When plastic windows began to appear and become widespread, the installation of roller blinds became quite popular. Their demand is due to ease of maintenance and operation, as well as aesthetic and original appearance.
These types of curtains are especially practical and convenient for balcony windows, because ordinary curtains on cornices can be too bulky for small rooms.
Why you should abandon ordinary curtains

They steal usable space, making it look much smaller. Many people like this way of closing windows, but some consumers are repelled by the fact that it is necessary to make holes for fasteners in the sashes, which violates the integrity of the profile. However, the installation of roller blinds today, thanks to new technologies, with the help of special tools is carried out without drilling.
What are roller blinds

Roller blinds are designs that look like a canvas and a holder shaft, with which you can roll and straighten, as well as fix the internal structure. Many models do not require the use of sash perforation and self-tapping screws. The operation of such systems is based on the principle of Roman blinds, but they are adapted to modern fasteners and materials.
Installation of roller blinds suggests the possibility of using such a system as an independent accessory or in combination with curtains. They allow you to exclude the fading of the fabric under the influence of the sun, and if you take the choice seriously, then such an ensemble can act as a real interior decoration.
Do-it-yourself installation of roller blinds may involve the use of canvases with a plain surface or an interesting pattern. When choosing such curtains, you can prefer a translucent variety or one that will completely block UV rays. The convenience of such a system also lies in the fact that the canvas can be replaced. In summer, you can use sun shades, while in winter you can replace it with a brighter one, made in summer colors.
Measuring before installation

Installation of roller blinds should be carried out after you manage to determine the dimensions of the window. On sale you can find curtains, the length of which varies from 1600 to 2200 mm. As for the width, it varies from300 to 1400 mm. This usually corresponds to the dimensions of standard frames and sashes. However, sometimes there are problems with the width, because the sashes in some cases have a narrowed shape.
Before purchasing curtains, you need to take measurements, your choice will depend on this process. It is necessary to measure the width of the glass, adding the width of the glazing beads to it. The next step is to determine the length of the sash, the results must be recorded.
It remains to be determined where the control mechanism will be located. Usually it is located on the side of the loops. Now you can choose the type of fastening to the window: it can be designed for a fixed or opening sash.
Installation of curtains without profile drilling

Installation of roller blinds on plastic windows can be carried out using a technology that does not involve frame perforation. At the first stage, components for the curtains are prepared. They are placed on the table so that it is possible to properly assemble the structure. In the kit you can find hooks, which are brackets that hold the curtains on the sash.
Pay attention to the details, on one side of which there is an element of a semicircular shape. In one of them there is a hole, in the other - protruding parts. These mating elements should be located on two sides of the roller. If the installation of roller blinds on plastic windows is carried out according to technology, when the sash opens, you need to prepare:
- roller blind;
- brackets;
- fixing clips;
- lifting mechanism;
- special double-sided tape.
It is important not only to fix the brackets on the sashes, they are additionally fixed with double-sided tape. Therefore, the areas where you will stick the adhesive tape must be degreased and dried well. Only after that you can begin to manipulate the tape.
Work methodology

Do-it-yourself installation of roller blinds at the next stage involves connecting brackets with holders, the latter of which have a locking connection. On one side of the roller it is necessary to put on the chain mechanism by installing holders with brackets.
The assembled structure must be tried on by putting the brackets on the top of the open window. They level out. This will determine the position of the curtain. The exact location should be noted. This is required to degrease the surface and fix the brackets on the tape.
You can use special products or ordinary alcohol at this stage. Organic solvents are prohibited. As soon as the adhesive tape is glued to the brackets, its top film must be removed by putting the elements on the top bar of the open window.
Surfaces are well pressed against each other. The clamp on the bracket must be snapped in until it stops. By the same principle, do-it-yourself roller blinds are installed with a fishing line when it is necessary to fix the second bracket.
Specialist recommendations

The chain mechanism should be installed on the side where you can find the spike with the gear on the bracket. The mechanism will be responsible for closing and opening the curtain.
The brackets are inserted into the roller in the next step. This work must be carried out very carefully to avoid damage to plastic parts. At the final stage, it is necessary to check whether the design remains operational. To do this, the chain needs to make some effort.
Installing curtains on the wall
Do-it-yourself installation of roller blinds on the wall will not be done using hook brackets. In this case, it is necessary to use plates with grooves, which will be necessary to snap the holders into place. On the plates, which must first be degreased and dried, you need to stick double-sided tape. At the next stage, they are strengthened to the side brackets.
You need to mount a chain mechanism on the gear, brackets are installed in the roller. The design can be tried on by noting the future position of the curtain.
Brackets should only be fixed with adhesive tape. The place where you want to glue the plates with side brackets must be degreased. The protective film is removed from the adhesive tape, the brackets are installed in place and pressed well.
Do-it-yourself installation of roller blinds, the photos of which are presented in the article, at the next stage involves mounting the chain mechanism on the roller, where the gear is located.
If you purchasedcassette roller blinds, it can be hoped that the manufacturer applied a special adhesive tape to all the elements that must be fixed to the surface. To do this, during installation, it will only be necessary to remove the protective film and install the elements in their places.
Such curtains are usually sold assembled, which is why the canvas is fixed in the box, and installation will not be accompanied by particular difficulties.