How to build a house: the choice of materials, the procedure for pouring the foundation, installation features, photos

How to build a house: the choice of materials, the procedure for pouring the foundation, installation features, photos
How to build a house: the choice of materials, the procedure for pouring the foundation, installation features, photos

Building a house is a complex, multi-stage process. To do all the work correctly, you will need to take into account many nuances. It is necessary to follow all the points of the preliminary drawn up project, paying due attention to each of them. There are a number of tips on how to properly build a house. With the use of professional recommendations, it will be much easier to avoid mistakes. In the article we will consider them in detail.

How to choose a site?

How to build a house from a log house, blocks or other materials? There is a step-by-step instruction that professional builders must follow. This process begins with preparatory work. It is no less important than the construction of the house itself. You will need to decide where to build a house, what it will be like, how much money and materials you need to allocate for its construction.

how to build a log house
how to build a log house

First of all, you need to choose the right site. All subsequent work depends on this. It is important to find out before buying what features the soil is characterized by, how close groundwater comes to the surface. In the agency through which the plot is most often acquired, the information may be inaccurate. Therefore, you will need to make inquiries about this yourself, and also find out what engineering communications are located on the site.

Considering how to properly build a house from timber, aerated concrete, brick or other materials, the following can be noted. Every object is built on a foundation. It can be different, depending on the geological features of the site. To determine them, it is better to order appropriate exploration work from a specialized company.

Before buying a plot, it is advisable to talk with neighbors. From them you can learn many important facts about which the agency may be silent. You should not blindly believe everything that is said in such companies.

If the slope of the site is significant, you will have to build additional retaining walls for the house, and this is already very expensive. Therefore, it is preferable to purchase a site with a flat surface.

Don't buy unfinished housing. This does not make the process of building a house much easier. In this case, problems may arise when choosing a project that will need to be tied to an existing foundation. If the base is not in satisfactory condition, it will have to be strengthened, which will lead to additional costs.

It is profitable to acquire land inclub village. Streets are cleaned here, snow is cleared, etc. After acquiring a site, it is recommended to immediately enclose it. Further, it is determined in which zone the construction site will be located, garbage will be stored. The earth can be protected in advance from concrete, waste combustion products.

Project selection

Correctly building a house from aerated concrete, timber or other material means: an optimally selected project, a clearly drawn up estimate. Depending on the type of material, the number of storeys of the building is determined.

Wishing to save budget funds for the project, you need to take into account a number of recommendations. Professional builders claim that it will be much cheaper to build a house according to a standard plan. Custom designs are more expensive.

how to build a house roof
how to build a house roof

The project must be purchased from a reputable company with a good reputation. Only after you have all its sections approved by the relevant authorities in your hands, you can start construction. It is desirable that the height of the ceilings in the rooms be normal. For living rooms, this figure is at least 3 m, and for the basement - 2.8 m.

Before you start building a house, it would be right to pay attention to some features of the project. It is desirable that it has one or more dressing rooms, a sauna (maybe small), a separate washbasin in the garage. This greatly improves the comfort of the residents.

In the course of the preparatory work, decorative decoration of the premises is also being thought out.

If the building is non-standard, itentails additional costs during construction. Therefore, it is better to choose a rectangular or square house with one or two floors. It depends on the preferences of the hosts.

Many developers claim that two-story houses are more beautiful, they allow you to choose a different layout. The cost of building a foundation, roofing work will be less, since the structure in this case is more compact. In addition, the heat loss of two-story houses is lower, and a wonderful view of the surroundings opens from the upper windows. If the site is relatively small, such a building will save free space.

In favor of one-story houses, there are no stairs in the premises, which is important if there are elderly people or small children in the house. Building an attic is more profitable than building a second floor.

Landscape design

How to build a house of brick or log house? It is important to think through everything to the smallest detail. Landscape design is no exception. It is better to entrust this work to professionals. In this case, the house on the site will be located correctly in accordance with the cardinal points. It will also ensure high-quality insulation, indoor comfort.

how to build a house from aerated concrete
how to build a house from aerated concrete

Also, during the creation of landscape design, it is planned to lay all the necessary engineering communications. A detailed scheme of pipelines, power systems is being created.

