Clogged plumbing is a pretty annoying and common problem. Even with careful use of the equipment, particles of grease and hair on the walls of the pipes can one day tightly clog the drain. However, do not rush to immediately call a plumber. In simple cases, a blockage in the toilet can be eliminated on your own. It is enough to use one of the simple devices described in this review.
Cleaning Methods

So, what are they like? If the drain is clogged in the bath and there is water, and there is no way to call a plumber, then you can try to clean the drain yourself using the following methods:
- thermal: use of hot water;
- chemical: blockage is eliminated with the help of certain compounds;
- mechanical: special tools are used to solve the problem.
The choice of method depends primarily on the type and location of blockage.
Plunger operation principle
Let's take a closer look at this. Beforeconsider how to make a plunger with your own hands, we will deal with the principle of operation of this device. This is a fairly simple device, which is a handle with a cone-shaped rubber nozzle put on it. Using a plunger, you can eliminate blockages not only in the bath, but also in the sink and toilet. Before cleaning, draw a small amount of water into the bath so that it completely covers the drain hole. Then the plunger is vertically installed downwards with a rubber cone on the drain. After that, pushing movements are made downward, thereby creating water hammers. The blockage under their action is destroyed and pushed further along the sewer pipe. In most cases, only a few pushing movements are enough to remove blockages. If the water began to leave, then the procedure was completed successfully. Otherwise, repeat it again.
Now that you know how to unclog the toilet with a plunger, let's see what can replace this device.
We eliminate the blockage on our own

The principle of the plunger is based on pushing the air plug into the pipe. The air bubble literally crashes into the water, thereby creating a water hammer. As a result, the blockage begins to move closer to a wider place in the sewer. But this device is not always at hand. What can replace the plunger? Get rid of small blockages really and with bare hands. To do this, it is enough just to cover the drain with a palm bent in a hump and straighten it sharply, thereby pushing air into the pipe. This movement should be repeated several times until the blockage is cleared.
Handy tools
Building a plunger with your own hands is quite simple. The most common version of a homemade fixture includes a piece of stick with an unnecessary rag. The fabric should be wound so that it fits snugly into the drain hole. After that, the resulting structure should be lowered into the drain, and then abruptly removed. The effect should be like a water hammer. However, in this case, you should act very carefully so as not to accidentally break the plumbing equipment.
Plunger from a bottle

What is it and what is its peculiarity? Many of you have probably heard about such an unusual procedure as cleaning the toilet with a plastic bottle. For this, a 2-liter container is best suited. She should completely cut off the bottom. After that, the bottle is inserted into the toilet drain upside down. Wait until the water fills the bottle completely, and then twist the neck. Next, sharply squeeze the plastic and pull the container out of the drain. The water released from the bottle will cause a small water hammer, which will move the blockage deep into the sewer. This procedure is best done in clothes that you do not mind getting dirty, because when you remove the bottle, you can easily splash yourself.
Sink cleaner
So what is it? How to make a plunger to clear a blockage in a sink or bath? plastic bottle forthese purposes will no longer fit, since its diameter significantly exceeds the circumference of the drain hole. This means that with its help you will not be able to create a sufficient vacuum of air. How to be in this case? Good for milk or juice packaging. For such a container, a corner should be cut off so that it matches the diameter of the drain in size. The bag must be inserted into the drain hole with a cut corner, and then hit it well. As a result, the air inside it will be directed into the pipe. If the procedure does not work the first time, you should repeat this action.
Such an impromptu plumbing plunger, if used correctly, can give a good result. It is better to use bags with a volume of at least two liters. This will help increase the power of the device.
Auto Parts Cleaner
How to build a plunger from improvised means? Motorists probably know that a CV joint boot can be used for these purposes. This is such a kind of cover for the front axle shaft. It is usually made of silicone or rubber. The shape of the anther is similar to the bowl of a plunger. Due to its relief and softness, it works no worse than a real plunger. The only refinement that will need to be done before using this device is a handle for convenience. There is a suitable hole in the top of the boot. To clean the drain of a bathtub or sink with it, just plug it with a wine stopper. Do not stick a handle to such a homemade plunger, otherwise you will not be able to flush the deviceafter use.
How to clean the sink with household appliances?
If you have an old vacuum cleaner with a reverse function at home, then you can consider the question of how to make a do-it-yourself plunger closed. All you have to do is insert the appliance hose into the clogged drain. The joint should be sealed with an unnecessary rag. Then turn on the vacuum cleaner at maximum power in blowing air mode. This method will help get rid of even fairly serious blockages.
Cleaning the drain with a shower hose

