Furniture with eurolining of walls, ceilings, as well as other parts of rooms and outbuildings, allows you to improve the interior without a significant loss of usable area. In addition, such equipment is environmentally friendly, has a lot of variations in both color and texture. Consider the types of this finishing material and how to install it.

General information
Finishing with eurolining refers to the arrangement of a room made of natural materials. The design is pre-treated with a special protective compound. The presence of grooves and fixing spikes facilitates the installation of the lining, and the external aesthetic design will decorate any interior.
The most popular dimensions of the material in question are the following parameters - 2000-96-12 millimeters. Finishing with eurolining is easy to install, makes it possible to hide minor surface defects, does not require special maintenance. Between themselves, the types of lining differ in parameters, depending on the wood used. Of the natural species, pine, cedar, oak and other hardwoods are most often used. There is also an analogue on the marketmade of PVC, but it does not belong to natural samples, it is not of such high quality. For the arrangement of the interior of the premises, it is allowed to use budget options, and it is advisable to equip the outer walls or facade with material from natural hardwoods, which is not afraid of moisture and aggressive external environment.

Finishing with eurolining implies the choice of one of the classes into which this material is divided. There are the following categories:
- Luxury Extra class free from defects and made from selected natural materials.
- Category "A" implies the presence of minor defects that do not affect the quality parameters.
- Type "B" - may have knots and other characteristic defects in its structure.
- Class "C" - the worst category, not suitable for decorative finishes, mainly used for arranging utility and non-residential premises.
Finishing the house with pine lining
The most commonly used material is pine. It has a reasonable price and good quality characteristics. This finish provides sufficient strength at a relatively low specific gravity. The material dries in less time than hardwood.
Pine resin serves as an excellent preservative, preventing the formation of fungi and mold. In addition, this material belongs to environmentally friendly products, fills the room with pleasant andnatural fragrance.

Advantages of coniferous varieties
Finishing a loggia or other premises with a material from coniferous trees has a number of undeniable advantages:
- Attractive appearance and unique texture.
- Long service life, subject to the recommended manipulations in terms of processing the product with special impregnating compounds.
- Small mass.
- Wide range on the market.
- Affordable price.
- Easy to handle, install and maintain.
Do-it-yourself eurolining decoration
You must first level the walls. For installation, a crate is used, which is installed at a right angle with respect to the lining direction. On perfectly flat surfaces, you can do without crates.

The next step is to determine the direction of finishing. By type, this operation is divided into vertical, horizontal or corner laying. The first option allows you to visually increase the height of the ceiling, the second version affects the increase in the total amount of space. Corner trim with eurolining gives the interior an original style and design.
Mounting methods:
- Fixing the material on the crate or special staples. In the second case, the fasteners are connected using the grooves provided.
- Hidden mount is a self-tapping screw screwed into the spike of the finishing material. In this case, the next element masks the screw head, covering it with a groove.
- Fastening the lining with self-tapping screws through special wooden dowels.
Preparatory work
Finishing with eurolining, the photo of which is presented below, requires compliance with certain rules for storing material and preparing the workplace:
- The lining is stored in a clean, dry room, without temperature changes, excluding direct sunlight and moisture.
- To purchase the material of optimal parameters, it must be taken out of the package 48 hours before the intended installation.
- Before installation, remove dust with a damp and clean cloth.
- Carry out treatment with antiseptic agents that protect the material from fungal and mold formations.
- After the material has dried, installation is carried out at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees Celsius and a humidity level above 60%.
- The final preparatory stage will be the calculation of the amount of material, taking into account the dimensions of the board, the size of the grooves and the reduction in the working width of each panel.

Finishing a balcony with eurolining provides for the preliminary creation of a crate. Features of its design are given below:
- Mounting should be carried out exclusively on a flat surface.
- Brick, concrete or metal walls will require battens.
- You can fix the frame of wooden slats to the walls, ceiling or floor.
- Thicknesscrates is at least 20-30 millimeters, and the distance between the working elements is taken at least 400 mm.
The crate itself is a set of wooden planks in the form of a frame, which not only plays the role of a foundation for lining with eurolining, but also creates ventilation in the created space between the finishing elements.
Proper maintenance is recommended to prolong the life of the cladding and maintain its optimum properties. This area includes the following manipulations:
- Avoiding excessive moisture in the room, as a result of which the panels may become deformed or lose their visual appeal.
- Natural impregnations, varnishes and oils are used as protective compounds. They can be applied after the installation of the material, updating the appearance of the cladding.
- Euro lining treated with an antiseptic with the inclusion of boric s alt can be used to equip saunas, baths and building facades.

Care for the material in question does not involve the use of abrasives. It is enough to wipe the walls with a damp cloth dipped in soapy water. To remove difficult stains, solvents are used locally. After cleaning, the surface is treated with a special varnish or oil.