Heating stoves for the home: types, manufacturer reviews

Heating stoves for the home: types, manufacturer reviews
Heating stoves for the home: types, manufacturer reviews

The heating stove for the home is sometimes connected to the central heating system, but most often this is decided on a personal basis. The reasons for installing solid fuel units may be different. Often this is the lack of the ability to connect gas. But when gas appears, then the decision is made unambiguously in the direction of it. When there is no such fuel, you will have to choose a long-burning heating stove, since electrical structures are unreliable due to the likelihood of a shutdown.


Today it is believed that cast iron and brick ovens are in great demand. The former are chosen for their advantages, although there are also disadvantages.

heating furnace
heating furnace

The brick heating stove will heat up for a long time, but at the same time it retains heat. There are steel structures. But from intense heat, the metal begins to deteriorate and change shape, which is unsafe. It turns out that cast iron is the most reliable and most profitable in the collection of such units. Although there is an opinion that if you splash cold water on the stove of such a stove, it can burst. Such a furnace is more convenient, since under it it is not necessary to lay an additional structure in the form of a foundation. The cast-iron version will be cheaper than the construction of a brick heating unit. Therefore, it is precisely such designs that have become relevant. Since there is a demand, there are enough offers on the market. However, not everyone can make the right choice.

Purchasing a cast-iron wood-fired heating stove, everyone wants to receive high quality and long service life. And in order not to be mistaken, you need to find out the characteristics of the proposed models on the market before buying and understand what will be relevant for the dwelling. In this case, there is a rating of the most popular and sought-after models. Based on it, it is easier to make a choice and make a purchase.

Cast iron heating stove-fireplace

Eurokom is a company that has been on the market for many years and successfully produces stoves and fireplaces for residential areas. The Oscar model is in demand and known to many because it is easy to use and has a stove. When the unit has warmed up, after 20 minutes you can cook on the surface. Anyone can install.

furnace heating reviews
furnace heating reviews

Eurokom is a fairly well-known brand, so finding such a unit in a store is not difficult. It is valued for its long service life. The manufacturer declares that such ovens can be operated onfor over 15 years. At the same time, the price is slightly higher than 20 thousand rubles. Reviews about such designs from buyers are only positive. This unit gives off maximum heat and is able to heat large residential premises.


Although it is not considered a quality material in the heating process, at the same time, steel heating stoves for cottages and houses Guca Arina have quite positive characteristics. On sale you can find an element on long and short legs. This visually changes the look and process of operation. Since steel is easy to work with, the manufacturer made this model quite aesthetic. This device will not allow you to spoil the design of your living space.


User reviews say that the unit is easy to install and has small dimensions. These terms are important to the user. The device is located in any part of the dwelling. The house is warm and comfortable. At the same time, the connection of the chimney can be made by the upper and rear methods. You can buy a stove within 30 thousand rubles. This is an inexpensive option.

Original design

The French manufacturer tried to create the Invicta Sologne model. This cast iron heating stove for home is in good demand. This is due not only to high quality, but also to beautiful external indicators. It easily fits into any interior and gives it a touch of uniqueness and comfort in the house or in the country. In terms of dimensions, it is small and will fit in any room.

long burning stove photo
long burning stove photo

When used correctly, cast ironof high quality will serve for many years, bringing warmth to the house. Everyone knows that this material heats up as much as possible and gives off heat flows, quickly creating comfortable living conditions. This model occupies a leading position in the market, because, with all its advantages, it also has a low cost within 30 thousand rubles. When you want to heat a room without spoiling the view, the French Invicta Sologne is the right choice.

Heating large spaces

Guca Mercury is a unique model in which the manufacturer has thought a lot. The power of this design is 13 kW, which allows you to create warmth and comfort in a large house. Such a unit will not spoil the interior, as it looks quite decent and neat. The dimensions are small, but at the same time the heat supply is maximum. In the manufacture of high quality cast iron was used, which increases the service life at times.

When burning, air is supplied, which brings additional heat. There is a built-in slider. And you will have to pay about 28 thousand rubles for such a model. The price is low, while the owner gets a beautiful installation with maximum heat supply.

The use of firewood as the main raw material

"Meta Marseille" is a unit in which firewood is the main fuel. The power is large, which makes it possible to place it in a room with an increased quadrature. The main raw material for the creation of the unit was high-quality cast iron. The manufacturer claims that the service life is at least 15 years, while the cost is slightly higher than that of analogues (this is 45thousand rubles). For this price, maximum heat supply is guaranteed.

Today there is a model with the same name, but the prefix "mini". This suggests that the heating area is smaller, but the cost is correspondingly lower. The main advantages noted by customer reviews are ease of installation, as well as an attractive appearance. The manufacturer has worked out every detail to perfection, which allows the unit to operate at the maximum level.

