Effective means for cesspools. Cesspool Bacteria

Effective means for cesspools. Cesspool Bacteria
Effective means for cesspools. Cesspool Bacteria

Many people dream of having their own house or dacha completely landscaped. To achieve full comfort and coziness, it is necessary to ensure proper drainage of wastewater, but not all suburban buildings are connected to a centralized sewer system. In such a situation, cesspools are created or septic tanks of various types are used. But they require regular cleaning, which few people enjoy. Therefore, owners of suburban real estate need to use special tools for cesspools that simplify the cleaning procedure. Moreover, it will be performed much less frequently.


Common wastewater treatment options

There are several ways to clean cesspools. All of them vary in complexity. The following variants are common today:

  1. Mechanical way. It is used most often. During work, sewage trucks are used to remove sewage from pits.
  2. Bacterial-enzymatic method. For it, microorganisms of a special type are grown. Cesspool bacteria are applied directly to drains. With their help, solidsubstances turn into sludge. Also, due to microorganisms, liquid sewage is converted into water. As a result of applying this method, there is a significant reduction in the volume of stocks.
  3. A chemical method that uses special preparations to decompose sewage.
  4. Cesspool Bacteria
    Cesspool Bacteria

Which method to choose, the owner of suburban real estate decides. The safest method of all listed is the bacterial-enzymatic variant of wastewater treatment. Therefore, it is worth talking about it in more detail.

Types of bacteria

Sinkhole cleaner may contain anaerobic microorganisms. Such bacteria live and perform their functions in the absence of oxygen. They are added directly to the septic tank or closed pit latrine where the waste rots. Under the influence of anaerobic bacteria, solid particles sink to the bottom of structures. Due to this, the water becomes lighter. The sediment formed at the bottom must be constantly removed. In closed buildings, methane is formed, because of this, a not very pleasant smell appears. When using the anaerobic method, the liquid is cleaned by approximately 65%.

Also used for dry closets, cesspools, which contains aerobic microorganisms. Such bacteria work only when oxygen is present in the environment. If the sewage facility is well sealed, then in order for these microorganisms to perform their tasks, a compressor is installed to supply air. Methane is notreleased when products with aerobic bacteria are used. Because of this, people do not experience discomfort. During the application of this method, wastewater is cleaned to the maximum, and solid sediment is formed in minimal quantities.

The best tool for cesspools
The best tool for cesspools

Properties of substances intended for biological treatment

As a result of human activity, waste is generated. Cesspool products convert them into a mass that does not have any harmful effect on the environment. The end result is silt. Due to the use of biological compounds, gas formation is reduced, and unpleasant odors also become less. Such substances do not irritate human skin. They do not react with metal or plastic. It is possible to use such means only when the air is warmed up to at least one degree Celsius. The maximum effect of their use will be felt at temperatures from 3 to 30 degrees. There are also products that work great at 45°C. Cesspool bacteria are sensitive to strong acids and alkalis, aldehydes, chlorine and phenols. You need to know about the properties of biological agents in order to use them correctly.

Most common forms of biologics

Cesspool cleaner can be made in various forms. Today, powder, liquid and tablet preparations are most commonly used. Their shape directly affects the convenience and frequency of use.

Powder products

The bulk of these substances arecesspool bacteria and enzymes. They are available in dry powder form. The preparations are packaged in containers of different sizes, which allows them to be conveniently transported and used. Such biopowders have some features:

  1. The basis of the substances are saprophytic anaerobic microorganisms that are grown artificially. They can also be found in natural conditions.
  2. Drugs are sold not only in powder form, but also in granules.
  3. Bacteria in substances are dormant. The packages indicate the proportions that must be observed when the drug is diluted in water. This action is performed to activate the bacteria.
  4. Means for dry closets of cesspools
    Means for dry closets of cesspools

The use of such products is not particularly difficult. So, an effective remedy for Saneks cesspools must first be diluted with warm water, then wait about 20 minutes. During this time, the substance is infused. Then it is poured directly into the sewer. You must follow the instructions exactly, because without following the specified rules there will be no effect.


