Is it possible to quickly redecorate the walls in the apartment? Many will say it's fantastic. And they will be right, but only partly. Indeed, it is really necessary to peel off the old coating, such as wallpaper, level the walls, prepare them for painting or sticking new wallpaper and apply a new decorative layer. But there is a much simpler solution - these are wall panels.

This type of finishing materials appeared on our market relatively recently, but every year it is gaining more and more popularity. This trend is observed due to the following indicators.
- Profitability. The price of the issue is one of the most important factors that most people consider when renovating. The cost of wall decoration with wall panels in this matter outperforms most finishing materials.
- Durability. Wall panels are made of plastic, fiberboard, chipboard, MDF. And this only means that they will serve for a long time.
- Easy installation. For mounting panelssome special skills are required, everything is done very simply. In addition, there is no need for preliminary alignment and preparation of walls, as with painting or wallpapering.
- Decorative design. The appearance of the premises is the most important argument, because of which the repair begins, as a result of which the choice is made in the direction of one or another finishing material. According to this indicator, wall panels also have a lot of advantages, as they can imitate wallpaper, natural materials, textured plaster.

- Versatility. Two groups can be distinguished: wall panels, internal and external. They differ from each other only in strength. But they always look great.
Among the entire range of wall panels that are present on the building materials market, there are several types.
- Slatted. This type is the most popular. The fastening of the material to the wall is carried out using special mounting brackets, which are called clamps. Panels can be assembled according to one of two possible types of connection - this is a "groove-groove" or "groove-thorn". The length of the panel varies from 0.9 meters to 3 meters, and the width from 13.5 to 33.5 centimeters.
- Type-setting tiled. Finishing materials of this type have the shape of a square. Their fastening to the wall is carried out in the same way as in the case of rack. But wall panels for a room in the form of tiles give much more finishing options, because they can be easily combined. If they are small, you canlay out compositions and drawings from them.

- Plastic wall panels. This finishing material is environmentally friendly, at the same time very economical. Plastic panels on the market are represented by a huge variety of colors, so they can fit well into any interior. They also have good performance in soundproofing and heat-insulating properties. Caring for them is very simple, as they can be washed with a damp cloth without fear of damage to the decorative layer.
- Wooden wall panels. The production of this type of finishing materials is currently carried out from wood veneer and natural wood. Similar to plastic panels, they have good sound insulation, heat insulation and waterproof properties.
- Sheet wall panels. Their main difference is their large size. The standard size of one panel is 1.22x2.44 meters. They also differ in the way they are attached. Their installation is carried out using ordinary nails or glue. Due to these factors, their main advantage is achieved, which is the fastest finishing of the room.