Growing indoor flowers is a whole science. It is not difficult to plant a shoot, but in one plant it soon becomes lush and luxurious, decorating the interior, while in others it continues to sit in place with a boring stalk, not dying, but not touching to grow. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to study in detail the needs of a green pet, choose the right soil for it, and also regularly feed it. Today we want to tell you about Master products. The fertilizer of this series is distinguished by its excellent composition and the highest quality. If you have such top dressing in your arsenal, be sure that the plants on your windowsill will be prettier day by day.

Short description
Today, many pay attention to the manufacturing company, so let's start with this and start the description of the product "Master". The fertilizer is supplied to us by an Italian manufacturer, the Valagro company. It is a completely water-soluble substance, due to which the range of its application is the widest. It can be used to produce foliar and dripirrigation, it can be successfully used for hydroponics. The fertilizer does not contain sodium, chlorine and carbonates. Moreover, each plant has its own formula, and for convenience, the granules and powders differ in color so that you do not mix them up. "Master" is a fertilizer that can be used not only for indoor flowers, but also for feeding fruit plants. The compositions differ in the ratio of trace elements.
For orchids
Tropical plant is extremely sensitive to the lack of mineral elements in the soil. Prolonged starvation will lead to the withering of the bush and the absence of flowering arrows. To normalize the growth and development of your plant, you will need Master fertilizer for orchids.

Reviews suggest that after a few feedings, a significant improvement in the pet's condition can be diagnosed. The leaves become green and fleshy, new roots grow at an unprecedented rate, and most importantly, the plant will delight you with lush peduncles. The liquid fertilizer for orchids contains nitrogen and phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, B vitamins, that is, everything a flowering plant needs. The manufacturer recommends dissolving one cap of the product in a liter of water and feeding the beauty 2 times a month.
We breed a luxurious flower garden
"Master" - fertilizer for all occasions. You can have many ornamental plants living in your home, each of which needs care and attention. Therefore, if you are an experienced florist, choose for your petsuniversal top dressing, which is useful for both indoor and garden crops. The ideal option is Master fertilizer for flowering plants. This is a universal complex remedy that is perfect for balsam and begonia, gardenia and camellia. Calumnia and lubelia, daisy and petunia, violet, fuchsia and cyclamen respond well to it. So with just one package, you can plant a whole garden of outdoor flowers and decorate your greenhouse with gorgeous flowering specimens.

Fertilizer "Master" for flowering plants: composition
As already mentioned, the products of this brand are distinguished by their composition, since each of the drugs is intended for a specific culture. This is an effective water-soluble fertilizer that is perfectly absorbed by plants, as it contains all the necessary elements in a chelated form. Does not contain chlorine, which is detrimental to most flowers. Composed of 14% nitrogen and 21% phosphorus, 24% potassium. In addition, there are zinc, potassium, manganese and calcium, copper and iron that are so necessary for flowering plants. Fertilizer "Master" for flowers is distinguished by a balanced ratio of micro- and macroelements, which satisfies all the needs of green pets for nutrients, stimulates active and long-term flowering, and also promotes intense coloring of leaves and flowers. But the properties don't end there. Regular use of the "Master" allows you to increase the resistance of plants to diseases and rot, which is an urgent problem forevery gardener.

Before you start feeding, you should know a few rules. It is much better to underfeed a plant than to overfeed, so do not exceed the recommended dosages. Before applying fertilizer to the soil, it is good to spill it with plain water. This way you can avoid burning the delicate roots. It is not recommended to feed the plant in the first two months after transplantation. If you just brought a flower from the store, do not rush to fertilize it. Very often, the substrate of purchased plants is oversaturated with growth stimulants and fertilizers, so an additional dose will worsen the condition of the plant rather than bring benefits. If you see signs of a disease or the plant is weakened after an insect attack, a draft or a frost, then top dressing should be postponed. The roots at this time are not able to assimilate it and may suffer. Finally, remember to fertilize only during the growing season, excluding the dormant period.

How to use
It's not difficult to learn how to use Master fertilizer for flowering plants. The instruction recommends that you first prepare a working solution, and only then proceed to top dressing. To do this, you need to dissolve 5 g of the drug in two liters of water and then use this composition for feeding. The frequency of procedures - no more than 1 time in 7-10 days. Reviews emphasize that the drug is very economical, there is enough packagingfor a long time, and the result is excellent. Therefore, if you dream of a beautiful flower garden, then this is the perfect option for you.
Application practice
And what do people say about such a product as fertilizer "Master" for flowering plants? Reviews of flower growers claim that the growth and development, as well as the flowering of their pets, have improved many times over after using this remedy. In order not to be unfounded, let's give a real example, when agricultural technicians of the SFedU Botanical Garden tested it on four greenhouse crops. The application was carried out not once, but for a long time - from July to December. The test subjects were pomegranate, oleander, Chinese rose and begonia. Fertilizers were applied to the soil in accordance with the instructions, that is, in doses recommended for irrigation. Additional dressings were not made in order to maintain the purity of the experiment.

Agricultural technicians observed plant samples for six months, and in order to compare the results, they also used control seedlings that did not receive this fertilizer. As a result, the experimental cultures, in comparison with the control ones, showed greater growth. Moreover, a positive point should be noted: there was no fact of rapid growth of the bush with lengthening of the internode and loss of decorative effect, which happens when loading doses of certain microelements are introduced. The development of plants occurs evenly, they retain a compact shape. But at the same time, the quality of their development is also significantly improved. 6 months after the start of the experimentthe experimental plants were 50% larger than the controls, their leaf color was more intense, and the abundance of flowering increased by about 30%.

Instead of a conclusion
The Blooming Master is the best gift you can get for your greenhouse. With the same basic substrate, it helps to significantly improve root nutrition and has a positive effect on the growth and development of the aerial part. Treated plants have a much better chance of successfully adapting when moving from the nursery to your home, in addition, they grow and develop better when planted for permanent residence in the soil of the greenhouse.