In most cases, during construction or repair, the owner decides to carry out such a process as clapboard lining with his own hands, because this material has proven itself excellently in finishing vertical surfaces. In addition, there are no difficulties with self-finishing. However, products are made from different woods, so for a specific purpose you need to purchase a suitable product. Coniferous wood species are perfect for office and residential premises. If the lining is nailed in the bath with your own hands, then it is better to choose material from aspen. Nowadays, eurolining imitating all kinds of surfaces is popular.

When it is supposed to do-it-yourself clapboard lining, there is a choice of its appearance. Recently, imitation of a log or a bar has become widespread. In the first case, it seems that after the sheathing there is a log house. The outer side of the product has a semicircular shape, which is why the structure seems to be log. In another case, the wall becomes seemingly timber. Wide panels likeimitations are most often used for exterior decoration. The listed products are especially useful in frame housing construction.

Before proceeding to such an activity as do-it-yourself clapboard cladding, it is necessary to process all the elements with protective compounds, especially since certain types of wood may really need it. Otherwise, after some time, the skin will dry out even from slight moisture and lose its original color. Sometimes additional operations are also carried out to help improve the appearance of the coating. Such a procedure, for example, can be the deresining of wood, which implies the removal of resin and the elimination of grease stains. The most elementary way is to coat the boards with an acetone solution, followed by flushing.

Before do-it-yourself clapboard lining is made, questions about electricity in the room must be completely resolved. That is, all points of location of sockets, various lamps, switches and shields must be clearly defined. It is best to run the wires under the wood trim. Metal pipes will fit for insulation, and to protect against overheating, you will have to purchase cables with a large cross section. If the wall is sufficiently even, then the sheathing can be attached directly to it. However, brick or stone walls will need to be pre-battened.
The supporting structure is also needed if the loggia is finished with a clapboard with your own hands. There are severalmethods of attaching material to rails. Where aesthetics do not really matter, fixation is performed in any part of the board. Of course, large nails will not work, as there is a risk of splitting the wood panel. Another method involves fastening directly into the grooves when the hats are closed with the next board. Fixing with self-tapping screws is performed by an identical method. Fasteners are screwed into the spike of the first lining, after which the next panel is installed.