Almost every owner of a private house dreams of a beautiful and even unique piece of land. How can the idea be realized? This can be done only if the landscape design of the garden plot is correctly developed. What is it? Science, art or fashion? Why do people who have their own piece of land strive to do landscape design of a garden plot? How to apply it in your territory? What is the essence of the design of the garden plot, and what styles can be applied in this case? Let's try to answer these and other questions that arise when studying this topic.
Definition of concept
What do we mean by the design of the garden plot (see photo below)? This is nothing more than the creation of convenience and harmony when using green spaces, as well as small architectural forms.

Many gardeners believe that creatingexclusive design on your own is an unrealistic thing. However, this is not the case. With little effort, anyone can transfer any design ideas to their local area, creating a unique landscape on it, providing an atmosphere of comfort and harmony. Such work, whether it is the creation of a small cozy garden or a luxurious park, will require the same approach to business from the side of architectural and design decisions, when planning the space, as well as when choosing those plants that will decorate the site.
The design of the garden plot (photos are posted in the article) is a whole philosophy that combines life and nature. At the same time, a huge number of options have been developed that allow you to beautifully and comfortably equip the local area. Among them, the only one that will fully satisfy the individual needs of the owners can be selected.

The essence of garden design lies in its harmony, convenience and simplicity. All this, together with the style chosen by the owners, is the basis for creating a unique atmosphere that will help create all the conditions for a comfortable country life and a relaxed holiday. However, you should not rush to extremes, as some summer residents do. They believe that the main beauty of their site lies in the flowers. Guided by this idea, they plant them on any piece of free space. The principle "the more the better" when designing a garden plot is unacceptable. Of course it isbeautiful, but the whole composition in this case does not have aesthetics. The essence of the design of the garden plot of a country house is not at all in planting a huge number of beautiful plants, but in their correct grouping and combination with each other. And with the planting described above, which is often used by our summer residents, the appearance of even the most beautiful rose bushes is lost.
Design project development
Creating an interesting and beautiful landscape on your own site is now a necessity for many city dwellers. After all, they gradually cease to consider the dacha as a place where only vegetables are grown. People tend to come to their suburban area to take a break from the hustle and admire nature, that is, to relax before the next working week.
In this case, there is absolutely no difference whether the design of a garden plot of 10 acres, 6 or 4 will be carried out. The owners must carry out preliminary careful planning and manage the available space as rationally as possible. The design of a garden plot on 6 acres, which has a rather modest size, can also be of stunning beauty.

