Quite often it is difficult to clean the frying pan from carbon deposits at home. However, most persistent pollution can still be de alt with using penny products that every housewife can find. The main thing here is to choose the method that is right for your pan. After all, what saves a cast-iron stewpan, a crepe maker with a non-stick coating, can hopelessly destroy. Today, there are several ways to clean stainless steel, cast iron, aluminum pans with and without non-stick coatings.
Using baking soda and vinegar

If you are thinking about the question of how to clean the frying pan from soot, you can resort to a universal method that involves the use of soda and vinegar. This approach is efficient and fast. It is suitable for removing most contaminants such as old grease, soot andsoot. The pan can even have a non-stick coating.
If you decide to clean the cast-iron frying pan from carbon deposits at home using this method, rubber gloves will not be needed, because you will not have to use aggressive chemicals. For work you will need:
- two tablespoons of baking soda;
- a glass of table vinegar;
- a glass of water.
Vinegar should be 9 percent. The volume of water may be greater if the utensil is deep and large. The pan must be put on the stove and pour a glass of water and vinegar into it. The solution is brought to a boil, at this stage the carbon deposits should be removed. The pan is removed from the heat, and then baking soda is poured into it. You will hear a characteristic hiss.
The dishes must be emptied and washed with water using a sponge. If after that you still have the question of how to clean the frying pan from soot in those places where the dirt turned out to be super-resistant, you can carry out an additional treatment with soda paste or soda. The first is prepared by combining soda and 2 drops of water. The mixture is left on the dishes for a while. Sometimes it happens that the reaction of soda with vinegar turns out to be quite strong, its contents run out of the walls, dirtying the stove. In order to avoid such consequences, you can drain some of the solution and then add baking soda.
Cleaning the pan without boiling

This method involves the use of all the same ingredients, but without boiling. To a contaminated areasoda is poured, nine percent vinegar is poured on top. The resulting effervescent foam must be allowed to stand for an hour. After that, the pan is washed as usual, it is better to use a hard sponge.
Boiling with soda
Quite often, young housewives think about how to clean the frying pan from soot at home. If a frying pan without a non-stick coating was contaminated, then the method of boiling with soda can be used. This technique is not suitable for aluminum cookware.
If cleaning is planned only from the outside, pour about a liter of water inside with the addition of 100 g of soda. If the dishes completely need to be cleaned, they are placed in a bucket or a large metal basin, one of which is filled with a soda solution. The ratio of the components should be the same.
How to clean the pan from old soot - this question worries many. To solve the problem, you need to put the pan or basin on fire and bring the solution to a boil, and then you can forget about cleaning for another 20 minutes. The utensils are then removed from the fire and set aside to cool. After that, it can be washed in the usual way. In particularly difficult places, you should use a scraper or a hard sponge if there is no non-stick coating. During cooking, the soda solution will soften and remove soot, fat and remnants of burnt food. Boiling time can be extended up to 2 hours.
Using baking soda, laundry soap and silicate glue
If you are also among those who are thinking about how to clean the frying pan from soot at homeconditions, you can use the Soviet method, which is great for removing carbon deposits from pans made of steel, cast iron and aluminum. It will be great to clean the duralumin frying pan. The method is old and proven. It helps in the most hopeless cases, when it is not possible to remove a multi-year layer from the outside of the pan.
For work should be prepared:
- metal basin;
- bar of laundry soap;
- silicate glue;
- soda ash;
- scraper;
- grater.
Instead of a basin, you can use a bucket of a suitable size. Its volume should be approximately 10 liters. A bar of laundry soap should be 72 percent. As for silicate glue, it is taken in a volume of 0.5 cups. Here we are talking about school or stationery glue. Liquid glass can be used.
Before you clean the frying pan at home, you should prepare 1/2 cup of soda ash, which is sold in the hardware department. Instead, you can use half a pack of baking soda. A table knife works great as a scraper. But the grater can be replaced with a metal sponge.
The work instructions are as follows. A bucket or basin is filled with water, which is brought to a boil over high heat. While the water is heating, grate laundry soap. The water boils, after that you should reduce the fire and pour soap chips into the basin. They are stirred, and then glue and soda ash are added there. At this point, openwindow and turn on the hood.
If you are interested in the question of how to clean the outside of the frying pan, then this method is great for you. At its next stage, it is necessary to lower the dishes into the resulting solution, removing the handle from it. If it is not wooden or plastic, then you do not need to get rid of the handle. Now you should be patient and leave the pan to cook from one to four hours. The duration will depend on the degree of contamination. During this time, fat and soot will lag behind the pan or soften. After boiling, the dishes are rinsed.
It should be transferred to a sink or a clean basin, which may be plastic. At this stage, you can proceed to the final removal of carbon deposits. A knife, scraper or sponge is suitable for this. With tools, you do not need to be too zealous so that the enamel does not come off the outer walls. If it is removed, the pan will quickly become covered with a new layer of soot. If you are wondering how to clean the outside of the frying pan, then you should know that the boiling procedure can be carried out in several approaches. Thus, the cooking time is reduced to half an hour. In this case, the solution must be renewed, removing the softened plaque with a metal sponge or scraper.
Using oil and detergent

