Reconstruction is Definition, harmonization, norms and rules

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Reconstruction is Definition, harmonization, norms and rules
Reconstruction is Definition, harmonization, norms and rules

Video: Reconstruction is Definition, harmonization, norms and rules

Video: Reconstruction is Definition, harmonization, norms and rules
Video: Tonal HARMONY | The SECRETS of Four Part Writing (SATB) 2024, December

What is rebuilding? This, in other words, is a change in the layout of the apartment, which affects not only the furniture, but also the change in engineering networks. In the article, we will consider all the nuances of this process, as well as the difference from the usual redevelopment in more detail.

refurbishment and remodeling
refurbishment and remodeling

Small introduction

It is not uncommon for an apartment owner to be dissatisfied with the original layout. Therefore, there is a desire to redo everything so that you like it. However, any drastic changes must be coordinated with special services.

When you want to change your home, the option comes to mind not only to change the arrangement of furniture, but also to rearrange the bathroom or gas stove. What does it take to fulfill your desires?

home renovation
home renovation

Differences between redevelopment and refurbishment

If you want to rearrange furniture, make repairs, change equipment to a similar one, then you do not need to get permission for this. Everything else must be agreed and entered into the technical passport of the apartment.

Regardless of whether the reorganization and / or redevelopment of residential premises is carried out, a person must have the rights of the owner. If the tenant lives in an apartment under a social tenancy agreement, then you need to obtain permission from the landlord. Moreover, you should have written consent from the family. However, depending on whether the applicant is the owner or the tenant, different levels of change are allowed. The first one can reduce the area of the dwelling at the expense of non-residential premises, while the second one cannot.

It remains to figure out what redevelopment and reorganization are. The first process is to change the configuration of the apartment. All amendments must be made to the passport. They are also made on the basis of a sketch and a project.

The sketch can be used if a person wants to replace or install additional equipment, install new partitions that will not increase the load on the ceiling, dismantle existing partitions, except for inter-apartment partitions, install doors or windows in them.

redevelopment scheme
redevelopment scheme

More significant changes are being made to the project. It involves the creation of stairs and openings, the installation of partitions that will affect the load-bearing walls, changing the floor, installing openings in the load-bearing walls and between apartments.

A sketch can be drawn on the BTI plan. Partitions on them are indicated by a red and green tint. The first mark is those partitions that are being demolished, the second is those that are being built. If the work requires project approval, then you need to contact the licensed bureau.

Reconstruction is the process of transferring, installing or replacing engineering, electrical, sanitary networks. According to Article 25 of the Russian Housing Code, a tenant can install an electric stove instead of a gas stove, replace engineering equipment that provides energy or water supply, or install conductive networks, reinstall heating, plumbing and gas appliances, rebuild a toilet, bathroom, kitchen.

Removal of conductive networks can also be included in the reorganization process, however, existing water supply risers must be preserved. First you need to make a sketch.

Therefore, the main difference must be emphasized. A rebuild is the process of changing equipment of an engineering, technical, or electrical type. Replanning - changing the layout, that is, the destruction of walls, the merging of rooms, and so on.

refurbishment and redevelopment of the premises
refurbishment and redevelopment of the premises

What not to do?

The legislation provides for some changes that are not allowed. Consider the main ones.

During the reorganization and redevelopment, it is impossible to create openings, punch holes in the pylon walls, columns, create grooves in the seams of wall panels to hide the pipeline and electrical wiring, remove ventilation channels, impede access to utilities.

In other words, any process should not worsen living conditions, reduce the strength of the structure. Otherwise, the house may collapse.


Official design

It is necessary to coordinaterefurbishment and remodeling. Both procedures must be completed. It should be noted a positive nuance: even if the apartment is secured by a mortgage, you can still make any changes.

Before committing a reorganization or redevelopment, absolutely all planned actions should be agreed upon. At the end of the paperwork, the owner will be issued an act of the acceptance committee. At the end, special bodies will issue new technical documents, in which they will make all the changes.

The difference between redevelopment and reorganization is that the second process does not need to be agreed in advance. All changes must be registered as soon as they are implemented. An official appeal must be recorded as soon as possible, otherwise you can get a fine.

reorganization procedure
reorganization procedure

Procedure for contacting the special service

Any work that is not authorized will be declared illegal. Only the owner can apply to the special services with a statement. Tenants and tenants can only do this if they have written permission from the owner.

At the very beginning of work, you need to get a floor plan. It is included in the technical data sheet. With these documents, you can go to the design office, which will draw up a work plan. If you have the skills, you can make a sketch yourself.

When applying to a government agency to agree on the reorganization of a dwelling, the created project should be attached to the application. The authority will consider everything and issue a decision. If it is negative, then you can go to court.

If all changes are approved, the owner receives all rights to carry out the work. They are considered completed when a special act is drawn up. It must be signed by the construction department and representatives of the housing inspection. After its registration, a new technical passport of the apartment will be issued on its basis.

Submission of documents

To agree on the reorganization, you need to collect a package of documents. It is on their basis that the decision will be made. You should write an application. The sample is issued by the relevant authority. Documents are attached that confirm the ownership of the apartment, a sketch or project of changes, a technical passport, consent from all family members, the conclusion of the body that is responsible for historical monuments.