What is the peculiarity of this method? Another way to make a do-it-yourself plunger is to use a shower hose. Remove the showerhead from the shower and insert the hose into the drain hole. The drain around the hose should be plugged with a rag. After that, turn on the hot water at full power. If the cause of the blockage was ordinary pollution, this method will help to eliminate it within a few minutes. Before carrying out this procedure, it is recommended to pour a pack of soda into the drain and leave it for about 10-15 minutes. This will help to better clean the pipe walls from accumulated dirt.
Using a plumbing cable
Let's take a closer look at this. Another good remedy for blockages is a plumbing cable. This device will be especially effective if the blockage was caused by a foreign object entering the drain. To eliminate such a blockage, a simple water hammer will not be enough. Therefore, if the use of a plunger and similar devicesdid not give the desired effect, then a plumbing cable should be used. You can use both a ready-made product, which can be easily purchased at any hardware store, or a home-made product made from improvised materials.
To create a cable, take a large plastic bottle. She should cut off the bottom. After that, the product is cut in a spiral so that a long plastic strip is obtained. Don't cut off the neck of the bottle as you can use it as a handle. Holding the neck, bleed the spiral into the drain hole of the plumbing while rotating it. After you get to the blockage, the cable will crush it and push it further into the sewer. To enhance the effect obtained, the pipe should be pumped a little more using a pneumatic plunger. Both factory and homemade product will do.
Cleaning blockage with hot water

The most common and simple remedy for blockages is boiling water. It is suitable if the cause of blockage is s alt and fat deposits. You can use boiling water to clean metal pipes. For cleaning, 1-1.5 liters will be enough. You just need to pour water into the hole and wait half an hour or an hour. To clean plastic pipes, use water at a temperature of 60-80 degrees. You could try just turning on the hot water faucet and running it down the drain.
To enhance the effect of the thermal cleaning method, try using s alt and soda. Pour into the drain holehalf a glass of these substances, and pour a liter of boiling water or hot water on top. After that, you need to wait a couple of hours and rinse the drain.
A good remedy for blockages is washing powder. To clean the drain, mix 100 grams of laundry detergent and 2.5 liters of hot water in a separate container. After that, the resulting composition is poured into the drain hole in a thin stream.
Remove blockages with vinegar
This method was used by our grandmothers. It is quite simple and involves the use of ingredients that can be found in any kitchen. To eliminate the blockage, you must first pour a glass of soda into the drain, and then pour 250 ml of vinegar into it. As a result, a chemical reaction should begin. It is better to close the drain hole for a while with a stopper. After half an hour or an hour, the drain can be washed with hot water.
If there is no vinegar at home, you can try replacing it with citric acid. It will be enough to take 2-3 spoons for a glass of soda.
If the above remedies were ineffective in removing blockages in the bathroom, you should try more special household chemicals. It contains aggressive substances that help to quickly get rid of blockages of any complexity.
Using household chemicals

Currently on sale you can find a lot of special chemicals for clearing blockages. They can be in the form of a gel, powder or liquid. The most widespread are such means as "Sanox", "Mole", Tiret, Chirton,Sanfor. When choosing a cleaning agent, you should pay attention to its composition, as well as the material from which the pipes are made. It’s good if the product you choose, in addition to s alt and fat deposits, can also dissolve wool, threads and hair. Typically, household chemicals contain substances such as sodium hydroxide and acid. When working with these compounds, special care should be taken and the instructions for use should be strictly followed. Be sure to wear hand and face protection.
These compositions are usually used according to the same principle: they are poured or poured into the drain hole in the amount specified in the instructions. The powder usually needs to be topped up with water. After that, the tool should be left for a while. The waiting interval can also be different. It is usually indicated on the package.
In this review, we have examined in detail how to eliminate the blockage. For this purpose, it is not necessary to use a factory plumbing plunger. Instead of this device, it is quite possible to use improvised means. Plastic bottles, juice or milk bags are well suited. You can also use an old vacuum cleaner with a reverse function. The role of a plunger may well be performed by such an automotive part as anther.

If the blockage is small, then you can do without the use of mechanical cleaning methods. Perhaps hot water and special chemicals will help fix the problem.