You can name the minimum set for an autonomous heating system: boiler, heaters, fittings, expansion tank, air valves. The hot water boiler in this case is its basis. The correct choice of this device depends on the intended type of fuel, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, as well as the main tasks assigned to it.

A hot water boiler is a complex device in which the required heat is generated for its subsequent transfer to the coolant. The fundamental design of all such devices is similar: a cast-iron or metal firebox with a heat exchanger built inside. According to the type of fuel used, these devices can be divided into several categories:
- solid fuel hot water boiler - runs on coal, wood, coke, briquettes;
- gas - uses bottled or main natural gas;
- liquid fuel - runs on diesel or fuel oil;
- electric –uses conventional electricity;
- universal or multi-fuel - allows you to simultaneously use several types of resources for work.

Solid fuel hot water boiler has one very important advantage - the ability to create a completely autonomous heating system. Fuel for it is available, it is quite safe to store it, the device is repaired simply and quickly, and the service life is 15-50 years, which is quite a lot. Modern models have advanced automation that allows you to maintain the desired temperature of the coolant at the outlet.

There is also a certain inconvenience in the operation of this device - the need to regularly load fuel, due to which the possibility of automatic heating mode is completely excluded. Time and effort will require maintenance, which consists in cleaning the combustion chamber from slag and ash, as well as monitoring the work process.
Operation of gas-fired hot water boilers is a little easier, since they work on the basis of fuel combustion, as well as gases generated during this process. Such a device works with less ash and soot formation due to the fact that the fuel burns out almost completely. There is also a higher efficiency rate in comparison with a conventional device. However, these steam and hot water boilers are highly dependent on electricity and are also slightly more expensive than conventional solid fuel boilers.
Devices powered by natural gas,more profitable in terms of operation, due to which they are very popular. Such a boiler allows you to economically solve the problems associated with heating and hot water supply. Conventionally, devices of this type are divided into floor-mounted, wall-mounted, as well as devices that allow the use of liquid and solid fuels as needed.
Steam appliances differ from water heaters in purpose and output. According to the first parameter, they are divided into industrial and energy. It is worth saying that in domestic conditions, the operation of steam boilers is economically unprofitable.