Purpose of garden figures

Garden figures for giving have a decorative purpose, that is, they serve to decorate the site. With their help, you will add originality and playfulness to the overall landscape. Having shown your imagination, you can place the figures in interesting and funny poses, and by placing them next to flower beds and flower bushes, you can get beautiful compositions with meaning. There are also such garden figures for giving, which have not only a decorative purpose, but also a practical one. They can be made in the form of lanterns, as well as flower stands or bird feeders. There are quite a lot of such products, their choice may be limited only by financial capabilities and your imagination.
Garden figures made of chamotte material
If you want to install decorative figurines in your garden and at the same time save a lot, then it is best to choose fireclay as a material for them. It will be not only the cheapest, but also the simplest. In addition, it has many advantages. So, fireclay is a strong and durable material that will remain in its original form for more than one year. In addition, it is wear resistantmanifested in its exposure to temperature extremes and bad weather. This material is quite impact-resistant and does not require special care, the figures from it are very easy to wash as they get dirty.
Garden figures for giving from polyuston

Polyuston is also considered a budget material for making decorative figurines. Today it is very popular and most in demand. It is anatural stone with the addition of additional substances that make it a uniform texture. Thanks to this, the figures do not have pores and cracks. Products made from it are strong and will endure any bad weather: both cold and rain, and extreme heat. That is why they are so popular.
Garden figures - master class
Those who prefer creative ideas and have a good imagination can make the figures for the garden themselves. There is nothing complicated in this, but you can use improvised materials. So, for example, garden figures made of foam for mounting are known to many. To get them

to do, you must first come up with a character that should eventually turn out. It could be some kind of animal. After that, you need to make a frame for his torso. This role can be played by an ordinary plastic bottle of any size of your choice. You need to pour sand into it, and then use the wire to fasten the paws, tail and make a neck. For the head, you can take a simple tin can or something similar. When the frame is ready, itit should be well foamed along the contour, giving the desired shape. If in some place the foam was superfluous, it is easy to cut it off. When the figure dries, it needs to be painted with acrylic paints. Here you can turn on your imagination and color it to your liking. If it doesn't turn out too bright, make several layers. In order for the paint not to be washed off for a long time, you can cover such garden figures for giving with varnish.