During the development of the site plan, attention is paid to soil drainage, retaining walls, if necessary, as well as level areas for recreation and parkingtransport.

It is important to ensure the safety of green spaces that cannot be planted over communication systems. You can also consider which plants to place in sunny areas and which in the shade.

Projects of both the house itself and landscape design are coordinated with the relevant architecture authorities. In order to build a house with your own hands correctly, you need to obtain permission, and this requires a master and cadastral plan with a diagram of future housing. In this case, the project is recognized as complying with certain norms and rules and can be legalized.

How to choose building materials?

Properly building a house from aerated concrete is much easier than from other materials. Here it is important to master the laying of walls, and the rest of the steps are performed by standard methods. It is worth making the correct calculation, making an estimate of costs. In accordance with the plan, the required amount of all building materials is calculated. Don't skimp on them. Otherwise, the building will not meet all the requirements, it will not be durable, strong. Exterior and interior decoration will not be attractive.

brick house
brick house

All building materials that are of high quality must have certificates, manufacturer's warranties. They must always be requested from the seller. Subsequently, the availability of relevant documentation helps to resolve disputes, if any.

It is better to buy everything you need in advance. Otherwise, the construction process may be delayed, because there will not be enough requiredmaterials. You need to think through everything to the smallest detail.

It is advised to purchase ready-made solutions, as they have special additives in the correct proportions. Insulation materials must be selected from environmentally friendly materials. It is worth remembering that even foam can be gnawed by mice. If there is such a threat, you need to choose bulk materials for insulation so that pests cannot create their nests here and gnaw through passages.

Considering how to properly build the roof of a house with your own hands, it is worth noting that it is not recommended to use slate as roofing materials. It is quite heavy and will increase the mass of the entire building. It is better to choose light, modern materials for decoration. They are of high quality, durable.


Having solved all organizational issues, we are building the foundation of the house correctly. This is the basis of the entire building. The durability of the structure depends on its quality. Otherwise, the operation of the house will become unsafe. If the façade is not strong enough to match the weight of the structure, the building will not last long.

If you want to save money on building a new home, don't build a basement. It is best to make a semi-basement or create a tiled foundation. Another rational method is to make holes for supplying various communications even at the stage of foundation construction.

we build the foundation of houses correctly
we build the foundation of houses correctly

It is better to think through everything to the smallest detail at the stage of creating a project.

Considering how to properly build a house from foam blocks, you need to consider that fromthe weight of the structure depends on the type of foundation. Also be sure to take into account the type of soil on the site. Most often, buildings are erected on a strip or column foundation. It can also be piled or tiled.

Standard house projects made of brick, stone, foam blocks involve building on a strip foundation. In this case, a trench is dug, which corresponds to all the partitions of the building. Next, a sand and gravel cushion is equipped, a layer of waterproofing is lined. After that, cement mortar is poured into the formwork. Ventilation holes must be provided in the foundation.

The columnar foundation is suitable for a small, relatively light country house. It can be built from timber or beams using frame technology. In this case, holes are dug in the ground, into which a sand and gravel cushion is poured, waterproofing is lined. You can make posts out of cement or bricks.

Pile foundation will be appropriate if the soil is loose or groundwater comes close to the surface. In this case, long metal piles are driven into the ground.

It is important to equip the foundation below the freezing level of the soil in the area. Otherwise, the foundation may be destroyed during the winter.

Box Building Tips

How to build a private house with your own hands, you will need to consider in detail. To perform the necessary work, you need to prepare all the tools. You can’t do without a building level, a level, a plumb line, as well as a two-meter level.

builddo-it-yourself home
builddo-it-yourself home

It is imperative that the walls (regardless of the type of material) are perfectly vertical. Even a slight slope will lead to adverse consequences. The floors must be perfectly horizontal.

In order to properly build a house from a bar, the material must be properly dried. Otherwise, significant deformations will appear over time. Therefore, it is not recommended to save on the quality of the timber. At the same time, all elements of the natural array must be treated with a fire retardant and an antiseptic. This is a mandatory safety requirement.

