Man's desire for beauty has always been appreciated. And the creation of art objects from various materials helps to decorate any territory in a variety of ways for the holiday or to install the resulting product to please the eyes for a long time. The foam figures do the job.
Product benefits
3D polystyrene figures become an essential attribute of any designer when decorating a room for a wedding or anniversary. Styrofoam creates beautiful crafts for a summer cottage or for the area adjacent to the house. The advantages of products are that they have properties that no other material has.
- Easy. Things made of this material are lightweight, which makes it easy to place them on the walls as a decor.
- Volume. Styrofoam figures can be easily given the desired look, it is enough to follow the prepared sketch correctly.

In addition, the material is not subject to reaction with cement, gypsum, roofing material, neither ammonia nor organic acid compounds will damage it. However, it is worth remembering that polystyrene foam instantly reacts to liquids, incontaining acetone or gasoline.
To create a foam figure with your own hands, you should stock up on some tools:
- Sketch. The picture from which the figure will be created must have clear details and take into account the width of the volume of the future masterpiece. It is good to have several copies of the sketches if the part has too complex edges.
- A piece of Styrofoam. It is worth considering the thickness of the material when calculating the manufacture of the product. For a high-quality result, it is better to take expanded polystyrene with a fine-grained structure. It will crumble less, and the edges of the craft will be even.
- Jigsaw. This tool allows you to cut off an unnecessary surface from a piece and form the product as a whole.
- Nichrome wire or metal string, hacksaw, tools for cutting excess foam parts.
- Machine to support the workpiece. With a small craft, the need for a machine is optional, but if the workpiece has a large number of parts or its size is large for the hand, then you should think about fixing.

Some craftsmen warm up the cutting tool before cutting for smoother edges of the product. In addition, this operation allows the foam to not crumble.
Decorating indoor items
Styrofoam figures themselves serve as an intermediate material between the finished craft and a piece of material. To bring the product to an aesthetic appearance, you can use various additional things. It maybe fabric or paper for decoration if the form will be used indoors. Styrofoam products decorated with leather look beautiful indoors. With proper execution and a bit of imagination, you can create a thing for repeated use.

Outdoor decoration
Crafts for use in the garden require more diligence in the final processing of the product. First of all, you should think about the protective properties of the product from atmospheric phenomena. It can be cement, polyurethane foam, putty for external work or gypsum, which will give the foam hardness and the desired structure. To make some structures heavier, the material can be poured both inside the product and placed on top of it. After the protective layer has completely dried, you can start painting the object, just remember to choose the material - paints based on kerosene, benzene can damage the finished product.