Chinese pear: useful properties

Chinese pear: useful properties
Chinese pear: useful properties

The Chinese pear is one of the juiciest and sweetest fruits. In shape, it is a cross between a white apple and a pineapple apricot. The pulp is tender, fragrant. Today, this fruit is very popular in dietetics and alternative medicine.

Varieties of pears

At the moment, there are more than 100 varieties of these fragrant fruits. Pears are considered very light-loving and unpretentious plants that tolerate drought well and are able to absorb organic matter from the soil from great depths. They are propagated by cuttings and grafting.

In the European part of the planet, such types of pears as Chinese, willow, snow and others are widespread. Also in demand are the Ussuri varieties, bred in the 19th century by the Russian biologist Maksimovich. This species grows on a 15-meter tree with a spreading dense crown. The fruits begin to ripen in September. They are bulb-shaped and yellow in color. The Chinese pear, or Pyrus Serotina, is a representative of an oriental type of culture. In Russia, it is grown in the Primorsky Territory. Often trees reach a height of 12 meters. Leavesovoid, large, sharply serrated at the edges. The fruits are round and light yellow in color. In diameter, the pear reaches 4 cm and weighs approximately 150 g. The pulp is firm and sweet. One of the features of this species is its juiciness. Therefore, it is popularly known as the Chinese water pear.

Chinese pear
Chinese pear

The loose-leaved species is grown in Western Asia and the North Caucasus. The tree reaches a height of only 7-8 meters, but has a dense and uncharacteristically wide crown. The root system is very developed, so the plant can easily be kept on sharp slopes. The fruits are lamp-shaped, small, brownish-golden. The taste of the pear is tart. It ripens closer to mid-September.

The snow pear is one of the largest-fruited crops (up to 6 cm in diameter). The taste is sour and tart, so they are often used for conservation. This is the most winter-hardy type of pear. It grows on trees up to 4 m high. Another popular variety is the Bretschneider pear. Recently, it has been cultivated only in Asia. Its fruits are valued for their juiciness and crisp flesh. The average life expectancy of a plant is 150 years.

Chinese pear: features

This fruit has not only excellent taste, but also very exotic external characteristics. In different countries, the Chinese pear may be known as Asian, shortbread or Taiwan pear. Today, this variety is also cultivated in Israel, Korea and Japan. The Chinese pear is a hybrid of severalvarieties, one of which is the Yamanashi variety. In ancient times, it was not popular due to its very sour taste, but Asian breeding scientists managed to turn a disadvantage into a virtue.

types of pears
types of pears

In appearance, the fruit resembles a small winter apple and partly a pineapple apricot. A mature pear weighs up to 180 g with a fairly average size. The peel is covered with small darkish spots. The taste of the fruit is very tender, juicy and sweet. Ripe Chinese pear, the calorie content of which does not exceed 42 kcal, is allowed in any dietary dishes. Its fruits are rich in trace elements vital for humans.

Composition of Chinese pear

100 g of fresh fruit contains 45 g of water, 2 g of dietary fiber and 0.2 g of ash. The rest is distributed between vitamins and minerals. Chinese pear is enriched with such useful components as zinc, copper, selenium, calcium, manganese and magnesium. However, most of all it contains phosphorus and potassium. The last element in the composition of the fruit is 5 times more than all other minerals.

Chinese water pear
Chinese water pear

As for vitamins, the largest part is occupied by groups C, K and choline. The fruit also contains folic acid, niacin equivalent, thiamine, pyridoxine and other components.

Chinese pear calories

The energy value of this crop is estimated as extremely low. No wonder one of the most dietary fruits is the Chinese pear. The calorie content of 100 g, as already mentioned, varies by about42 kcal. This fruit is allowed in the diet menu three times a day, one medium fruit. As for nutritional value, carbohydrates predominate here. Their percentage relative to proteins and fats is equal to 85%. By weight, carbohydrates make up 7 g of the total mass. Proteins and fats together - 0.8 g.

Useful properties

The dietary fiber of the Chinese pear helps to cleanse the intestines, which has a positive effect on the activity of the digestive system. Folic acid is beneficial for the female body during pregnancy. A large amount of vitamin C strengthens the immune system and increases its protective properties. Calcium favorably affects the development of bone tissue and hair.

Chinese pear useful properties
Chinese pear useful properties

Chinese pear, the benefits of which can be listed for a very long time, also contains a large amount of phosphorus, which improves protein synthesis, promotes cell growth and strengthens the muscular system. Potassium normalizes the activity of heart valves, which significantly reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack. In addition, this element is involved in the metabolism. Magnesium is essential for normal atrial function. One of the main benefits of the fruit is its low calorie content. Thanks to her, the Chinese pear is used in the diet of people who follow their figure.

Chinese pear benefits for pregnant women

As you know, not all fruits are suitable for nutrition during the development of the embryo in the mother's body. Chinese pear during pregnancy is one of the few foods thatare allowed in the permanent menu throughout the entire period. Some doctors recommend removing the peel before use, as organic fertilizers and harmful chemicals can settle on it. This warning for any plant product will not be superfluous. Chinese pear during pregnancy can reduce permanent body temperature and improve kidney function. Also in the fruit - a high content of folic acid, so necessary for the development of the child. This substance is especially important for the expectant mother and baby in the first trimester.

Chinese pear during pregnancy
Chinese pear during pregnancy

Toward the 7th month of pregnancy, women often suffer from iron deficiency. In the Chinese pear, this trace element is in abundance, as is ascorbic acid, which is necessary to strengthen the immune system. It is not recommended to eat fruit at night. Daily dose for pregnant women - up to 0.5 kg.

Harm Chinese pear

Almost everyone knows about the beneficial properties of the fruit, but few people know about contraindications. It is highly not recommended to use a pear in an unripe form. During this period, the fruit has powerful laxative properties and can cause prolonged and painful indigestion. Do not consume any variety of pear at the same time as fresh milk. This is fraught with indigestion and a serious malfunction in the digestive system. Chinese pear has no contraindications for use with fermented milk products, unlike other varieties.

Chinese pear calories
Chinese pear calories

A large amount of these fruits on an empty stomachcauses bloating and leads to heartburn. Some doctors do not advise eating pears with meat products. In this case, the nutrients will be poorly absorbed in the body.

Storage and use

Chinese pear ideally tolerates long-term transportation in the refrigerator. Outdoor storage of the fruit is not recommended, as it quickly begins to blacken and lose density.

Due to its incomparable taste and aroma, the Chinese pear is often used in various recipes. This also applies to all kinds of salads and fruit desserts. In addition, the Chinese pear is well suited for filling in pastries.
