Fig, aka fig tree, aka fig tree, is a southern plant that prefers to grow where it's warm. However, Russian gardeners are not afraid of the upcoming difficulties, and they began to try to plant it not only on their windowsills, but also in their plots. It should be noted that this is an extremely interesting experience, so read on, gain theoretical knowledge and try it - it's extremely interesting.

Features of the plant
Before you grow a seedling for planting, it's a good idea to ask what a fig is. Growing this miracle berry at home requires careful attention and a lot of patience. An adult plant tolerates quite patiently a drop in temperature in winter to -20 degrees, but will not give more than one crop per year, while in the tropics the fruits are removed three times a year. Of course, for our conditions this is an unrealistic figure, however, in order for a tree to grow and fruits to ripen, it is necessarypay maximum attention to ensuring that the plant receives enough heat. This is the only way you can get delicious figs by autumn. Growing lots of tropical fruits at home is a lot of fun.
Tricks of gardeners
It is clear that the usual way of planting is not suitable here, the plant will endure one winter, and then freeze out, as it will become too tall. You won't end up with fresh and amazingly he althy figs. Growing at home is usually limited to rooting cuttings, after which the plant is sent to open ground. In order for the plant not only to survive, but also to bring a crop, it is necessary to choose not only the right place, but also use a special, trench planting method. Plus, it is required to form a bush in a special way so that its branches do not freeze in the winter cold. Let's start to disassemble everything in order. First of all, you will need to prepare a seedling that can be transferred to the garden.

Growing figs at home from seeds
The task is very difficult, which requires a lot of time and patience. Not every gardener agrees to wait 7-8 years until the first fruits ripen on the branches. However, if your interest in the plant is more creative, that is, you are interested in the process itself, then why not look at it, starting with small, tender shoots.
In order to get seeds, you will need to buy fresh or dried figs. Ripe fruits picked fromplantations, have seeds of good germination. Now you need to wait for spring and sow the seeds in the ground. The seeds are washed well, removing mucus from them, and laid out to dry. Plant the seeds to a depth of 2 cm, water well and cover with a plastic bag. After about three weeks, provided that high humidity and air temperature are maintained, a small fig will appear. Now your task is to gradually accustom the plants to room temperature, and then harden them, exposing them to the balcony, first for several minutes, and then for hours. When the seedlings reach 10 cm in length, picks can be made.

Growing figs with cuttings
This is a much faster way that figs reproduce well. Growing at home (the photo will more clearly demonstrate this process) involves rooting cuttings and subsequent transplanting into a large pot or planting in open ground. Which is very convenient, because branches for cuttings can be cut at any time of the year, so if your friends are going to warmer climes, ask them to bring shoots with them, wrapping them in a damp cloth.
The resulting cuttings must be prepared for planting by making an oblique cut. On the bark, you need to make several longitudinal cuts, it is from here that the roots will grow. Now dip the stalk in water for several hours so that the milky juice comes out. In parallel, you need to disinfect the soil with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, after which the cuttings are planted to a depth of 5 cm. 1 cm of sand is poured on top, and the containercover with a jar or polyethylene. After about a month, you will see the first young leaves, and after another month, the figs will be ready for transplanting. In about a year, you will be able to enjoy the first fruits.

Figs in a pot
A young plant can stay potted for about 12 months, during which time its root system will grow significantly, and it will need to be transplanted. It should be noted that transplanting immediately into a large pot inhibits its development, so it is necessary to shake the plant out of the pot every year, inspect its roots and select a new one. The pot should interfere with the root system and leave some more room for its growth and development. An adult plant (usually a six-year planting) stops in its development, now you can transplant them every 5-6 years.
If other subtleties that allow you to grow good figs. Care and cultivation at home must exactly meet the requirements of a tropical plant. When planting, the root neck does not deepen, and the plant itself is located in the brightest place, it needs to be well watered.
Another surprise: this is a deciduous plant, which means that with the onset of autumn it will be necessary to provide it with a dormant period. It is best to lower the temperature to +5 degrees, if this is not possible, then place it in a dark place until spring and reduce watering. Watering is done with cool water and only slightly so that the soil does not dry out.

We keep talking about figs. Growing at home (reviews say that it is not as difficult as it seems) becomes much more interesting with the advent of spring. With the appearance of the first buds, the plant is transferred to a bright place and watering is increased. At the same time, it is necessary to feed it with nitrogen fertilizer. In the future, this procedure should be repeated twice a month. The second and third can be done with nitrogen fertilizers, and then you need to use complex ones.
A fig is a tree after all, so if you don't take care of the formation of the crown, it will grow all the way to the ceiling. Every spring, preferably before the buds appear, you need to cut the shoots directed inwards, and also pinch the tops. However, remember that horizontal branches cannot be touched, it is on them that fruits are formed. Most often they form a crown in the form of a fan, it is very simple. The fruits of the first harvest are formed on last year's shoots around the beginning of summer.

Competent landing in open ground
In fact, the cultivation of the southern fig tree in the northern regions is not an easy task. That is why many do not undertake to grow figs. Growing at home, diseases and various difficulties, the risk of losing a plant in a cold winter - all this is a weighty argument in order to plant a plant adapted to our conditions. However, among gardeners there are those who are not afraid of difficulties. In order for the plant to grow well, it is planted in deep trenches. Whereinthe place should be the sunniest and warmest in the entire area. It is very good if this place is open from the south, and all other sides are covered with brick walls or trees. This will create a unique microclimate.

Digging a trench
Now you have to work, growing figs at home depends on it. In open ground, you need to dig a strip one and a half meters deep. At the same time, remove the top layer, it is the most fertile, and discard it to one side, we will use it to create a substrate. The lower layer, poor in nutrients, is dumped on the north side, forming an earthen rampart. Width approximately one meter. In this case, the southern wall must be made with a smooth slope downwards. Now you fill up the drainage layer, and on top - a nutrient substrate mixed with humus and biohumus, while the depth of the pit is reduced by about 100 cm.
Additional heating
We have already emphasized that figs are extremely thermophilic plants. Therefore, it will not be superfluous not only to preserve, but also to increase the summer heat. To do this, the southern slope of the trench is covered with a black film, and the northern slope is reinforced with painted white boards or metal. During the day, the wall accumulates heat, and at night it gives it away. In winter, with proper shelter, the fig will be completely protected from frost, since the soil freezes no more than one meter. Thus, figs winter well and produce a crop. Such a planting allows you to create almost tropical conditions, which means growing not only figs, but alsopomegranate, laurel and tangerine.