Water intake unit: purpose, features, constituent elements

Water intake unit: purpose, features, constituent elements
Water intake unit: purpose, features, constituent elements

To establish an autonomous water supply for any object to which it is impossible to connect a centralized water supply, water intake facilities are designed and built. What are these structures? These are systems, the main element of which is the water intake unit. It is necessary for the intake of water masses from sources.

In turn, the sources can be artificial or natural. Water intake nodes are not just the initial structural elements, but are also the most critical elements in the system. The delivery of water to the place of consumption and its quality depend on their work.

Basic types

water intake unit
water intake unit

There are two types of water intake. These are surface and underground systems. Devices intended for installation in underground sources may have a different design, according to which they are divided into the following types:

  1. Ray.
  2. Combined.
  3. For artesian wells with high quality clean water.
  4. Mine wells. Designed to supply groundwater.
  5. Trench and gallery horizontal structures.

SurfaceVDUs are more productive, but they need constant monitoring.

Surface-type nodes are subdivided according to the name of the source of the fence:

  1. On the sea - sea.
  2. On the river - river.
  3. On the lake - lakeside.
  4. On the reservoir - reservoir.

Constituent elements

construction of water intake units
construction of water intake units

The system of VZU structures can consist of a different set of elements. This is:

  1. Device that takes water (first lift). This is the loading pump.
  2. Flowmeter. It is necessary to take into account the volume of water supplied.
  3. Fire pump. It is installed if necessary. Works on automatic.
  4. Station 2nd rise. Consists of special pumps. Their task is to ensure constant pressure and supply of water masses in such a volume that is necessary for consumption.
  5. Water tower. Sometimes it replaces the second pumping station.
  6. Drainage system. It is arranged so that when the reservoir overflows or the source is flooded, excess liquid is removed.
  7. Automatics. Needed to adjust the amount of water flow, control the operation of the system, provide automatic maintenance. In this case, the scheme can be any and depends on the requirements of the customer himself.
  8. Transformer substation (if needed).

Cleaning system

The quality of water affects the he alth of every person who uses it. Because of this, the owners of the source, who care about themhe alth and the he alth of loved ones, they believe that the construction of water intake units must necessarily include a purification system.

Purification of water masses begins from the moment they are taken from the source. The initial water masses are fed to the mud filter. Scales, coarse suspensions and other foreign impurities are retained here. If they are not removed, the water treatment equipment will fail.

After that, the water undergoes aeration and subsequent filtration, which is performed by iron removal filters. In addition, with intensive stirring, harmful impurities are oxidized and precipitated. They are then caught by the iron removal filter. To do this, the element is equipped with multi-way automatic valves.

Then the water masses enter the reservoir, which also serves as its storage. Pumps of the second rise after ultraviolet disinfection, which eliminates bacteriological contamination, serve them to the consumer.

Basic requirements for OVC

water intake project
water intake project

In order for high-quality water to be supplied uninterruptedly, the water intake must be properly configured. To do this, economic, sanitary and technical requirements must be observed, and operation must comply with the instructions. Therefore, when drawing up the drawings of the VDU structures, the possibility of adverse conditions is usually taken into account. This will allow, when they appear, to prevent violations in the operation of the system.

As for the location, in accordance with sanitary standards, the area around the water intake point should consist offrom several belts:

  1. The first radius is 15-16 m. No buildings are allowed here that are not designed to solve the tasks of the node.
  2. Second radius - protection against penetration of bacterial contamination.
  3. Third radius - protection against the penetration of chemical contaminants.

If the design of water intake units was carried out taking into account the above requirements, its operation will be durable and reliable.

What factors can affect the design?

vzu water intake unit
vzu water intake unit

The most important characteristics are:

  1. Repairable.
  2. Device debit.
  3. Properties of water and its composition.
  4. Cost. Not a stable amount. Its value is affected by the depth of the well, the type of equipment required for its functionality, the geology of the installation site and other indicators.
  5. The quality of installation. If the work is carried out professionally, this guarantees the reliability of the system and its operation.
  6. Hydrogeological characteristics of the area.

How does hydrogeology affect the design of the VDU?

design of water intake units
design of water intake units

Due to hydrogeology, the intake unit may have different design features.

  1. Single cased. In this design, the production string also serves as a casing string. Settled at a depth of up to 35 m.
  2. Single cased but with plastic casing for filtration or operation. Installed in wells in the sand.
  3. Single casing with an area where the hole is open. Installed in shallow wells located on limestone soils.
  4. On an artesian well with a plastic production pipe. This is the most common water intake unit. The project is designed for high water levels.
  5. For double casing artesian well.
  6. For an artesian well with multiple casings.
