Every homeowner tries to protect their property by choosing their front door carefully. However, if it is not equipped with a burglary-resistant and reliable lock with a high level of secrecy, by itself it means practically nothing. Such a door can easily be opened by every “oncoming” person and enter the house.

Today, shops and markets present a huge range of products, but it should be remembered that many fakes are sold. At the moment, the undisputed leader is the Italian company Mottura, which produces various types of locks that are designed for a variety of conditions.

A little about Mottura
This manufacturer began its existence in 1963. Since that time was marked by a significant growth in industry, the company began to develop quite rapidly, and soon they started talking about it in other countries. Mottura constantly introduced new technologies, used modern equipment and the latest achievements. It is this approach toproduction brought the company unprecedented success.
The products of this manufacturer appeared on the Russian market around the 90s and immediately became a great success. At that time, there were quite a lot of people who wanted to install Mottura locks, but, unfortunately, not every buyer could afford their cost. At present, the market situation has changed significantly. It cannot be said that the product costs a penny, but its price is quite adequate, and consumers with an average income can install a lock on the front steel door. Mottura produces locks of various types and with any level of complexity.

Advantages and disadvantages of Mottura locks
High quality, durability, reliability, practicality and ease of use - these are the qualities that are endowed with door mechanisms from Mottura. By installing such a lock on the front door once, you can ensure peace and security for yourself for a long time. The products of this company combine the most modern technologies and very bold decisions, thanks to which it won the hearts of customers. It was also Mottura who developed the unparalleled unique encoding.
Today, as a rule, two types of locks are used - cylinder and lever, and most often they are installed together. Why do they do it? Because every thing has not only strengths, but also weaknesses, sides, and Mottura castles are no exception. Both of these types of locks alone are not very effective. And installed together - a guarantee of maximum protection for metal doors. And the point is herethat's what. Lever locks are practically impossible to crack using brute force without making a lot of noise. But their disadvantage is that they lend themselves to master keys. Cylinder models, on the contrary, can be easily hacked, but they are almost impossible to open with master keys. Installing these two locks on the same door will greatly complicate the work of burglars. After all, they will have to break open one lock and pick up master keys to the second. It will take quite a long time, there will also be a lot of noise, and the robber will be detected before he enters the premises.
Mottura locks, reviews of which are only positive, according to users, are very reliable, durable and of high quality, with a good margin of burglary resistance. You can always rely on them.

Main product range
Despite the fact that the company produces a variety of "accessories" for steel doors, the main assortment is "heavy locks" (lever and cylinder). The most reliable and high-quality of them are considered to be lever mechanisms, which are produced in two versions: lower and upper.
Mottura locks, which must be repaired and replaced by specialists, can now be purchased in almost any city. Let's look at some models to understand them.
Mottura Champions Series Cylinder Locks 30
The secret of the locking mechanism of 5 reinforced active spring and 1 additional magnetic pin. A special magnetic insert on the key ensures the reliability of this type of cylinder. The cylinder is unlocked only when the pin and the magnetic insert interact. Trying to open the cylinder with picks or bumping will fail.
Champions Cylinder Locks 38
Mottura locks of this series are distinguished by the fact that, in addition to the magnetic insert, there is an interactive floating element that guarantees increased secrecy and a long service life of the locking mechanism. The manufacturer has taken serious measures to protect buyers from forgery of keys by intruders, a duplicate of which can only be made in Italy at the factory from the company's blanks. For durability and reliability, the keys are made from a uniform strip of metal, consisting of an alloy of silver and nickel. The Italian company Mottura is constantly improving technologies that prevent the illegal opening of locks with master keys. One of the innovative inventions of specialists is the rotating elements on the key in the form of balls, which, when in contact with the internal mechanism of the lock, allow the key to rotate smoothly and freely in the lock.
Mottura Lever Lock Series 54
Models have two lever mechanisms or a lever-cylinder locking system. Their locking parts can be dependent or independent from each other. Also, a night valve is additionally provided, which has an independent mechanism and outlets for mounting vertical drives. The main purpose of the 54th series is the installation of Mottura locks in heavy metal doors, the thickness of which is from 50 mm. Each model with an independent locking system is equipped with 5 keys, and the lock withdouble-lever locking - 2 sets of 10 keys.

Replacing Mottura locks
Door locks are installed for various reasons (such as its failure as a result of long-term operation, breakage as a result of the front door being skewed, unsuccessful opening of the lock by the owners, and much more). Since modern door locks are complex, high-tech mechanisms, only professionals can install them correctly.