Finishing the sauna with a clapboard with your own hands

Finishing the sauna with a clapboard with your own hands
Finishing the sauna with a clapboard with your own hands

Before every person who decides to build their own steam room, sooner or later the question arises, what should be the finish of the sauna. It is on this that the style, comfort and heat dissipation of the room depends. It is advisable to entrust the execution of internal work to professionals, but if necessary, you can do it yourself.

sauna decoration
sauna decoration

Finishing the sauna: materials

Natural wood is best suited for these purposes. It not only gently transfers heat, but also withstands large temperature fluctuations. In addition, during the cooling process, it will give off a delicious aroma. Finishing the sauna inside can be done using different types of wood. The most common is cedar lining, which has a number of undeniable advantages. The texture of this wood will create a sophisticated natural effect in the room.

Also, the finishing of the sauna can be done with the help of alder. This light orange wood harmonizes well with other colorful elements. The indisputable advantages of alder lining include the absencepredisposition to the appearance of the fungus. Such wood can be easily processed in any way.

sauna interior decoration
sauna interior decoration

Heat insulation works

Finishing the sauna should begin with the arrangement of thermal insulation. Most experts recommend using a special foil-coated reflective film for this purpose. This material not only retains heat, but also reflects it into the room. There are two types of reflective film: it can be thin or thick based on polyurethane foam and other chemical materials. Thermal insulation properties directly depend on the thickness of the film. The denser it is, the better.

lining the sauna
lining the sauna

Finishing the sauna with clapboard

It is necessary to start internal work only after all engineering and technical communications are brought into the room. First, you should assemble a crate of alder, linden or aspen timber. The minimum distance between the slats should be 50 cm. At the initial stage, it is necessary to attach the extreme bars. For their installation, it is recommended to use a level and a plumb line. After making sure that the crate turned out to be even, you can attach the remaining slats to it.

Those who decide to do without the crate, attach the material directly to the wall surface using special building brackets or screws. But in this case, no one guarantees that the wall surface will be perfectly flat.

After completing the preparatory work, you can proceed to the main process. Finishingsauna does not require special skills, so you can handle it yourself. Fasteners used in the process of interior work must be made of materials that can withstand high humidity and high temperatures. Poor quality nails will eventually rust and form ugly smudges on the walls.

The height of the lining should correspond to the height of the room. The cut material should be carefully attached to the crate using finishing nails or special clamps.

At the final stage, the walls can be treated with a special varnish that prevents changes in the texture or color of the wood. One of the best options used to process lining in the sauna is wax-based scuba. It creates a thin protective film on the wood surface. To finish the steam room, wood is used, impregnated with a colorless antifungal antiseptic that prevents the growth of mold and fungi.

sauna decoration materials
sauna decoration materials

Helpful tips

In the process of interior decoration of the sauna, one should not forget about the ventilation system. In most cases, it consists of an exhaust and supply channels. The first of them is mounted under the ceiling of the wall, it will be located opposite the stove, the second - not far from the entrance. Sometimes the supply channel is replaced by a small window in the wall or a gap above the threshold.

No less attention should be paid to the choice of the front door. In this case, it is not recommended to use conventional products. The door to the sauna must be made of wood-based panels ortempered glass. It should not have any metal elements on it. If windows are provided in the room, they must be well insulated to prevent possible heat loss.