This method can be used for external and internal removal of contaminants. To do this, a large basin is filled with water, to which a few tablespoons of washing powder and sunflower oil are added. The pelvis is placed on medium fire, anddirty utensils are immersed inside. The solution must be brought to a boil, and then wash the pan as usual.
If you are interested in the question of how to clean a cast iron pan from carbon deposits, you can use boiling, which is not suitable for non-stick utensils. The pan is placed on the stove over medium heat. As soon as the dishes are heated, which can be checked with a drop of water, 1 glass of water is added to it, which must be boiled. Dishwashing liquid is added inside. Then, using a silicone spatula or a wooden spoon, you can scrape off the burn from difficult areas. The dishes are then washed in the usual way.
Light to medium stain method using cleaning solution

If you want to know how to clean a cast-iron skillet from carbon deposits, you can use dishwashing liquid, which must be poured into kitchen utensils. Hot water is also added there. All this is left for several hours or overnight. After that, you can clean with a regular sponge.
Using Baking Soda Scrub Techniques
From equal parts of warm water and baking soda, you need to make a paste that processes soot, greasy deposits or soot. This technology is not suitable for aluminum pans and pans with Teflon coating. Then the dishes are washed with warm water. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.
Boiling with laundry soap

Quite often, housewives think about how to clean the frying pan from soot. To do this, you can use all the same laundry soap. This technology is suitable for all frying pans with the exception of aluminum. A quarter of a piece of laundry soap must be grated on a medium grater. The chips are laid out in a pan and filled with water. The mixture must be heated, but it should not be brought to a boil.
The dishes are removed from the fire and soaked for a couple of hours. Then it must be rinsed and washed with a sponge and dishwashing detergent. If rust has formed on the surface, you can get rid of it with the help of dry table s alt, which problem areas are rubbed with. Then the pan must be washed and dried.
Using powerful chemicals

If you're still wondering how to clean a frying pan, you can use one of several chemicals. Powerful household chemicals are indispensable today. With its help, with minimal effort, you can cope with pollution. The main rule in this case is to take precautions. For example, wear rubber gloves and work with an open window.
Cookware should not be processed for too long. For example, if you cover a pan with Schumanite and leave it overnight, a hole may form in the material. When the hostess is faced with the question of how to clean the pan from soot inside, she most often turns to modern means. This ismaybe an Amway oven cleaner. It is quite expensive and is sold through dealers or the Internet, but the tool is able to cope even with old fat and soot in just a few minutes. At the same time, consumption is economical, and rinsing is simple. The product is almost odorless.
Another option is "Shumanit Bagi", which is cheaper and sold in the hardware department of hypermarkets. This composition is less effective, but very effective. The main disadvantage is the pungent smell, which will be felt even with the window open. The product is washed off quite difficult and does not always cope with old pollution.
Cleaning Teflon cookware

The most difficult issue in the described topic is the task of how to clean a Teflon frying pan from carbon deposits. Washing in the dishwasher is excellent for this. But the use of abrasive cleaners, hard sponges, brushes and scrapers is unacceptable. You can use baking soda, alkaline cleaners, and laundry soap.
If you are still debating how to clean a Teflon pan from soot, you should not use acids like citric acid and vinegar for this purpose. Only short-term effects are allowed. In order to remove carbon deposits, you can soak such dishes for a long time.