyethylene pipes that can withstand both high and low pressure. They can be used without problems even in a very aggressive environment, but the main area of \u200b\u200bapplication is still water supply. They are not suitable for sewers. The most popular diameter of such pipes today is from 2 to 6.3 cm.

Characteristics of polyethylene pipes
Characteristics of polyethylene pipes

Famous polyethylene pipe manufacturers

In construction stores today, from the huge variety and range of polyethylene pipes, the eyes are simplyscatter. If you do not know which pipes are best to purchase, you should first find out who makes these models.

The most popular company for the production of polyethylene pipes for sewers and water supply today is Rehau. It creates high-quality and sufficiently durable products that are suitable for water pipes and sewers of any complexity and length. In addition, the polyethylene water pipe, whose technical characteristics speak of its high quality, is easy to assemble, easy to transport and light in itself.

The company Wavin from the Netherlands produces polyethylene pipes for sewers. By choosing this company, you will forget for a long time what repair is. The main feature of Wavin polyethylene pipes is that they have high noise-insulating properties and withstand high temperatures (up to 90 degrees).

Russian manufacturers also do not lag behind foreign ones and produce pipes from high-quality polyethylene of the so-called low pressure. Such models are characterized by the lowest cost, therefore they are quite popular with builders and buyers.
