Lagenaria: cultivation and care

Lagenaria: cultivation and care
Lagenaria: cultivation and care

Many gardeners want to have some wonderful plant on their plot. At the moment, there are various innovations. But I want the plant not only to please the eye, but also to benefit. One of these is lagenaria. Its homeland is Africa. People have long used the fruits not only for food, but also made various household items from them, for example, dishes.


The production of the latter, by the way, has come down to our days. Such an interesting activity makes it possible to create amazing household items and decor.

Description of the magnificent lagenaria

The plant is an annual and belongs to the gourd family. Outwardly, the fruit resembles a cross between a pumpkin and a zucchini. The plant itself is a creeping vine. The length of the lagenaria can reach 15 meters. The growth rates are very high. The leaves are quite large, rounded in shape with a velvety texture. The flowers are also large and usually open in the late afternoon. In the morning hours they have cream orpinkish color, the shade becomes paler in the evening.

The most unusual thing about this plant is the fruit, or rather, its shape. It can be varied: elongated, pear-shaped, rounded, serpentine or bottle-shaped. It depends on the variety of lagenaria. Young small fruits are used for food. They have a pleasant taste and resemble our zucchini. Ideal for proper and dietary nutrition. Contain many vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber.


This plant has another incredible property. If there is no desire to pick the whole fruit, then you can cut off from it the piece that is needed at the moment. The cut point is quickly covered with a film. The fruit of Lagenaria continues to grow despite the cut.

Popular varieties

There are several varieties of lagenaria. Some gardeners have a certain favorite variety, while others group several species. Thus, unique still lifes are created on the garden plot.

The most common of the varieties are the following ones.

  1. Lagenaria field-shaped. Growing this species at the initial stage resembles an ordinary zucchini. But as it matures, the fruit becomes very large. In length, it can reach 2 meters. And its maximum weight reaches 10 kg. Of course, in order to achieve such indicators, it is necessary to create exceptionally favorable conditions for the plant. And on average, the length of the fetus will be about a meter.
  2. Cultivation of the Lagenaria serpentine variety is popular. This plant is a bit likethe previous one, but differs in a more refined form. The length of the fruit is 40-50 cm. During the season, about 30 kg of vegetable can be harvested from a bush.
  3. Sort Cobra. These fruits are round in shape with an elongated neck. And the part near the cut resembles the head of a cobra. The rind is dark green with light green flecks.
  4. Goose in apples has a very decorative look. The fruits are very similar in shape to geese. In connection with such properties, lagenaria is widely used in landscaping the territory.
  5. Very interesting is the cultivation of Lagenaria bottle variety. The fruits are really very reminiscent of a bottle or a vase. Such fruits look very attractive and unusual. The optimal length is 50 cm. During this period, the fruits are juicy, the flesh is soft, and the peel is very thin. After the fruit begins to harden and becomes unfit for food.
  6. The variety Lagenaria Kolebass is shaped like a huge pear. The standard fruit size is 50 cm. This type is often used for decorative purposes. Amazing vessels and jugs are made from them.

And many more gardeners are trying to experiment. When the fruits of lagenaria are still small, they are placed in objects of a certain shape: square, circle, rhombus, etc. Then the fruits will grow according to the scenario that the gardener conceived.

Growing methods

Growing lagenaria is not particularly difficult. However, there are still certain features. The plant belongs to the heat-loving species, because it is southern. Therefore, in warm climatic zones, lagenaria is sown with seeds in open ground. But in the middlethe strip is better to plant in seedlings. Some prefer to plant the plant in a greenhouse. If you want to get a harvest as early as possible, then in the first half of April, seeds are planted at home or in greenhouse conditions.

Mostly there is no difficulty in growing lagenaria.


The photo of the plant creates a complete picture of the singularity of this species.

Growing lagenaria from seeds

Before sowing, it is better to pre-soak the seeds. To do this, you need to take a piece of cloth and place the right amount of seeds there. Fill the material with seeds inside with warm water and leave it in it for a while. The ambient temperature must be at least room temperature.

As soon as the first sprouts appear on the surface, the seeds are placed in containers for seedlings. For the first time, it is necessary to create greenhouse conditions for them. This can be done with film. But it is important to remember that as soon as the sprouts come out, remove the film immediately, otherwise they will stretch out very much. Seedlings are planted outdoors in June, as soon as warm stable weather sets in.

