Design of residential buildings: features, stages and recommendations

Design of residential buildings: features, stages and recommendations
Design of residential buildings: features, stages and recommendations

Residential buildings, the design standards of which will be described below, come in different volumetric, planning structures and number of floors. Between them and the external environment can be formed connections of various nature. The correct definition of the number of storeys of structures, the space-planning structure is important both in architectural and economic terms.

residential building design
residential building design

Competent construction and design of residential buildings provides a solution to socially significant problems. Due to this, proper conditions for the life of people are created.

Selection of floors

The design of multi-apartment residential buildings is made taking into account, first of all, economic factors. These, in particular, include the need to install elevators, garbage chutes and other elements. They significantly increase the cost of designing a residential building and works on its construction. Structures up to 5 floors, and in the northern and southern regions - up to four, are not equipped with elevators. In such buildings it is rationalwalls, foundation structures, coatings are used. 4-5-storey buildings are erected mainly in medium-sized, small, partially large cities, the population of which is not more than 250 thousand, as well as in settlements for 10 thousand or more people. This ensures the rational use of the territory, engineering networks, transport.

Stages of designing a residential building

Creating a building plan includes:

  • Pre-project stage. It, in turn, consists of two stages: collecting information and methodological processing of information.
  • Draft stage. In the course of it, a search for a solution is carried out. The draft stage is considered the central link in the design. At this stage, the main idea is formulated.
design of apartment buildings
design of apartment buildings

Creative development. This stage is, in fact, design. It can take quite a long time. When developing, the main task is to achieve internal consistency, the relationship of all aspects of the architectural solution. The required parameters of the structure contains a task for designing a residential building

Progress of work

Designing residential buildings begins with the spatial interpretation of a functional drawing. In the process of work, all rooms must be divided into certain groups. Their placement horizontally and vertically is determined by the functional links established between them. The grouping scheme, the construction plan, the layout of the distribution of premises are drawn up in accordance with the type of building. The most importantpurpose and large rooms should form the core of the composition. The planning scheme is drawn in one line. Then they build it on the allocation of the compositional core and structural nodes. After fulfilling the functional requirements, the three-dimensional structure of the structure is formed.

Requirements for the master plan: basic provisions

Design of medium-rise residential buildings is carried out in accordance with the peculiarities of the location of the site in the functional structure of rural, urban and other settlements. The types of the latter are defined in the GK (Article 5). When deciding on the master plan, it is necessary to distinguish between territories - favorable, unacceptable for development and areas where special events are necessary, according to the instructions of SNiP.

Required Events

Design of residential buildings is carried out in compliance with the requirements of:

  • Nature Conservation.
  • Protection of the area from exhaust gases and highway noise, radiation of a different nature.
residential buildings design standards
residential buildings design standards

Comprehensive work to ensure the protection and improvement of the external environment from the negative impact associated with the implementation of economic and other activities must be provided in accordance with the regulations governing environmental safety.


When designing residential buildings, contractors must provide hydrants to ensure fire extinguishing. Between the long parts of four-story structures, the distance should be at least 20 m, between them and the ends of buildings with windows - notless than 10 m. The indicated intervals can be reduced, subject to the observance of the norms of illumination and insolation, and also if the obscurity of the premises from one window to another is ensured. Structures with apartments on the lower floor must be indented from the red line. It is allowed to place buildings with built-in or attached public areas along it. The recommended ceiling height is 2.8 m.

Entrance group

Design of residential buildings provides for inclusion in the plan:

  • Tamburov. They can be double or single, depending on climatic conditions.
  • Lobby area.
  • Duty room at the entrance.
construction and design of residential buildings
construction and design of residential buildings

When planning the entrance group, it is necessary to provide for freedom of access to housing for people with limited mobility in accordance with the requirements prescribed in SNiP 35-01.


