How a well is drilled

How a well is drilled
How a well is drilled

For drilling wells, the price varies depending on the soil and the depth of water and starts from 4 thousand rubles per meter. Of course, the work can be done independently, but this requires the appropriate knowledge and special tools. The location of the well should be perpendicular to the flow of groundwater. If the soil has a dense and dry structure, the process can be simplified by periodically adding 2-3 liters of water. As a rule, a spoon drill is used, but for dense and viscous rocks, a serpentine tool becomes the best option. It should be noted that the drilling of the well at the last stage is always done with a spoon drill, regardless of the unit used earlier.

well drilling
well drilling

What determines the cost

The main pricing factor is the depth of digging, which depends on the location of the aquifer. That is, the further it is located from the surface, the more expensive drilling is and the more materials are used. The complexity of the work is affected by the type of soilLocation on. Stony hard soil makes the task more difficult, while digging soft soil is much easier.

There are two methods for creating a well:

  • drilling a well with a machine;
  • hand digging.

The depth of the aquifer is the main determining factor in the choice of methodology.


The inner surface of the shaft is lined with various materials that prevent the walls from crumbling and the ingress of melt water. Most often, a wooden frame, brick, concrete rings and stone are used. Each material has its own characteristics and advantages. For example, brick cladding requires a lot of time and effort, while this method is quite dangerous. When using concrete rings, there is a possibility of leakage, but the work is carried out much faster. It is also worth noting that the rings in the upper part of the mine may begin to move over time, this is caused by changes in the soil in the upper layers and the influence of precipitation. As a result, stones and sand get into the water. In addition to the materials used for cladding, sealing and reinforcing agents are taken into account in determining the cost.

well drilling machine
well drilling machine

What is included in the process of creating a well

Drilling a well with a machine can include both the entire process of arranging a water source, and only digging a pit, it all depends on the financial capabilities and wishes of the customer.

The list of additional works contains the following items:

  • Pumping fluid. First comes dirty water mixed with soil. After pumping it out, you can immediately use the well.
  • Creating a blind area. It provides protection against surface water and strengthens the upper part of the mine.
  • Filter. Gravel and crushed stone are usually used as filter materials. The bottom of the well is covered with stones, while their layer should be at least 25 cm.
  • Plumbing device. Both manual and electrical mechanisms can be used to supply water.
  • Construction of a canopy. The construction of the structure is made from selected materials, while each person can carry out this stage of work.
  • Removal of soil. In some cases, there is no use for excavated earth on the site, so it becomes necessary to remove it.
well drilling price
well drilling price


Drilling a well for water, depending on the available soil, can be done by percussion or rotational method, each of which requires the use of different tips. The drill consists of the following elements:

  • Swivel - a tip used to control the tool and screwed onto the top of the rod.
  • Drill part with taper thread, put on the stem sleeve. Solid steel is used to make it.
  • The rod has a square shape and a thickness within 50 mm.
water well drilling
water well drilling

Drilling a well: features

Soil crumbling during work can clog the well. Forto prevent its collapsing, a casing pipe is put on the drill, the diameter of which significantly exceeds the size of the drill. The ends of the pipe are threaded for extension as the well deepens.

In order for the drill to move strictly vertically, a thick board with a cut hole is installed at the intended location of the well, in accordance with the size of the casing. In the process of building it, the hole gradually expands.

Drilling a well is carried out with various tools, selected according to the type of soil. Wet and dry sands require the use of a spoon and bailer. If the ground contains a large amount of pebbles and gravel, a chisel is added to the bailer.

For rocks with high and medium density, drilling of a well with a shock method is used. It is carried out on a rope or bar. The first option is optimal for creating a deep mine. Drilling and pumping machines have also gained sufficient distribution. The digging speed with their use is 2 m/h, while two people are required to carry out the work.