The legislation of the Russian Federation states that the body has no right to demand other documents.

refurbishment of a residential building
refurbishment of a residential building


The application is considered within 45 days from the date of its submission. However, before doing this, it is better to contact the registration authority before collecting all the documents. The fact is that for minor changes it is not necessary to build a complete package. Enough written consent of the tenants of the apartment. Such changes include, for example, the elimination of a built-in wardrobe or, conversely, its installation.

It should be noted that if the reconstruction of a residential building was carried out without prior permission, then it must be registered through the court. If you do it in reverse order, you can avoid the consequences.

When filing a claim, you must provide the data and address of the person who writes the application, the legal address of the authorities responsible for the premises, a description of the application to keep the apartment with changes already made. A package of documents must be attached to the claim, signed and dated.

You need to provide documents confirming the right to property, the conclusion that the sanitary conditions, fire safety and the condition of the supporting structures are in perfect order. You should also attach an apartment passport.

New conditions for changes

Earlier, it was possible to redevelop and reorganize the premises according to a sketch or project. However, the bill has been amended. Now you need to make a project. The new changes provide for the approval of a permit or notification procedure. What does this mean?

If the sketches have passed the permitting procedure, then you must first get a documented "good", only then do some work. The notification procedure provides for the conduct of processes without keeping a log of work and witnessing hidden changes.

Agreement and results

Responsibility for improperly carried out work will be assigned if damage to the apartment is detected, the use of the premises for other purposes, inconsistent redevelopment.

In case of violations, the authorities will demand to return the dwelling to its original form, otherwise the apartment will be sold at auction.

To the consequences of an inconsistent order of reorganization, it is necessaryinclude litigation, as well as other consequences of a similar nature, problematic home sales. In addition, special authorities may recognize the premises as non-residential.

coordination of reorganization and redevelopment
coordination of reorganization and redevelopment

Restructuring rules

If we are talking about rebuilding a house, then you need to understand that it is forbidden to place a restroom, a bathroom or a kitchen above the living rooms. In apartments that have two levels, it is only allowed to install a bathroom above the kitchen. This data should be used in the complete reorganization and redevelopment of premises.

If the apartment has two or more rooms, then you need to make the bedrooms impassable. If the project has individual rooms in the middle of the apartment, it will be rejected.

As for the reconstruction of the bathroom, there are also certain rules here. If you want to change its position, then it is necessary to carry out a ventilation system, hydro, vibration, sound insulation. In some situations, it is also necessary to strengthen the overlap. It is forbidden to mount pipes on inter-apartment walls and on partitions to avoid unnecessary noise. Equipment, fittings and appliances must be constantly accessible so that repairs and maintenance can be carried out.

Fireplace is allowed to be installed if the apartment is located on the top floor. If it is multi-level, then it can be designed at the last level.

Before insulating the balcony, it is necessary to provide thermal insulation, protect the structure from the penetration of cold air. When doesthermotechnical calculation, it is necessary to take the temperature of the internal air - +20 degrees. The design must be properly created in order to avoid the appearance of excess moisture in the room.

All ventilation systems, as well as other engineering types, must comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards. The first and basic rule when conducting a ventilation system: air should not get from one apartment to another. You can not combine the ventilation compartment for the kitchen and sanitary facilities. It should be understood that it must ensure the purity of the air in living rooms.

Ventilation can have a natural inflow and elimination of air, mechanical induction of the inflow, which must receive air heating. The third type of ventilation is combined. It should be borne in mind that, when it comes to living quarters and the kitchen, there is often enough ventilation in the form of windows, transoms, vents, valves, and so on. If the apartment is located in the third or fourth climatic region, then it is necessary to additionally install through or corner ventilation. If harmful substances are emitted in some rooms, then the ventilation should take the air outside, and not into other rooms.

Another important issue is lighting. If non-residential premises are being reconstructed, then this nuance is not standardized. In other rooms, natural light should be provided. You need to pay attention to the side of the world, which the windows of the room face. With a lack of lighting, artificial sources should be used. The same applies to the kitchen.

reorganization approval
reorganization approval


The article indicates the difference from redevelopment and reorganization. This will help determine what kind of repair process is planned. The collected package of documents, the cost of submitting an application and creating a project depend on this. In no case should the rules of the law be ignored: it is imperative to formalize the changes, and also coordinate with the special authorities before making them.

Reconstruction of houses and apartments differs in complexity. If a person lives in a multi-storey building, then certain restrictions may be imposed related to the operation of the general water supply system and so on. When it comes to rebuilding your own home, everything is much simpler here. No need to go to special authorities, draw up acts, write applications.

Slightly significant changes will not have to be constantly registered, kept records. It is enough just to get permission, and then to register already upon the fact of work. If you do not do this, you will have to pay a fine of up to 2,500 rubles, and after that the court will oblige you to either return everything to its previous state, or make changes to the technical passport.

Separately, it should be clarified about multi-level apartments. Here, special authorities allow a wider range of work than for ordinary residential premises. More details can be found in this article.

From the brief rules for the reconstruction of apartments, it must be emphasized that everything must be done officially with prior permission. Before submitting an application, you must completeproject. It is not necessary to do it yourself, you can contact a special company. For a small amount, they will take all the measurements, inspect the living space and help with the changes. Some companies offer not only to create a project, but also to execute it.
