Installing plastic windows is often not enough, as they also require proper maintenance. If used incorrectly, problems can arise, and in this case, the windows will not protect the room from wind, cold and noise. Most often, you have to pay attention to the named problem when you need to change the mode. To do this, you need to configure.
Why adjust plastic windows?
Everyone knows that plastic windows have two main modes: summer and winter, each of which performs its role. Window manufacturers usually indicate in their recommendations how to properly operate and set up a metal-plastic structure. It is safe to say that this avoids a lot of problems.
We will tell you how to do this correctly later in the article. It is important to remember that all the recommendations will help you properly set up the metal-plastic structure and keep the heat in your home.

Why is it necessary to adjust windows for summer-winter mode?
Few people know how to set up a window, so some prefer to turn toexperts for help. But there is nothing complicated in setting up windows, and if you carefully study all the recommendations, then you can carry out all the work on regulating the structure yourself.
Initially, the adjustment is made when the windows are just installed. This greatly simplifies operation, but, unfortunately, does not allow you to select the desired mode in the future. For example, if windows were installed in the summer, then they must be reconfigured in the winter, and vice versa.
Experts say that it is simply impossible to do without adjustment, since it is a kind of repair, which allows you to determine the preparation of the structure for operation in the cold season. Setting up plastic windows for the winter improves their tightness, prevents drafts from entering the room. Thanks to her, the microclimate in the room will always remain at a normal level.
If the adjustment is done incorrectly, then there will always be high humidity in the room, and sometimes even frost on the windows. If the structure is operated for a long time, then the tightness becomes minimal, and there are a huge number of reasons for this.

Often adjustment of plastic windows is required when a breakdown occurs. To avoid this, they need to be constantly adjusted as the seasons change. If you leave the windows in summer mode, then cold air masses will be able to freely penetrate into the room, which will naturally affect both the level of heat and energy save it. By setting the windows for the winter period to the desired mode, you can keep the heat in the room.
When is window adjustment required for winter?
Setting up plastic windows "winter-summer" may be required in several cases, which you should pay attention to in more detail:
- Windows should be adjusted immediately after the structure has been installed.
- Even experts can sometimes make mistakes during installation, such violations lead to deviations, gaps begin to form. In this case, a full repair and adjustment of plastic windows will be required.
- A technical inspection should be carried out every two years. If the frame is operated without such checks, some deviations may be detected.
- The window may fail if installed in a new building or in an old house, as the building may sag. It is not difficult to notice this - after adjusting the windows for the winter period, cold air will still penetrate into such a room. In this situation, it is important to take into account the possibility of subsidence of the building, and the problem can be avoided.
Of course, these are not all the reasons why a window adjustment for the winter period may be necessary, but they are the main ones that a consumer may encounter.
Instructions for adjusting the window for the winter period
Setting up plastic windows for the winter with your own hands has always been the most pressing issue. To recruitspecialists, you need to spend a pretty decent amount of money, and in order to do all the work yourself, you just need to carefully follow the recommendations.
The design for winter must be prepared in advance, otherwise the owner may face big problems during operation. The fact is that it will be very difficult to fix anything during a drop in temperatures.
First of all, you need to pay attention to the fittings. Adjusting the fittings of plastic windows allows you to make the windows fit snugly against the frame. If the windows were previously adjusted incorrectly, then you will notice strong drafts in the room.
It doesn't take long to adjust the window. In order to carry out all the work, you will need to use a hex key, which is available to almost every owner in the house. At the end of one leaf there is an element that serves for locking, in another way it can also be called a clamp. It sits on a rectangular platform, but can be moved up or down. It is very important that this clamp be moved in the direction of the street when a severe cold snap is planned, just this will provide the owner with good tightness.

To properly tighten the clamp, you should use a hex wrench. You need to twist it counterclockwise, applying a small amount of effort. Thanks to this, he will be able to turn into the correct position and fix himself. Once all manipulations arecompleted, it will be possible to say with confidence that the work has been done at the proper level, and now it will be warm and comfortable to be in the room even in the most severe cold.
How to set up different types of accessories for the winter?
Each hardware manufacturer fights for quality in its own way, and this also affects the adjustment of the plastic window. Some developers use a complex design structure, and some use a simplified one. Consider all types of fittings and how it can be customized:
- The Roto company has round heads in its designs, which is why the owner may have a problem with the keys, since it will not work to find the right one. Here you will have to suffer and look for a key with a large cross.
- Maco made sure that the heads were the most comfortable - the manufacturers made them oval, and you can twist them with ordinary pliers.
- TORX fittings are considered the most reliable. To switch to the winter period, you will need to use a hex key.