Such cesspool products are highly concentrated. Anaerobic microorganisms in biological preparations of this type are represented by a whole complex. They can easily cope with various pollution. Sewage, when exposed to substances, very quickly decomposes into water and carbon dioxide. To process an impressive amount of sewage, you need a small amount of suchfunds. You must always follow the manufacturer's recommendations to achieve the desired effect. Among the most popular products of this group are Deo Tural, Waste Treat and Dachny-Aqua.


This form is very convenient to use. Any post-treatment is not required after their application. The number of tablets that fall into the cesspool depends on the volume of sewage. The sewer odor will be destroyed even if it is very persistent. Also, such means for cesspools will dissolve a significant part of bottom sediments that have a solid structure. With their help, drains will be cleaned of suspended particles. When using tablet formulations, the amount of work that is aimed at deepening cesspools is reduced.

Cesspool cleaner
Cesspool cleaner


Sinkhole cleaners can contain both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. They also contain enzymes. Such preparations significantly accelerate the processes that occur when biological treatment is carried out. They recycle fabrics, fats and paper, not just natural waste.

Bioactivators have increased resistance to detergents, so such substances may be present in wastewater. The preparations do not harm a person, and are also safe for sewer pipes. Due to them, the amount of solid waste is reduced by about 80%. Pathogenic microbes will be destroyed, cesspools will become smallersilt up. Also, pipes for drainage and sewerage will improve the permeability.

Cesspool Disposal Tool
Cesspool Disposal Tool

Problems that may occur when using cleaners

Sinkhole bacteria need food, just like any other living organism. Household waste performs this function. In order for microorganisms not to die, sewage water must regularly flow into the cesspool. The maximum break can be no more than two weeks. Also, antibacterial drugs that are used in medicine should not come from the sewer. They destroy living microorganisms. Since bacteria only work in liquid media, the contents of the sump must be covered with water when applying the drug.

An effective remedy for cesspools
An effective remedy for cesspools

Effective modern tools

Today there are quite a lot of well-known manufacturers of the considered drugs. The best tool for cesspools is chosen individually by each owner of suburban real estate.

Among the popular drugs, Doctor Robik, which is manufactured in the USA, stands out in particular. Currently, it is produced in several variations and differs in numbers. So, the biological agent for cesspools No. 37 is intended for treatment facilities that operate in normal mode, and substance No. 57 is used for severe pollution. Drug number 87 is used when chemicals are present in the system. It is designed to protect the main bacteria thatprocess organic matter. The composition of the "Doctor Robik 106" includes six different microorganisms. Such a mixture is resistant to household chemicals and well decomposes detergents, fats, fabrics and paper.

Vodogray is also often used for disposal of cesspools. It is released in Russia. After processing the waste with such a substance, a liquid is formed that can even be used for watering plants, and only 3% of the sediment is obtained in the form of granules. When this drug is used, washing should not be carried out, during which chlorine products enter the wastewater. Such a procedure must be excluded a day before and after the introduction of the substance.

Consumer Opinion

Many dacha owners today only remember the aromas that used to reign in the toilets. Unpleasant odors almost completely disappeared after the cesspool cleaner was used. Feedback from many owners of suburban real estate suggests that such substances quite effectively perform the tasks assigned to them.

Once cesspools were cleaned by hand, people have now forgotten about this. The owners of private houses thank the scientists for the fact that they are engaged not only in high technologies, but also in the development of the necessary means for everyday life. Many users prefer powdered substances, as they are convenient to deliver to the country house and very easy to use.

To save money, use a cesspool cleaner. Reviews confirm this. Homeowners say thatit is much more expensive to call a sewage truck than to purchase even the most famous drug. Moreover, the length of the drainage hose affects the cost of mechanical waste disposal.
