What should be a m alt crusher

What should be a m alt crusher
What should be a m alt crusher

Beer is a complex process, each stage of which uses certain types of equipment. At the very beginning of work, to obtain high-quality wort, it is better to use crushed grain products. Therefore, germinated barley must be prepared before mashing, and this requires a m alt grinder.

Types and description of equipment

Any grain in a crushed state is easier to process. The main task is to obtain a product that is as suitable for further use as possible. At this stage, special equipment is used, which is called a “crusher”. According to the mechanism of impact on raw materials, it can be of two types:

  1. Molotkovaya. Used to process wheat, corn, barley, peas and beans.
  2. Roller. Used for making feed (barley, oats) or brewing (m alt).

The subtleties of preparing a foamy drink provide for partial preservation of the integrity of individual elements of the grain. That is why the second type of equipment is most preferable for brewing production.

m alt crusher
m alt crusher

Besides, the roller mill for m alt in this case has quite definite advantages:

  • she makes a coarse grinding of the product (divides the grain into 2 or 4 parts);
  • makes it possible to adjust the gap between the working bodies (rollers);
  • more reliable and durable.

Depending on the amount of grain processed in one hour, the m alt grinder can be:

  • professional (over 100 kilograms);
  • manual (not more than 60 kilograms).

In large breweries, units are installed that can process up to 2 tons of raw materials in 1 hour. Considering the total production, the m alt crusher also happens to be:

  1. Simple (consists of two rollers with a smooth surface).
  2. Multi-roller (contains 2 or 4 working bodies).

For the correct conduct of the process, it is necessary to choose the best option, the most profitable under the given conditions.

For personal use

For home use, a manual m alt grinder is perfect. It is convenient, compact and quite effective for small production volumes. Typically, such devices provide for the presence of two or three adjustable rolls. By setting a self-defined distance between them, you can get the desired fraction of the product during crushing. The Comfort 500 hand mill is very popular with amateur brewers.

manual m alt crusher
manual m alt crusher

This is a unit in which the grinding of the productproduced with millstones. Externally, the device resembles a conventional meat grinder. It is also attached to the surface using a special platform and a clamping key, and is set in motion by turning the handle. The product is poured into the bowl and forced into the space between the millstones by the auger. Passing through them, the m alt is crushed to the desired state. Through the clamping mechanism, you can set the desired distance between the working bodies, while obtaining the finished product of a certain size.

Home building

What about those who do not have such a grinder? Using a meat grinder or an ordinary mortar, of course, is undesirable. But do not despair. It turns out that a do-it-yourself m alt grinder is very easy to do. For this you will need:

  • two rolls;
  • metal frame approximately 90x120 mm in size;
  • two gears;
  • stud or pipe as a shaft;
  • Slotted bed board;
  • two aluminum corners;
  • box;
  • bunker.

After all the parts are prepared, it remains only to perform a few simple steps:

  1. Put the rollers on the studs and install them inside the box.
  2. Use the corners to fix the resulting design on the board.
  3. Put the bunker on top.
  4. Hang the handle on the protruding part of the shaft.
  5. Pour m alt into the container, turn the handle to set the system in motion.
do-it-yourself m alt crusher
do-it-yourself m alt crusher

For crushing to bemore efficient, it is necessary that the rollers are not smooth, but corrugated. Additionally, several notches can be applied to their outer surface. The device is ready. Now you can start the main work.