The oven that fits into every interior

Worth noting is the Invicta La Borne stove. This unit is comparable to a fireplace or a modern potbelly stove. It looks good in any home and is purchased by many people. Regardless of the room, a heating stove with an oven of this brand will look attractive and stylish. There is enough power to make a room of 60 square meters warm. The manufacturer claims 12 kW of power.

long-burning heating stoves
long-burning heating stoves

Only high-quality cast iron was used in the creation, which makes it reliable and durable. But for this, at the installation stage, you must perform the actions correctly. On sale you can find this model for 42 thousand rubles. Someone considers this amount to be large, but this oven combines important indicators - an attractive appearance and a reliable design.

When size matters

It is necessary to note one of the most compact stoves made in Poland. This is Eurokom Tom WG. The Polish manufacturer made its model small-sized, as a result, a wood-burning heating stove attracts the attention of manysummer residents. It fits well into any interior and brings maximum warmth at negative temperatures outside the window.

Although many buyers place it in private homes without any problems. The power is small, about 7 kW, but at the same time, proper operation helps to heat a large area. Finnish cast iron was used for the manufacture, which gives the unit an increased level of reliability and a long service life.

When compared with a brick heating stove, this unit will be a good alternative. The dimensions are small, an unobtrusive pattern is applied on the facade of the structure (a good addition to any existing interior). The cost in stores is on average 23 thousand rubles, and the declared service life is up to 15 years. But you need to use it correctly and not overload it.

Presence of hob

"Bayern" is a unique representative with the possibility of cooking and a water circuit. It is a modern analogue of Kuznetsov's heating and cooking stove. If necessary, it is easily connected to the heating system, it does not require much effort. The whole structure is made of high quality cast iron. It has ceramic inserts that give it a special look.

heating furnace burning photo
heating furnace burning photo

You can place such a unit in a room with a large area, since the power reaches 9 kW. The manufacturer calls firewood the main fuel. Every housewife will like what you can cook on it. A big advantage is the price (within 22 thousand rubles). External indicatorswithout problems fit into any interior.


This is another model that is in demand in the Russian market. The Vesuvius heating stove is a unit that can heat not only a dwelling, but also baths. These units run on wood. This is an actual option in the winter in the absence of gas. The manufacturer tried and created a model that will not allow to spoil the existing interior and will fit beautifully into it.

The power of the unit is 7 kW, which is suitable for heating a room with an area of 70 square meters. The manufacturer made sure that the heat transfer was maximum, and created ribbed walls of the structure. It is important during operation not to lose vigilance and observe safety, as the whole structure is very hot.

Russian manufacturers confidently compete with foreign ones, so all models of Vesuvius stoves have many positive qualities:

  • Ergonomics designed to the maximum.
  • Maximum heat output up to approximately 80 percent.
  • Self-cleaning glass at the firebox.
  • Easy damper control.
  • The upper part of the firebox is reinforced with thick metal.
Vesuvius heating stove
Vesuvius heating stove

The manufacturer tried and created a high-quality and energy-efficient stove. In addition, any design has several variations:

  • Built-in firebox or remote.
  • The door is blank or decorated with durable glass.

It's hard to talk about the cons. According to users,it is better to give preference to stoves with reinforced walls, because over time they burn out (since the incandescent temperature is huge). But at the same time, the service life is more than five years, with intensive use. Each cast iron design receives positive reviews. "Vesuvius" will cost the buyer in the range of 8 to 19 thousand rubles. The final amount will depend on what metal the unit is made of.

Summing up

This is a list of models that are in demand in the market. Since the range is large, it is not always easy to make your choice. The focus should be on the main characteristics and personal requirements. Everyone who has already used such a unit has their own recommendations and reviews on heating stoves.

It is important for one to purchase an attractive model and fit it into the existing interior without worries. Others believe that the main characteristic is small dimensions. Cast iron is the material that has a high degree of reliability and maximum heating. Housewives are especially eager to purchase ovens with a hob, as this is an opportunity to save on electricity when cooking.

long burning stoves
long burning stoves

It turns out that there are enough options for heating a dwelling. You can also use not only cast iron structures. There are heat storage analogues. The decoration itself is of great importance in them, so that the brick retains heat for as long as possible. After kindling, heat comes from the walls of the unit itself, which heats the room. Convection ovens can create heat in multiple rooms. The principle is to heat the air, which then exits and raises the temperature in the room. Fireplaces are also in demand today. They not only become a beautiful addition to the interior, but also heat small rooms. Such options are relevant for summer cottages or houses with non-permanent residence.

As you can see, long-burning heating stoves can be very different. It remains only to make the right choice and install the unit.
