Rubble masonry. Rubble stone laying technology

Rubble masonry. Rubble stone laying technology
Rubble masonry. Rubble stone laying technology

Rubble masonry is a special construction technology that involves the use of debris and pieces of natural rubble of different sizes. In this case, you can apply a variety of techniques, but each of them requires the master to have professional knowledge and special skills. Rubble stone is a natural material that is widely used for the construction of foundations and other structures. It has been known since ancient times and has not lost its popularity to this day. This is due to its unique properties: availability, environmental friendliness and durability.

Today it is used for processing exterior walls, when carrying out landscape work, as well as when laying the foundation. Booth is a stone that must comply with GOST 2173-87. Weight will depend on the breed, which also affects the cost of production. On average, one cubic meter of solid rock has a mass within 2 tons. When used in populated areas, such a characteristic as radioactivity matters. The first class is intended for residential areas, while the second - for the arrangement of bridges, embankments and roads. The density of the stone can vary from 1.4 to 1.8 t/m3. Frost resistance willdepends on the breed and is set by counting the number of freeze and thaw cycles. The most frost-resistant brands are F300-F400, they are intended for operation in extreme climatic conditions.

Preparation of tools before laying rubble

rubble masonry
rubble masonry

Booth is a stone that must be laid according to a certain technology. It provides for the need to prepare some tools. Among them:

  • capacity for mixing solution;
  • shovel;
  • wooden boxes;
  • cords for lighthouses;
  • formwork;
  • rammer or hammer;
  • water;
  • cement;
  • stone;
  • vibrator;
  • tools for grinding the surface of the stone.

After preparing the entire set of tools, you can proceed to further work.

Methods of stone installation

rubble foundation
rubble foundation

Laying of natural stone can be carried out according to one of the existing technologies, namely:

  • laying under the shoulder blade;
  • under the bay;
  • under the brace;
  • with vibration seal.

Before starting work, you need to consider some important points, which will be described below.

Installation tips

booth stone
booth stone

Laying natural stone is carried out according to certain rules. For example, jobs may require additional crushing of the material. If you are using a cobblestone, then a solid one should be displayed on the visible surface of the object.half of the material that has not been chipped off. If we are talking about layered stones, then they should not be laid on the edge, they should be placed horizontally on top of each other. The technology implies the need for sorting and selection of material. In advance, these works should be carried out in an open area near the construction site. It is necessary to be guided by the system of location and dressing of seams, which is used when laying bricks. If you want to buy a rubble stone, then you should give preference to flat blocks, which during the installation process will be located in a natural combination.

Installation of material under the blade during the construction of the foundation

laying natural stone
laying natural stone

The rubble foundation is laid in horizontal rows, the thickness of each of which should not exceed 20 cm. A seam should be left between the stones, the thickness of which should not exceed 15 mm. The rubble foundation may have separate rows of its thickness, however, each row must be even along the entire length. If you want to lay rubble stone using this technology, then you should be guided by the following instructions. At the base there should be milestone stones, and during the work it will be necessary to install beacons. Before starting the formation of the inner and outer walls, beacons should be installed using cords every three meters and at the intersection of the walls. With their help, it will be possible to build a flat wall, analyzing the straightness of the outer side of the foundation.

Nuances of the work

rubble stone fence
rubble stone fence

It is necessary to fill in a layer of solution, lifting the stones, this must be done in such a way that the solution gets into all cavities. Rubble masonry should be carried out using a rammer or hammer, with their help, the products are deposited. The middle of the foundation is filled with a bonding mortar, which is applied with a shovel. The excess mixture should seep into all the seams, in the summer the dressing of the seams should be observed. It is important to change the stick and spoon elements. If the elements are allowed to touch during masonry, this will lead to a decrease in the strength of the structure.

Work methodology

rubble walls
rubble walls

When the foundation is being built, the next step is to carry out the splitting of the laying. The stones should be tapped with a hammer, this will allow the solution to fill all the voids between the elements. Each stacked row should be leveled. Subsequent work is carried out according to the above technology.

Creating the foundation for the foundation

rubble masonry price
rubble masonry price

The rubble stone is still being laid under the foundation, for this they are being prepared in advance:

  • solution container;
  • chute for descent of mortar and stone;
  • solution;
  • stones.

First, a trench should be prepared, the depth of which is 1.3 m. Mortar boxes are installed at the bottom, and the distance between them should be 6 m. Stones should be laid in the gaps between the boxes, this must be done manually. The voids are filled with rubble, and the following mortar boxes are installed on the stone. They should be filled with a mixture through the grooves, which are located at an angle of 45 degrees. This will ensure smooth filling of the box, guaranteeing the integrity of the structure. Between the boxes, the next layer of stone is installed, it should be lowered along a chute with a cross section of 40 cm. For even masonry, wooden templates should be mounted that correspond to the profile of the base. They should be 20 m apart from each other. The markings are fixed on the templates, the cords are pulled. Thus, the stones are stacked to the desired height.

Building a fence

The rubble stone fence will have a foundation and pillars. To begin with, marking is carried out on the territory, while taking into account the width of the column and the depth of freezing. A trench should be dug, the width of which can reach 500 mm, while the depth is 800 mm. For the bundle, reinforcement should be laid, and in those places where the pillars are supposed to be installed, it should look out. Concreting should be done in a continuous flow. The reinforcement for the pillars is covered with concrete by 20 mm. The surface of the foundation is leveled horizontally using a level or level. The foundation is covered with plastic wrap and left to dry for three weeks.

Pillar laying

Rubble masonry will form the basis of the fence posts. The extreme posts are connected with twine, a right angle is set using a square. A straight line should be drawn on the surface of the foundation by measuring the distance between opposite corners. The first corner stone is set according to the level, after which you can proceed with the installation of the rest. Heightthe stones for the pillar can be different, and between the corners you should leave free space and space for filling. Height tolerance is 1 cm per 200 cm.

Laying spans

Rubble masonry will form the basis of spans, for this product with smooth surfaces are laid on both sides of the future fence. In this case, you can pre-install the formwork, which will create smooth walls. A solution is poured into the resulting space between the two sides of the stone, it should be compacted using a vibrator or fittings. If you decide to abandon the use of formwork, you should use a rope that stretches between opposite ends of the future fence. The top line of the fence should be even, and the stones for the last row should be selected so that they have the same height.

Wall laying

Rubble walls can be mounted using vibrocompaction technology. This technique allows you to get the most durable design. To implement it, you should dig a trench, laying one row of stones on the bottom. To fill the voids, a solution should be used. Then a vibrator is used, the use of which allows you to qualitatively compact the masonry and make it as strong as possible. Tamping should be done until all the mortar is absorbed into the masonry. The next rows must be laid using the “under the shoulder blade” method, installing a vibrator after each layer.

Cost of works

Do-it-yourself rubble masonry can be done by any home craftsman, but this process cannot be calledextremely simple. Therefore, you can use the services of professionals. To do this, you should ask about the cost of the work. For the reason that such manipulations take a lot of time, the price of rubble masonry starts at 1000 rubles. for 1 m3. If we are talking about internal partitions, then they are built at a cost of 800 rubles. for 1 m2. Such structures can be supplemented with fittings, as well as insulation.