Brick walls should be built from varieties of materials that are not subject to adverse weather conditions. The thickness of the walls depends on the climate. It is recommended to use a concrete mixer to mix the cement mortar.

Foam blocks require high-quality exterior finish. This is a fairly light and easy to process material. It is characterized by high thermal insulation performance.

After the construction of the floors, they should not be loaded immediately. To finish the building outside, only high-quality modern materials are used that can give an aesthetic appearance to housing. It is not worth saving at this point of the estimate. The easiest, fastest and cheapest way to build walls using frame technology. This is a fairly common option, which is very popular today. The cost of building a box in this case is half the price.


There are several recommendations on how to properly build a roof at home. Experienceddevelopers agree that the most reliable is a gable or single-slope design. The less it has joints, kinks, the less likely it is to leak. Roofs with a complex configuration require repairs much more often.

It is also worth noting that buildings with more elements are more expensive. Therefore, in order to save money, a simple design should be provided in the plan. It will be practical, easy to maintain and durable.

Considering recommendations on how to properly build a house from blocks, bricks, it is worth noting that the truss system is most often built from wooden beams. When installing a roofing pie, you will also need to mount skylights.

If an attic is being built, it will be necessary to insulate the roof with high quality. For this, thermal insulation with a thickness of at least 25-30 cm is used. So that the weight of the structure does not increase greatly, it is worth using soft roofing materials for decoration. In this case, the crate will be solid, made of boards. The metal tile will weigh more than this material. In addition, raindrops will drum on the hard material. This creates discomfort. To avoid this, you will need to install a layer of sound insulation, which leads to additional costs.

Even on roofs with a slight slope, snow retainers are installed. The angle of inclination of the slopes is selected in accordance with the climate in the area. Wind and snow loads are taken into account.


Studying how to build a house from bricks, foam blocks, and other materials, you should pay attention to finishingfacade. For a log house, this is not required. This material has good thermal insulation properties. But for stone - you will need to perform additional finishing. For a house made of foam blocks, this is a must. This material is lightweight and easy to handle.

how to build a roof at home with your own hands
how to build a roof at home with your own hands

When using plaster, a beautiful facade finish is obtained. It is also necessary to create a layer of thermal insulation, waterproofing. This will prevent heat loss. The house will not heat up in the warm season and cool down in the winter. A special paint is used for the facade. It does not fade, does not collapse under the influence of moisture. It is better not to use horizontal bark beetle plaster for finishing the facade. Dirt will accumulate in the recesses.

If it is planned to decorate the facade with green spaces, hooks and special stands are created for them in the wall. They will hold climbing plant stems or flowerpots directly.

Interior decoration

When considering how to build a house, you should pay attention to interior decoration. To perform all the "wet" work in the room, you will need to choose the right period. The street should be warm and dry. This ensures that fungus and mold will not flourish in the house, and the finish will not peel off.

How to build a house? Experienced developers argue that interior decoration should be given sufficient attention at the planning stage. In the nursery and bedroom, preference should be given to natural materials when finishing. They should not highlighttoxic substances. In the nursery, you should not glue the wallpaper, as kids can easily damage them.

Painted walls are also not liked by everyone. Hand marks and fingerprints can quickly appear on surfaces.

In the lobby and corridors, it is better to line the floor with ceramic tiles imitating parquet. It's much more practical. Such a coating will be durable, easy to clean. At the same time, the tile is not afraid of moisture.

For the ceiling, it is better to choose a tension or suspension structure. They will allow you to hide all communications under the finish.


Among the many recommendations on how to build a house, there are tips that developers give about arranging stairs. Sufficient space in the room must be allotted for it. Furniture will be carried up the stairs, so it should be wide enough. At the same time, it should be safe to move along such a structure, especially when there are children.

The frame is best made of metal. Steps can be made of wood. The angle of inclination of the stairs should be 30-40º, and the height of the steps is 15 cm. The most convenient in operation are two-flight designs.
