Shoe cabinet: tips for choosing

Shoe cabinet: tips for choosing
Shoe cabinet: tips for choosing

No wonder they say that the entrance hall is the face of the apartment. This is the first thing a guest sees when they cross the threshold of your house. Therefore, a lot of attention should be paid to the proper organization of the space of this room. If the issue with the placement of outerwear can be solved with the help of various wall and floor hangers, then with shoes everything is not so simple. As a rule, its storage requires a lot of specially designated for this place, which is not always possible to do in a small hallway. In this case, the best solution would be a universal shoe cabinet, which can be very simple and concise at the same time, but at the same time very functional.

narrow shoe cabinet
narrow shoe cabinet

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of furniture for the hallway: a variety of models of cabinets, shoe cabinets, vertical cabinets, etc. But how to make the right choice?

If you really have a lot of shoes, sandals and boots, it is better to purchase a special shoe cabinet. Roomy and well-designed, this piece of furniture will not take up much space in the room, but will be an ideal option.long-term storage of seasonal shoes. And it is not necessary to place it in the hallway. Such a piece of furniture will fit perfectly on the loggia or in the pantry.

The shoe cabinet can be made from a variety of materials. But it is better to opt for models made of wood or plastic. In this case, the furniture will serve you for a long time and will not require special care. If your hallway has non-standard dimensions, you can make a corner or narrow shoe cabinet to order. Of course, such furniture will cost a little more than ready-made models, but it will help to solve all issues related to the ergonomic use of room space. Such a cabinet will not only fit perfectly into the overall design of your interior, but will also save a lot of free space.

shoe cabinet
shoe cabinet

If you are faced with the task of short-term storage of shoes, the best option would be a small but roomy shoe cabinet. This is a kind of cabinet, equipped with closed or open shelves or drawers. Such a kind of shoe cabinet is the most practical way to organize the hallway space. Shoe cabinets are often purchased in pairs - this is how they make up an original element of the interior of the room and allow you to place all the necessary items.

shoe cabinet
shoe cabinet

Often, instead of such a traditional piece of furniture as a classic shoe cabinet, owners of large hallways or spacious halls get a cabinet with a seat. This is the most comfortable and functional type of shoe racks. Depending on the configurationsuch a model, if necessary, can accommodate several pairs of shoes at once, but it is only suitable for accommodating frequently used shoes.

Thus, when choosing a shoe cabinet, you should focus not only on the design of the model, but also on the dimensions of the hallway, the number of shoes you have and personal preferences. Make your home cozy with functional and beautiful furniture.
