Recently, suspended plumbing has gained relative popularity. Its installation is made possible by special installation systems that are designed specifically for heavy structures. In particular, hanging toilets are very famous. The pros and cons of such models can be explored further.
Hang or put?
Many people think that wall-hung toilets take up much less space than floor-standing toilets. But it is not so. Their depth varies between 12-22 cm. In addition, the thickness of the plasterboard sheathing in which the installation is placed should be added to these parameters. At the same time, the toilet bowl itself has a depth of 52 cm, that is, the entire structure has a depth of about 75 cm, which is almost the same as that of a conventional toilet bowl. Therefore, considering the pros and cons of wall-hung toilets, it is better to use non-built-in models in small bathrooms.

How durable are toilets?
People who are interested in hanging toilets (pros and cons) pay special attention to their strength. It should be noted that such devices are more than resistant to external factors. The most reverent attitude is expected to the toilet mount, since it bears the greatest load, although modern installation systems can withstand up to 400 kg. But this, of course, depends on the skill of the person who will be doing the installation. The main wall can withstand the entire weight of the structure. But if you have to install the device on auxiliary walls, then in this case it is better to unload them as much as possible. That is, the toilet is additionally attached to the floor. To make the design invisible, it is “sewn up”, after which only a small rectangular hole remains in sight. Actually, through it there is access to the mechanism of the tank. After that, the hole is closed with a decorative panel, on which there is a drain button.

Which toilet is better: floor or hanging?
If you have started renovations in the bathroom, then sooner or later the question of buying plumbing will arise. That's when you will definitely be interested in what to choose - floor or hanging toilets. The pros and cons of each model will help you quickly make a choice. It should be noted that both wall-hung and floor-standing toilets have their own specific advantages. But it all depends on the situation and your own preferences. For example, now all hotels are equipped exclusively with suspended models. This is due to the fact that it is much easier to wipe the floor behind the toilet. After all, it's no secret that floor models have "dead zones" that are very difficult to clean.
Suspended toilets are produced togetherwith built-in tank. Actually, it is better to give preference to such a device if there is already a niche in the wall into which it will be easy to build a tank or installation system. But if the wall is monolithic, then the entire structure will need to be installed in front of it, and after that everything will be sewn up with drywall. Therefore, this will result in additional costs.
At the same time, with the help of hanging models, you can decorate the interior of the bathroom, because they look more compact than the floor options. Being interested in how to choose a hanging and attached toilet, you need to decide on the maximum amount that you are willing to pay for it. After all, the more the device costs, the higher the quality it will have. You can ask for advice from a sales assistant, although it is not recommended to fully trust his opinion. It is better to choose the model you like in advance, and after that go to the store for a purchase.

Drain system
If you are interested in a wall-hung toilet, the pros and cons of the device, then you should also pay attention to the drain system. And the tank, and the drain system, and even all the pipes must be completely hidden in the wall. The drain button is on the wall, which is very convenient, and looks good. By the way, it is not included in the kit, so you have to buy it separately. And designer models cost several hundred dollars, but you can buy cheaper options. Most often, built-in toilets are equipped with a double flush system. At the touch of a button, all the water from the tank descends, andthe second is only half. In addition, a different volume of water is supplied depending on the duration of pressing the button: the longer you hold the button, the more water will be released.

Sensor toilets
If you are interested in how to choose a wall-hung toilet, which one is better, then you should not ignore the sensory models. They are equipped with a sensor drain system. Instead of a button, a special sensor is installed that reacts to the person standing next to it. First, it registers the appearance of a person, and after his disappearance, it works independently, draining the water.
In addition, some models are also equipped with an air purification system and nozzle nozzles, a built-in water heater, a retractable hair dryer. There are also toilets that come with an automatic lid that lowers itself. Of course, such models are quite expensive.

Pros of hanging toilets
Considering hanging toilets, pros and cons, first of all, you need to pay attention to their pluses. So, among the benefits are the following:
- they work almost silently;
- the drain system is located in the wall, so it is not only invisible, but also inaudible;
- cleaning the bathroom just got easier as the free space under the toilet bowl is very easy to clean;
- design takes up little space; due to the fact that the tank is hidden in the wall, there is a significant space saving;
- there are a huge number of models that are suitable for budget consumers.
Cons of devices
If you decide to buy a wall hung toilet, the pros and cons of its installation, design and operation must be considered. After all, in addition to the advantages, it also has a number of disadvantages.
- It costs more than floor models. So, you will have to pay not only for the toilet itself, but also for the installation system.
- The installation itself also costs a bit more.
- If something breaks in the system, it will have to be almost completely disassembled in order to carry out repairs.

Despite the high cost, in many modern apartments you can find a hanging toilet. Customer reviews are mostly positive. Many note that this design is convenient to use, it is easy to wash. The drain button located on the wall also looks very nice. Although outwardly such a toilet does not seem very reliable, it is able to withstand a lot. But there were cases when a pipe installed in a wall broke through. Because of this, it was necessary to remove the facing tiles, plasterboard coating in order to gain access to it. Therefore, pipe repairs can also cost a lot.
Thus, hanging toilets have a lot of advantages, but they also have some disadvantages. Everyone must independently determine which model he likes best: hanging or floor. After all, a toilet is installed for more than one year, so it’s better to choose itout of personal preference, not just according to its cost.