Stone carpet: laying technology, photo

Stone carpet: laying technology, photo
Stone carpet: laying technology, photo

Stone carpet (polymer quartz coating) - a type of liquid (bulk) floor, consisting of a mixture of quartz sand, marble chips, etc. and polyurethane or epoxy resins.

The advantages of floors designed with this material:

  • lack of seams (hence the code name "carpet");
  • perfectly flat surface that prevents slipping;
  • resistance to heavy loads and temperature extremes;
  • durability;
  • unusual appearance, imitating the texture of natural stone;
  • easy care.

Due to its anti-slip properties, a stone carpet will be a good solution for decorating a ramp or exit, the floor in the bathroom, in the kitchen, and the path around the pool. It can be used in landscaping, walls, countertops, bar counters, etc.


Working order

  1. Choose the design of the carpet, the selection of the mineral mixture for its implementation.
  2. Calculation of the required amount of materials.
  3. Preparing the foundation.
  4. Pouring mixture.
  5. Finishing.

Design Choice

It is recommended to combine sand from particles in the composition for the mineral component of the carpetsize 4-6 mm, fine sand, quartz shavings. A combination of at least 2-3 shades of sand or crumbs is desirable. In the design of luxury flooring, it is possible to use natural and semi-precious stones, decorative inclusions (shells, mirror chips, etc.). The color of the sand can be any - selected according to the RAL table. Proven combinations:

  • red, orange, yellow;
  • purple, blue, cyan.

Lovers of original solutions in the interior may like the luminous filler for the polymer-quartz coating, which consists of fluorescent sand. The grains of sand have a variety of shapes, which helps to create a unique floor design. Additionally, it can be decorated with various patterns or logos. For those who do not have artistic abilities themselves, an easy way to create an unusual stone carpet is a photo from the Web.


Calculation of the required amount of materials

The mixture from which the stone carpet is obtained is most often sold in plastic buckets of 20 kg. Package Included:

  • mineral filler (sand, marble or granite chips, etc.) - 19 kg;
  • resin-based polymer binder - 1 kg.

One bucket is enough to cover 1 sq. m of area, if the floor is poured with a thickness of no more than 1 cm. In order to correctly calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe future carpet, it is recommended to make a sketch drawing with all ledges, niches, podiums, steps, etc. The surface to be covered is divided into geometrically correct figures, the area of each is calculatedof them, add up the results and add a few square meters. m for stock.

In addition to this mixture, you will need a primer to prepare the base and a finishing varnish. Soil consumption (ready diluted composition) - approximately 300 g per sq. m. Finishing varnish, depending on the required surface roughness of the carpet and the size of the sand particles, you will need 300-1000 g per 1 sq. m.


Stone carpet base

The basis for a polymer-quartz coating can be a concrete floor, old tiles, sand-cement screed, etc. The only mandatory requirement is strength. You can check it in a simple way. With the sharp end of a hammer weighing 0.3-0.4 kg, you need to tap the screed in different places 25-30 times. If the surface is strong enough, then there will be no traces more than 3 mm deep on the screed, and even more so cracks and chips. The sound from the hammer should be sonorous. If these conditions are not met, then the surface needs to be hardened.

To prevent the risk of detachment of the already finished stone pavement, it is necessary to carry out a moisture test in advance. To do this, a piece of film must be glued to the floor with adhesive tape for a day. If everything is in order, after removing the film, there will be no wet spots under it.

To make a quality stone carpet, you first need to thoroughly clean the surface that it will cover from debris and dirt. If the mixture is applied to concrete, then its pores are first cleaned. The top loose layer is carefully removed with a grinder. Then close up all cracks, chips, other defects. It is recommended to complete the cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, collectingwith it, all small construction debris.

Further preparation of the floor is to apply the primer. It can be purchased along with the material for bulk coating or prepared independently. The "home-made" primer is a mixture of PVA glue with water in a ratio of 1: 2 (two liters of water per liter of glue). You can add some chalk to the mixture. If necessary or desired, a primer with antifungal components can be used to treat the surface.

The soil should be thoroughly mixed and used within an hour. After diluting the primer composition, it is applied to the floor with a roller, brush or brush in two or three layers, allowing each to dry. It is recommended to distribute the soil using the "cross-wise" technology, that is, shading it in perpendicular directions. The composition dries in about 10-12 hours. All pores on the concrete after priming must be closed. After making sure of this, you can begin to apply a stone carpet. The laying technology is simple, but it is still advisable to entrust this work to experienced professionals.

How to lay the polymer quartz coating yourself?

With a lack of funds for repairs, you can lay a stone carpet with your own hands. A layer of binder (enamel, varnish) is evenly applied to the surface previously cleaned of dust. A layer of mineral filler is immediately poured in such a way that the sand remains dry on top. After 12 hours, the main layer of the carpet will dry out. After that, excess sand is swept off its surface (it can be reused if it does not get into the mixturetrash). With a metal scraper, the entire coating is leveled, protrusions, "bumps", etc. are removed. Then the surface is cleaned of dust with a vacuum cleaner.



After dedusting, it is necessary to fix the stone carpet. Manufacturing technology involves finishing with a binder (special varnish based on epoxy or polyurethane resins, enamel). The thickness of the layer depends on the surface roughness to be achieved. 6-8 hours after applying the last layer of varnish or enamel, the stone carpet is ready for use.