What needs to be done at the first stage? If the work will be carried out independently, then you will need to develop a design project for the garden plot. Ready-made solutions will help with this, numerous photographs of which are presented in the article. And even in the event that the implementation of the planned project as a whole is impossible for some reason, it can always be applied whendo-it-yourself landscape design of a garden plot the most liked ideas of professionals.
How to develop such a project? First, you need to transfer the outlines of your territory to paper, while drawing up its detailed plan. It should have:
- exact site dimensions;
- pre-existing buildings (house, garage, etc.);
- marked buildings that I would like to build;
- already existing engineering systems are indicated (lighting, plumbing, ponds, fountains, etc.).
At the next stage, they begin to identify various functional areas - decorative, recreation, household, etc.
When designing a garden plot with your own hands, you should consider its purpose. It can be either only decorative, or combined with household. And sometimes the owners want their territory to be exclusively for recreation.
Further, when developing a design project for a landscape site, the zones are filled based on their purpose, the desired style and their own needs. At this stage, vegetation, architectural details are selected, lighting, arrangement of reservoirs, laying paths and necessary communications are provided.
The boundaries of each zone are thought out separately, which can be hedges or lattice partitions covered with ivy. The division of sites according to their functionality is sometimes carried out with the help of paths, artificial reservoirs and garden sculptures. The main rule in this case is naturalness. Such a division should not besharp breaks or drops. If the site has an inclined relief, then it is recommended to break the slope into several terraces. Thus, the functional areas will be divided by height.
When drawing up a landscape design project, it is necessary to go to the site in order to clarify the features of the soil and the presence or absence of groundwater on the territory. Drainage works are carried out if necessary.
Used elements
When designing a garden plot with your own hands, you need to choose the right color palette for each of the planned zones. This will make the most low-budget project unique by transforming the area used.
Regardless of the available acres, the design of the garden plot will include certain elements, the color palette of which must be taken into account in advance. Among them:
- Elements included in the natural landscape. These are trees, shrubs and other plants, as well as stones and mounds, paths and ponds created by nature itself. If, in order to give naturalness to the design of the garden plot, the owners decided to leave some of these elements, then it should be taken into account that they, to one degree or another, will affect the overall palette of the territory.
- Objects of architecture. These primarily include a residential building, as well as extensions existing to it, such as a terrace and a veranda, a greenhouse, a bathhouse and a garage, sheds, gazebos, etc. When developing the design of the territory, one should take into account the fact that color solutions to all of the above elements must be in harmony with each other.
- Objects of decorative and social landscape. This group includes all plantings and reservoirs, flower beds and rock gardens created by designers or owners of the site. When using these elements, the possibilities of playing tones and shades become simply limitless. Thus, flowering plants allow you to create a unique colorful meadow from various plantings, which will change its appearance depending on the time of the warm season. In this case, a whole alley of evergreens can be planted, which will become a real bright spot of the territory.
- Other items. The list of landscape design components includes sculptures and platforms, decking and hammocks, swings and playgrounds. Each of these components plays a role in the overall composition of the territory located near a private house.
Site Design Principles
How should the territory of a personal plot be framed? When drawing up a design project, it is necessary to take into account several basic principles, namely:
- Integrity. This principle implies the location in different parts of the site of the same elements, which can be both natural and decorative.
- Simplicity. This principle of landscape design is prompted by nature itself. After all, everything in it is beautiful, simple and natural. That is why on the territory of the site you should not have a large number of complex shapes and elements, use a wide range of shades and colors.
- Balance. The one who observes this principle manages to create the harmony of the site. At the same time, the balanceit can be symmetrical, in which the same elements are repeated relative to one visually fixed point, as well as asymmetric, characterized by a variety of sizes and shapes.
- Combination of vegetation. Everything that is planted on the site should be in perfect harmony with each other. At the same time, it is necessary to provide for a combination of horizontal and vertical gardening.
- Smooth transitions. This principle is very important in any case, but it acquires particular relevance when planting plants. Their height, as well as the size of the leaves, are subject to a smooth change. That is why the tallest plants are planted in the background, followed by medium ones, and in front - the smallest. This principle allows you to reach the depth of the landscape. Smooth transitions must also be observed when arranging various elements. For example, when designing garden plots on 6 acres with your own hands, it should be borne in mind that a huge sculpture intended for staging on such an area will look ridiculous and strange. And vice versa. If a small fountain is planned in the design of a garden plot on 10 acres, then simply no one will notice it on such a vast territory.
- Working with color. When drawing up a landscape design project, it should be borne in mind that the cold tones of the elements located on the site will create the illusion that the object is set far away. Warm-colored objects, on the other hand, appear to be nearby. For background compositions, gray, black and white tones are perfect.
- Landscape filling. This principle combinesall small architectural forms, namely verandas and greenhouses, fences, etc. That is why it is desirable to build them from the same material or use a harmonious color scheme.
- Both wide and up. The essence of this principle of landscape design lies in the creation of small hills. Such a move allows not only to slightly increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe site, but also to create additional opportunities for the owners.
- Natural. Being on the site should give the joy of communicating with nature. That is why artificial plants and a large number of elements with strict forms should not be used in landscape design.
Observing the above principles, each owner of a garden plot can easily create their own design project. But the final success of all works will also depend on a well-chosen style. At the same time, the features of the relief, the location of the territory, its size and the nature of the owner are taken into account. That is why, before choosing one or another style for your site, you will need to study the features of each of them.
English (Landscape)
This style provides for naturalness and the complete absence of any strict forms. At the same time, there is a refusal to install figures that have the correct geometry, which allows you to create the impression of a complete merger with nature.