If the local climate is warm enough, then the seeds can be sown immediately in open ground. To do this, a shallow furrow is thinned out and filled with hot water. You can also use a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After landing, it is better to cover with polyethylene. This method helps plants grow faster.

Seedling care

Seedlings are rather undemanding to care. But it is very important to provide her with good lighting. Wateringcarry out as needed. But the main thing here is not to overdo it. Excessive moisture will damage the young plant. But it is also not worth overdrying the soil. To avoid this, it is better to cover the ground near the trunk with mulch. The optimum temperature for growing lagenaria is 15-20 degrees Celsius.

Seedlings are ready for transplanting into open ground no earlier than in a month. The height should be from 10 cm. A week before transplantation, a hardening procedure must be carried out. Every day, take the seedlings outside, gradually increasing the time spent in the fresh air. Thus, the young plant will more easily endure the transplant and will quickly begin to please its owners with a bountiful harvest.

Features of planting and plant care

You need to choose the right place to land. When growing lagenaria and caring for it, it is worth considering that this is a branchy plant. Therefore, you need to place it next to the support. For this purpose, you can use a site decor item, a gazebo, a veranda or part of a fence. The plant is growing very fast. And a branchy flowering liana on a personal plot will look just great. But at the same time, it is worth considering that the landing site should be sunny.


The distance between plants should be at least 70 cm. Planting holes are dug 30 cm long and wide. The depth of the hole is about the same. Peat, compost or humus is placed at the bottom of the hole. It is also worth adding a little ash. The root part is carefully buried and watered abundantly with warm water.

As the shoots grow,you need to guide them along the support.

If support is not provided, then the root space must be laid with boards. Otherwise, the fruits will simply start to hurt or rot.

Water and fertilize creepers

The plant loves good watering, but it is better not to allow excessive moisture. If there is no rain, it is enough to pamper the liana with 1-2 buckets of water twice a week.

Like any other plant, Lagenaria loves feeding. It is enough to carry them out once every two weeks. For this, chicken and mineral vegetable fertilizers are suitable. They are entered one by one.

Pollination rules

An important feature of growing Lagenaria is the process of pollination. The plant has male flowers, or as they are also called, barren flowers. And, accordingly, female. Since the buds open in the late afternoon, there is no one to pollinate them. Therefore, to obtain a crop, pollination must be done independently. To do this, you need to take a brush or a cotton swab and transfer pollen from male inflorescences to female ones. The latter, as a rule, are closer to the lower part of the plant and have a short stem. In male flowers, it looks completely different. The stem is thin and elongated. Pollination can be done in the morning or in the evening.

Reproduction of lagenaria

Seeds can be collected independently from your vines. For these purposes, the first fruit is left. It ripens throughout the season. Cut before the first frost. After that, the pumpkin is stored at home for a month. Then the fruit is cut and the seeds are extracted from it.


Seeds need to be dried a little, but only in the natural environment. Seeds are stored in a paper or woven bag. Shelf life is 7 years.

Growing lagenaria at home

Very surprising, but many grow such a plant at home. On the loggia or on the balcony, lagenaria feels no worse. If you decide, for example, to grow bottle lagenaria practically in your apartment, then you need to consider the following aspects:

  • requires a pot with a volume of at least 10 liters, and preferably 15 (the creeper has a fairly powerful root system, so the plant will not develop and bear fruit in a cramped dish);
  • a layer of drainage material with a thickness of at least 3 cm must be laid on the bottom of the pot;
  • You can use any soil that contains humus.

Cultivation of lagenaria serpentine does not have to be grown only in the summer. She feels great throughout the year. But with the onset of the cold weather of the year, the vine will need to be brought home. And it is desirable to place it near the window on the south side. So the plant will receive more sunlight.

Otherwise, home growing is no different from gardening. Once every two weeks, top dressing and timely watering are recommended. And, of course, to form ovaries, carry out pollination.


When growing lagenaria in the suburbs, harvesting is carried out repeatedly. Usually the first crop appears 3 months after planting the seeds. But the timing depends on the purpose of cultivation. The fruits are cut for consumption.earlier and more often. For the manufacture of decorative dishes and various crafts, the fruits ripen longer. They remove the pumpkins when they grow to the right size.


Growing lagenaria is a really interesting and practical activity. There are a large number of recipes, the ingredient of which is lagenaria. The fruits will not only play the role of food, but will also be an excellent decor for the site. And if you show imagination, then ripe fruits can decorate your home interior.
