Charger "Frog" - is a well-known universal device designed to recharge lithium batteries in mobile phones and other small gadgets. With other battery type, this device cannot be used.
Role in everyday life
Sometimes there are moments when there is no charging unit from a smartphone or mobile at hand, it is irretrievably broken or lost, and it is not possible to purchase it in the near future. In this case, it is replaced by the "Frog" - a universal charger. Alternative names are "clothespin", "toad". This device is equipped with adjustable contacts, to which the battery itself, previously removed from the device, is connected directly. Of course, such a process involves some inconvenience associated with the constant removal of the battery and the possible failure of the settings, but sometimes this is the only successful way out of this situation.

Where and what can it be used for?
As mentioned above, this device is suitable for recharging most small-sized equipment, mainly phones and cameras. Usually, the frog device comes with instructions, but the problem may be the content of the brochure in a foreign language, since these devices are mostly made in China.
Some useful information
Besides the cellular charger, the Frog charger is capable of charging a camera, PDA or navigator, but only if lithium batteries with a small capacity are used. The device is connected to the network with standard voltage. When the battery is fully charged, the device will automatically turn off the power. It usually takes about two to three hours.
There are several types of "frog" devices that can be connected to various sources of electricity:
- To a regular 220 volt household outlet.
- To car network - 12 volts.
- Connection to PC via USB port - 5 volts.
The most practical and common is the frog charger, powered by the home network. The choice of type of device depends on the personal preference of each.

Deciphering device designations
Each such device has several indicator lights, near which letters are indicated to help adjustthe whole process of recharging:
- Full, ful - indicates that the battery is fully charged.
- Charge, ch means charging is in progress.
- Power, pw - the device is connected to a power source.
- Con - correct polarity.
- Te - polarity check in progress.

How the Frog charger works
How to adjust the polarity manually? First you need to clamp the battery in the charger so that the contacts of the device are connected to the "-" and "+" terminals. If the battery has three or more contacts, then you need to use the two extreme ones.

If the polarity is correctly determined when connecting, when you press the left “Te” button, the green light with the inscription “Con” should light up, otherwise press the right “Con” button, then again “Te”. On some devices, the "Con" LED may light up when connected without first pressing it.
The most convenient models that automatically detect the polarity, respectively, they do not have the right button to change the polarity.
If everything is done correctly, the green “Con” light is on, which means that you can plug the device into a power outlet. At this point, "Power" and "Charge" should turn on. When the battery charging process is completed, the right "Full" LED will light up. Now the device can be unplugged and the battery can be used as intended.

Unusual situations
If "Con" does not light up at all, then the battery is completely dead and needs a "buildup". In this case, it can be connected arbitrarily in any polarity, and then plugged into the network for five minutes. If “Charge” flashes, it means that charging is carried out correctly, if not, then you need to right-click to change the polarity and see how the “Charge” indicator behaves in this case.
If “Power” and “Full” immediately start to burn, then most likely the battery in the “frog” is not installed well, it should be fixed more securely. Charging time varies depending on the battery capacity, as a rule, it takes two to five hours:
- 1000 mAh - 5 hours.
- 800 mAh - 4 hours.
- 500 mAh - 2.5 hours.
How to use the frog charger?
The classic device is designed for 220-volt voltage, on the back of its cover there are two sliding pins located parallel to each other - they can be separated to the required distance, corresponding to the distance between the battery contacts.
When turned on, polarity can be corrected manually via buttons or automatically. It all depends on what model your Frog charger is.
If the battery is completely worn out, the following situations may occur:
- The device does not charge.
- After turning on the network, the diode with the inscription “Full” immediately starts flashing.
- Battery is chargingtoo fast, five to ten minutes.

If desired, and with some skill, a do-it-yourself frog charger can be built using a simple scheme.
Batteries with more than two contacts can be charged using the described device, however, for this you will need to disassemble the battery and connect charging to it, bypassing the controller.
Following from all the above, it can be understood that the "Frog" is a universal charger, very useful in case of failure of other power sources, small-sized batteries, as well as the inability to charge gadgets in the usual way, which happens quite often. At the moment, manufacturers offer all new devices equipped with a USB port and an LCD display, which greatly simplifies their use.
Device benefits:
- Available USB port to charge most devices.
- Easy to use.
- Versatility.
- Relatively short-lived with frequent use.
- Long process of charging capacious batteries.
"Frog" - the best option for a backup energy source
Despite a few shortcomings, the "Frog" is a charger, the price of which is very diverse (from 60 to 650 rubles), it is quite a useful thing in the household, if only because it is able to literally revive those who do not show signs battery life of phones and cameras. Butit should be borne in mind that this device should be used as needed. Too frequent charging using the "Frog" can lead to rapid depletion of the battery and, accordingly, its failure. Paradoxically, it is.
Despite the fact that these chargers are mainly made in China, you should not neglect such products. On the modern market, you can find universal and unique auxiliary devices that can greatly facilitate our lives and give a second chance to details that would otherwise fly into the trash. Therefore, it makes sense to have at least some idea of how to use the Frog device for the usual recharging of a phone battery.