These premises in apartment buildings, except for blocked ones, are divided into built-in / attached, located separately or on a partially unbuilt ground floor. In terms of the location of the lobby may be different. In practice, placement options are used relative to the node of vertically running communications in a structural and planning cell adjacent to the stair-lift system or opposite to it.

Duty room

It must be placed so that it can be used to monitor the front door from the vestibule to the lobby. If the latter is not provided for in the structure, thenthere must be a view of the passages to the stairs. A video system can be installed for outdoor surveillance. In the premises, it is necessary to provide for communication with the dispatching service, and if there is a corresponding indication in the task, with the apartments.

assignment for the design of a residential building
assignment for the design of a residential building

Subscriber cabinets

In apartment buildings, except for blocked ones, it is recommended to place mailboxes in the lobbies (in the absence of an elevator) on the intermediate or main landing on the ground floor and in the passage to the stairs. When installing cabinets, their dimensions must be taken into account. They are hung on walls or installed in special niches at a height of at least 60 cm from the floor. It is not recommended to mount cabinets on surfaces adjacent to apartments.


On the basement, first or basement floor, non-apartment utility rooms may be provided. Their number is determined by the design task. Corridors are provided in front of the pantries, the width of which is at least 1.1 m. The premises themselves must have a fire protection system.


It is considered the main element of a residential building. The apartment may provide premises for various purposes. They can be residential, open, auxiliary. Engineering networks are provided in each apartment. When designing the power supply of a residential building, it is necessary to determine the entry points of the wiring to each room. As part of social-purpose apartments, it is allowed, and in other types of objects it is recommended to equip openspaces. These include, in particular, terraces, verandas, balconies, loggias, etc.

house design cost
house design cost

The apartment should meet the needs of a particular person and meet the needs of the family as a whole. This fact determines the duality of the requirements for such premises. Apartments must be isolated from each other, but separately must form a single space.


They are intended for direct human habitation. Rooms are considered the main part of the apartment. They are divided into types, depending on the purpose. So, the rooms are used for family activities. These are private spaces (bedrooms, offices). Additionally, dining rooms, living rooms, games rooms, etc. can be provided.

Design of private houses and cottages

Before you start drawing up a sketch of a future structure, you need to determine its purpose. The house can be for permanent residence or used only at certain times of the year. In addition, the number of people who will be in it matters. The project should calculate the number of rooms for family members and guests. At the preparatory stage, it is also necessary to determine whether there will be other buildings on the site.

Architectural solution

When compiling a project, the contractor draws the location of all rooms with an indication of their dimensions, thinks over additional rooms, marks the areas where doors and windows will be located. Making an architectural decision, it is necessarydetermine the material from which the structural elements will be made. You can draw up drawings on paper or a computer using special programs.

Constructive activities

When drawing up a project, it is necessary to calculate all the elements of the structure. It is important to accurately determine the type of foundation and the level of its deepening. It is necessary to calculate the thickness of the walls, select interfloor ceilings, correctly position the rafters, and provide a chimney. As a result, a set of drawings with plans of structural elements is formed. At the same time, explanatory notes are drawn up for each scheme. They indicate the necessary materials, their consumption is calculated.

residential building power supply design
residential building power supply design

Engineering and technical communications

They must be given special attention when designing. The engineering communications plan is one of the most important sections of the documentation. Without it, a quality building cannot be built. In the engineering and technical plan, water supply, ventilation, sewerage, heating, and power supply systems are calculated. It should contain all stages of the production of works on conducting communications. The project indicates the power of the entire building, describes the wiring diagram, grounding systems. In a separate section, a drawing of a burglar alarm is provided.


Residential project includes the following parts:

  • Album with diagrams and specifications.
  • Explanatory notes.
  • Estimate.

In the graphics sectionthere are general and situational plans, drawings of floors with the placement of furniture, facades, a section of the building. The project is a complex and expensive part of the construction, the cost of which can be from 1 to 10% of the cost of the construction work.