The use of the English style in landscape design allows you to recreate the romantic atmosphere of the noble estates of the 19th century. At the same time, man to a reasonable extent interferes with nature.taking into account the vegetation of the region in which the site is located. The main features of the landscape style:
- presence of naturally shaped ponds, winding paths, and seemingly lack of order;
- the predominance of green in all shades, as well as silver;
- the indispensable presence of a lawn, as well as vertical gardening;
- execution of tracks only from natural materials.
The decoration of the site, which is designed in the English style, is a small pond in which lilies or water lilies grow, as well as benches, arches, gazebos made of natural materials.
This style is distinguished by its simplicity. When using it, all key elements must be placed around the patio. This is a patio that is usually paved with stone or covered with wooden decking, partially surrounded by a brick wall painted in terracotta or white.

Mediterranean style involves laying out colorful flower beds on a flat green lawn. An obligatory element in this case is a carved pergola (forged or wooden), which must be partially twined with ivy. In order to create protection from the sun, use thick curtains made of light-colored textiles.
With a Mediterranean design, the seating area is complemented by wicker furniture and a sun canopy. In this case, massive vases with bright flowers, fountains and sculptures serve as decorations.
This style can only be used by owners of spacious plots on which large stone houses rise. This design is distinguished by luxury and an abundance of free space.

The central element of the French-style site is a wide alley. This is a path lined with neatly trimmed trees and shrubs, elaborate lawns and ancient statues.
Also, this style includes a combination of roses and lavender. These plants fit perfectly into this landscape design.
The main features of the French style are symmetry, clarity of lines, as well as respect for proportions. Such a site is certainly complemented by fountains, labyrinths, grottoes, artificial porticos, stone bridges and columns. The garden in this case should be located slightly below the level of the main building in order to be completely open to the eye.
If the owners like this style, they can use it on tiny plots of 4 acres, and on a spacious backyard. In this case, conciseness and minimalism are present. In the Japanese style, there is no lush decor, complex shapes and flowering plants. An obligatory element is a pond, around which it is recommended to lay out large stones. It would be great if there is an island in the center of such a pond, which can be reached by a bridge without a railing.

When choosing vegetation, it is necessary to pay attention to evergreen shrubs and trees, inincluding dwarfs. Fruit trees and maples will add color to such a garden in spring and autumn.
Paths should be graveled. In some areas, large stones are sometimes laid out instead of it.
This style can be applied on their site by supporters of the philosophy of Feng Shui. It implies the harmony of all the elements and, by its arrangement of decorative elements, must ensure the free passage of energy flows.
The Chinese-style site contains a pond surrounded by a composition of rocks and greenery. Harmony with nature is successfully emphasized by paths made in the form of stairs, wooden bridges painted in bright colors, an artificial waterfall, and a Buddha statue. Be sure to plant bright flowers that have purple, yellow and red hues, which look great in combination with a flat lawn on which dense grass or emerald-colored moss grows. To create color, orange lights are installed. They are hung near the gazebo and along the paths.
Lansh. the design of a garden plot in this style, which has another name - "country", is one of the most popular today. This is due to the fact that with its help it is quite simple to create an atmosphere of ease and naturalness.
Rustic style implies the absence of not only strict lines, but also freedom of creativity. The most important thing when performing these works is to make the territory of the personal plot resemble a picture of rural life.
Traditionally, this style involves the planting of ordinary fruit trees, including pears, cherries and apple trees. No symmetry of plants is provided for in this case. On the contrary, only a chaotic landing is welcome. Flower beds, on which cornflowers, tulips and chamomile grow, should also be as natural as possible. Authentic decorative elements, such as a cart, a scarecrow and a wheel, will also emphasize the rustic style. All the above details create an atmosphere of slight negligence on the territory.