"How do they treat mosquito areas?" - good question

"How do they treat mosquito areas?" - good question
"How do they treat mosquito areas?" - good question
How are areas treated for mosquitoes?
How are areas treated for mosquitoes?

Summer is always awaited with trepidation, anticipating a sunny holiday and a lot of impressions. Summer residents are especially looking forward to it. Perspective: outdoor recreation, a full-fledged harvest, ordinary gatherings in the evenings are pleasant little things that are significant only at the height of the summer season. But along with the joys of the sun, the appearance of hungry mosquitoes, which are activated in the summer and bring discomfort with their behavior, can be depressing. Probably everyone has experienced the inevitable itching that remains after the bite of an annoying insect. The effectiveness of repellents, plates, spirals is short-lived, and in open space their effect is practically reduced to zero. How are mosquito areas treated in order to enjoy plenty of communication with nature, a conversation with friends who have come to visit? What will help get rid of these annoying insects?Before we learn how to treat areas from mosquitoes, let's take a closer look at the buzzing insect. The common mosquito has about3000 species, and in Russia there are about 1000 varieties of this insect. The mosquito lives from several days to several weeks. The female is able to fly 3 km to search for her prey - the insect needs her blood for fertilization. Reference points are the carbon dioxide exhaled by a person, and the thermal radiation emanating from it.

mosquito treatment
mosquito treatment

Processing mosquitoes on the surface of the skin or clothes with sprays brings significant relief for the duration of the drug. But how to protect yourself from them, being in a summer cottage, especially if there is a pond with stagnant water nearby, which is a great place for their reproduction. How do they treat mosquito sites in order to completely eliminate the habitat area, thereby protecting themselves from possible problems associated with their bites? The answer to your questions will make spending time in the country comfortable and safe.

Many summer residents do not know how to treat the area from mosquitoes, but this service is quite in demand precisely in the warm season, when insects are most active. You can treat the summer cottage with insecticidal preparations "Tsifoks" or the modern remedy "Medilis-Ziper". With the help of domestic insecticides, it will be possible to destroy mosquitoes and their larvae, as well as flies, ants, fleas and ticks. Carefully read the instructions, follow the strictly written dosage. What are natural reservoirs, ponds and swamps treated with? In such cases, endotoxins are used to fight the larvae - drugs that do not pose a danger to humans, helping to cope with the problem.mosquito invasions in natural conditions and not harmful to the inhabitants of the aquatic environment.

how to treat an area for mosquitoes
how to treat an area for mosquitoes

Environmentalists and nature lovers are advised to try to get rid of mosquitoes without the use of chemicals. Planting plants that repel these insects is less effective in impact, but it also has the advantage of safety. Basil, chamomile, marigolds and bird cherry will be very appropriate in this case - their smell, insects will not be able to endure. Do your best to keep your site bright and sunny, thin out the crowns of trees, systematically remove weeds, and do not leave water containers open (this will reduce the likelihood of mosquitoes breeding). These tips will help to resist the invasion of blood-sucking insects and the question "How are mosquito areas treated?" will no longer be relevant.
