For what reasons do ficus leaves fall

For what reasons do ficus leaves fall
For what reasons do ficus leaves fall

Many amateur flower growers absolutely do not know what to do when the ficus leaves fall. This condition occurs in all its types. Before proceeding with the treatment of a plant, it is necessary to find out the reason that led it to such a state.

Ficus leaves are falling
Ficus leaves are falling

The main causes of leaf fall in different types of ficus

Since many species of this plant are grown at home, a variety of factors affect their condition. At the same time, one should not forget that dropping the lower leaves is quite natural for tree-like ficuses during their normal development and growth. If this process occurs too quickly, affecting almost the entire plant, you should carefully understand the conditions of its maintenance. Ficus leaves often fall from waterlogging of the soil. At the same time, he can practically “go bald”. Rubber-bearing ficus suffers greatly from excess moisture. Despite the fact that he is less demanding on the conditions of detention, waterlogging has a detrimental effect on him.

Why do ficus leaves fall?
Why do ficus leaves fall?

The situation is different with Benjamin's ficus. Despite the variety of its varieties, they are all very demanding on the conditions of detention. So, ficus leaves fall even when the conditions of its maintenance change. At the same time, the lack of sunlight, drafts, low temperatures, excessive or insufficient feeding often provoke such a state of the plant. Frequent transplants that interfere with normal development and growth also adversely affect him. Often, it is after them that the ficus leaves fall.

Almost all species of this plant (except ampelous forms) need to be repotted regularly, as their root system grows rather quickly and depletes the soil. Almost all types of ficus do not tolerate a change in their location, which also leads to shedding of leaves. Often this process does not occur immediately after the rearrangement of the plant, but after some time.

Why ampelous forms drop leaves

The first harbinger of insufficient or excessive lighting in the ampelous forms of ficus is wrinkling of the leaves. There are other reasons for the deterioration of the condition of such plants. Drying out of the soil and lack of regular spraying also leads to leaf drop.

Ficus (leaves turn yellow and fall off)
Ficus (leaves turn yellow and fall off)

Leaves turn yellow and fall

Sometimes inexperienced growers get worried, not knowing how their ficus tree feels. The leaves turn yellow and fall off during the growth of this plant constantly. This natural process, as a rule, should not cause alarm. Only when this phenomenon spreads from old lower leaveson the upper young, you should look for the cause in the wrong care of the plant.

All types of ficus turn yellow and fall leaves with insufficient nutrition. When the soil is depleted, plants should be regularly transplanted into a new substrate and fertilized periodically.

Some flower growers carefully follow all the rules for caring for their ficus, but the color of its foliage and its quantity still change. What else can cause such a painful condition? When answering the question of why ficus leaves fall, do not forget that ordinary pests can start on it, which greatly deplete the plant. To detect these uninvited guests, it is necessary to carefully examine the ficus, and after determining their type, apply the appropriate insecticide to kill insects.

The leaves are turning dark

Ficus (leaves turn black and fall)
Ficus (leaves turn black and fall)

Often dark spots appear on the edges and tips of the leaves. If you do not take emergency measures, you can simply lose your favorite ficus. The leaves turn black and fall off at too high a temperature, dry air, or when the plant is overfed with fertilizers. Leaves often darken in the cold season, when there is a need for space heating. Elevated air temperature and its overdrying is the main reason that the ficus begins to hurt and wither.

Blackening of the leaves can be caused by their sunburn. When dark spots appear, it is urgent to remove the plant in partial shade.

Blackening of the leaves is also caused by waterlogging of the soil. That is why it is necessary to check itcondition before watering. To do this, you can stick a dry stick into the ground to a depth of 3 cm. If, after taking it out, moist soil remains on it, you should not water the plant yet. Having a good drainage system will also protect the plant from blackening of the leaves.

How to save ficus

How to save ficus (leaves fall)
How to save ficus (leaves fall)

The leaves of this species of plants fall off quite often, and only compliance with the conditions of detention can save them from death. So, for all ficuses, the temperature regime is important. At the same time, in winter, the room should not be colder than +12 ˚С. Tree-like ficuses prefer good lighting, while other species prefer partial shade. Different forms of this plant relate to watering in different ways. So, ampelous ficuses like frequent watering, and tree-like ones should be moistened only after the soil has dried. It must be remembered that all types of plants must be moistened with soft water at room temperature. Watering in winter is slightly reduced.

In the warm season, ficuses can be taken out into the fresh air. At the same time, they must be placed in partial shade. In the air, the crown of these plants quickly becomes lush and green. Spring transplantation is carried out 1 time in 2 years. Ampel forms can be transplanted once every 3-4 years.

Chemical agents to improve the condition of ficus

In addition to eliminating the causes that caused ficus "baldness", you can use special tools that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the plant. So, it is sprayed several times with Epin or Zircon preparations, which are excellent growth stimulants. Repeated treatments with such means will revive the ficus, and young green leaves will appear on it.