Some plastic window developers use special protection in their system, in which the mechanism can be rotated 360 degrees, but as soon as the owner does this, the mechanism will return to its place. By the way, it is often highly discouraged to do this, as the mechanism may simply break down, and then a complete replacement will be required.
It should be noted that the adjustment of plastic windows without specialists requires special attention andpatience. As soon as one head is twisted, it is worth checking how tightly the window closes. As a rule, adjusting one head does nothing, therefore, gradually twisting the rest, you can check the tightness from all sides and all the sashes of a metal-plastic window.
How to insulate windows in a different way
When plastic windows are being adjusted, it is worth paying attention to the condition of the seal. Often the cause of drafts from the cracks lies precisely in its wear. This seal is made from rubber. If the material is not properly cared for, then soon it will be possible to notice that no adjustment of the windows can save the owner from the penetration of cold into the room.

So that the seal does not wear out much, you should use a special silicone grease, which motorists love to use so much. Thanks to it, the rubber is covered with a special molecular film that lasts for six months.
Over time, the seal can be completely changed, and then the window settings will become even easier.
What problems can arise when adjusting windows?
Today, some plastic windows have a complex design. Naturally, setting up plastic windows with your own hands in this case can cause certain difficulties. Such windows often require proper winterization, so one adjustment is not enough in this case.
Windows require special attention, and if they are not on timeswitch to summer or winter mode, then soon their service life will come to naught. It is important to remember that if they are always in winter mode, they will soon fail, or rather, the seal will deteriorate. Switching from winter to summer mode is also beneficial because more fresh air will enter the room.
Some are wondering how to adjust plastic windows on their own. It should be noted that all manipulations are performed very simply, so you do not need to seek help from specialists. Most often, difficulties arise when cylindrical eccentrics are used in fittings. Before starting work, you must first carefully examine all the elements of the window lock and try to adjust the screws. Window manufacturers usually leave their recommendations, so you can use their tips.
Incremental adjustment
When plastic windows need to be adjusted, some recommendations should be followed:
- It is necessary to carefully examine the end of the sash. This part of the window is moving, with cylindrical elements that, when moving, go into the window frame and fix the sash in one position. Among the elements you can see two stripes, which are divided into two semicircles.
- To switch the window to winter mode, just turn these strips towards the street. In this case, an expansion is obtained, and the window sash automatically falls into the bar, while the frame is pressed more strongly, and air cannot freely penetrate intoroom.
- You can return windows to summer mode in the same way, but for this you need to turn the sash in the opposite direction, more precisely, towards the room.
Innovation in winter window setting
Today, windows with low-emission glass are considered innovative. In this case, this term refers to windows with three-chamber double-glazed windows - such glasses allow you to save heat by 70%. Some believe that these windows are absolutely not suitable for the summer period, but it is safe to say that they will reflect the energy of the sun.
You can freely install a climate valve on plastic windows, then setting up plastic windows with your own hands will become even easier. In this case, without any effort, you can make it so that the air from the street will not enter the room, and, conversely, make sure that there is more fresh air in the house, providing good ventilation. Using the mechanism correctly, you can achieve the expected results.

Tips for adjusting windows
If the window cannot be adjusted, then you should take care of replacing the seal. After all, when the product is used for a long time, then setting up plastic windows can be almost impossible and all that remains is to replace the seal. Over time, it may lose its properties, cracks appear in it, and recommendations for switching to winter mode will not give the expected effect.
Replace the seal is not difficult, you should buysuitable material and carry out the appropriate manipulations. It is advisable to carry out the replacement not when the house becomes cold. The old seal is removed from the upper or lower corner, as soon as this work is done, the grooves should be processed, or rather cleaned of dust and dirt, otherwise the new seal will not be able to lie as it should. After that, a new sealant begins to be laid from the upper corner, which is applied across the entire width.
It is very important to carefully monitor that it fits snugly. Only when all the work has been done, you can begin to fix the new seal. In no case should the rubber be stretched, since then it will not match the size of the window. Remember that it is also not recommended to turn the eccentrics all the way, otherwise the seal will need to be replaced again. Provided that all recommendations are followed, window adjustment will be carried out quickly and efficiently.