The age-old housing problem has ruined the lives of many once happy families. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to purchase more spacious housing by organizing the required number of meters for each family member. And the times when apartments were given depending on the number of residents are long gone. And the prices for housing, especially in large cities, are growing and growing, forcing people to huddle in a space that is clearly insufficient for everyone. Although it has long been known that for a happy atmosphere in the family, each member must have a personal, albeit small, area. Young families buy one-room apartments on credit, and the question inevitably arises of how to organize them so that there is enough space for everyone. In today's article, we propose to consider options for redevelopment of a one-room apartment.
Major redevelopment: its advantages and disadvantages
Of course, at any opportunity to somehow expand, owning one apartment, many do just that. They try to sell it or exchange it for a fee. But what about those who do not have such an opportunity and inthe coming years is clearly not expected? Exactly! Look for solutions to difficult situations. The advantages of redevelopment of a one-room apartment include:
- division into zones (in other words, the allocation of personal space to each family member);
- possibility to create a separate room;
- possibility of partial transfer of the living space to the kitchen.
The disadvantages of this solution include the following points:
- mandatory compliance with all standards when dismantling wall partitions;
- the presence of two windows in the room so that each resulting room has natural light and can be ventilated;
- it is unacceptable to make load-bearing structures heavier by erecting walls from the same material.
Based on all the advantages and disadvantages, we can conclude that a major redevelopment of a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment is a rather problematic undertaking and not always possible. Therefore, a visual redevelopment can be an excellent alternative.
Visual redevelopment: its advantages and disadvantages
The easiest and most realistic way to create a two-room apartment from a one-room apartment is to break it into zones without resorting to drastic measures. In all respects, such a solution is simpler to implement and much cheaper financially. The advantages of visual redevelopment of a one-room apartment include:
- speed of execution;
- no need to coordinate redevelopment with higher authorities;
- the ability to remake evensmall room;
- the ability to change zoning depending on the situation and desire.
The disadvantages of visual redevelopment can only be attributed to the fact that even the most competent zoning cannot replace a full-fledged room with a separate entrance and window.

If the decision to redevelop a one-room apartment is made, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the options for arranging it. It is worth noting that despite the fact that zoning is possible in a room of almost any size, it makes sense to divide a tiny studio into zones, for example, with an area of 10-12 square meters, only with furniture. In such a small room, the heap of structures will only hide the already small footage. But usually we are still talking about the redevelopment of a one-room apartment in Khrushchev or a new house with a living room footage of 15 square meters, the division of which will not create too small and uncomfortable spaces.

There are several variations with which you can make zoning in a room:
- screen or partition;
- levels;
- plasterboard walls;
- furniture.
In order to understand which zoning method you like best, we suggest considering each option in more detail.
Using furniture
The simplest and most common zoning solution is furniture. Today, there are a lot of multifunctional pieces of furniture that help in solving the design of smallpremises. One of these can be called a high rack without a back wall. Its convenience lies in the fact that by installing it in the middle of the room, you can visually divide it into 2 parts. And besides, the rack itself will be used for storing things. And what is important - will not close the natural window light. This option is ideal for a family consisting of parents and children, there is a place for both.
If we are talking about zoning a bed from the living room, then you can install a long corner sofa. It will also serve as a kind of separator between the two residential areas. Also, to separate the space for guests and the bed, you can use the bar counter, it will act as a low partition. And besides, it may well replace the table.

Multilevel room
Also an interesting option is the creation of a second level in the room. However, this solution is only suitable for rooms with high ceilings. By dividing a room into 2 or more levels, you can get a good alternative to a two-room apartment. On the resulting podium, you can place it as a full-fledged living space, if the area allows, or simply transfer the bed to it and make a kind of door with the help of curtains. Often the podium is decorated with a different flooring than the rest of the room. The advantage of the level room is the fact that with a competent approach, the place under the podium can be used for the desired purposes. For example, if its height is sufficient, then a cabinet with sliding shelves can be placed under it. Or an entire pantry.

One of the most difficult to perform is zoning with a partition. However, this option is most capable of creating two from one room. One of the most popular types of partitions are translucent sliding doors installed in the middle of the room. Thus, sunlight will also penetrate to the area farthest from the window, and the residents of such a room will have the opportunity to have personal space. Compartment doors in this case, if necessary, can be opened. And then the room again turns into one. Also, the partition for the room can be made of wood in the form of openwork patterns or fixed vertical beams. Another option for a partition is plastic. It has the advantage of being cheap and being able to choose from a variety of designs.

Another great way to demarcate a large room is curtains. Perhaps this option is more common than screens and partitions, because. does not require large investments. The curtains themselves are matched to the color of the walls for the greatest compatibility with the surrounding interior and furniture. It is desirable that the curtains are of high quality and heavy, made of dense materials and do not let in sunlight as much as possible. Or made from bamboo. This solution will serve as an excellent separator for placing into two parts. And also if you want to separate the bed from the main room.

Gypsum walls
Secondaccording to the complexity of the installation are plasterboard walls. With their help, you can separate both a full-fledged room with a separate entrance, and make a low partition, or separate some part of the room from another. The advantages of drywall are that almost any form of partitions can be made from it. If this option suits you the most, you need to consider that it is desirable to make plasterboard walls soundproof by laying noise-reducing materials in them.
Major redevelopment of a one-room apartment of 30 sq.m
If we are talking about major redevelopment, then the only thing that can be done in such a small space is to remove the wall separating the room from the kitchen. And then, it may be possible to bring such a plan to life if the wall is not load-bearing. The resulting spacious room can be divided into zones by any of the methods proposed above. Consider an example with a photo of the redevelopment of a one-room apartment of 30 sq.m. It should be borne in mind that the kitchen space should still be separated from the living space. Because the smells of cooking that penetrate the sleeping area can be very disturbing to the owners over time.

Visual redevelopment
In the case when large-scale work is not required, redevelopment of a one-room apartment of 30 sq.m can be done using false walls and fantasy. Designers advise separating zones not only with furniture and partitions, but also using different colors in the design of the walls. For example, by dividing a room into a nursery and a parent's bedroom, you can wallthe first to decorate in bright colors, and the second - in pastel. This effect will help visually perceive the room as two different rooms. Another tip that professional designers give is to play with the light by running one main light source into each zone. This also creates the feeling of different rooms.
Designs of one-room apartments
Some people like the classic style, while others lean more towards the modern. There is no single advice for everyone and cannot be, we advise you to pay attention to the photos of redevelopment of one-room apartments - Khrushchev presented in the article. As for the choice of design in which you would like to decorate your apartment, it is important to listen to your desires and take into account the preferences of all family members. Consider different ideas. Perhaps some photo of the design of the redevelopment of a one-room apartment will seem very suitable to you.

Summing up, I would like to recall the famous saying: "Measure seven times, cut one." In today's article, we looked at how many ways there really are to divide a room without using "brute force".
Major redevelopment of a small apartment has limitations and requires project approval.