Columnar pear: description of varieties, features and reviews

Columnar pear: description of varieties, features and reviews
Columnar pear: description of varieties, features and reviews

What should a gardener do who dreams of eating pears from his own garden, but the size of the plot does not allow him to grow a full-fledged pear tree? There is a way out - you can plant columnar pears! They grow not in width, but in height, which significantly saves space. In addition, today there are a large number of varieties of this crop that give excellent yields.

About M. V. Kachalkin's pears

The creator of this type of pear is the eminent breeder Mikhail Vitalievich Kachalkin. In 1998, in the Tula region, he founded the "Experimental Breeding Nursery", in which he began work on breeding columnar apple trees. It is on his account that the creation of most modern varieties. The breeder did not bypass the pear with his attention. Because of the appearance of trees, similar to columnar apple trees, they got their name. Kachalkin himself is more inclined to call columnar pears super-dwarf - due to the fact that their branches tend to spread. This horticultural culture is not verydiffers from its closest relative - an ordinary pear, the only difference is the growth and size of the crown. And, of course, the indisputable advantage of columnar trees is that their yields are much higher than those of ordinary pears.

Pear columnar varieties for the Moscow region
Pear columnar varieties for the Moscow region

Columnar pear: description

The columnar type of pears is compact and has a high yield. Small trees are valued for excellent survival and easy care. The growth of such a pear does not exceed two and a half meters. The trees have a trunk similar to that of an ordinary pear. Some people mistakenly believe that a garden plant has no branches, but this is not true. The tree is characterized by the presence of weakly growing branches. At first glance, it may seem that the fruits, as it were, stuck to the trunk. If the tree is grown from a seedling, then fruiting begins in the second year after planting. In this case, the yield will be about 3 kilograms. Pear fruits are large, have excellent taste qualities. According to the description, varieties of columnar pears are:

  • early autumn;
  • summer-autumn;
  • autumn;
  • late autumn,
  • winter.

Early autumn varieties of pears bear fruits weighing up to 400 g. They have a rich yellow color and juicy fragrant pulp. Pears with orange barrels, oily skin, weighing about 200 g and having an excellent taste - late ripening. The autumn varieties have a delicate oily skin, and the weight is 250-300 g. The winter ones reach a weight of 150-200 g, they are bright yellow in color, the flesh is fragrant, with a honey taste. Summer-autumn apples are the smallest in weight: 100-150 g, but very sweet. Their light yellow skin has many small orange spots. Pear fruits are used for fresh consumption and for preservation.

Pear columnar: description
Pear columnar: description

Pear varieties

As you know, this culture is well cultivated in the central part of Russia, including in the Moscow region. Varieties of columnar pear do not tolerate cold winters. To date, there are not very many varieties of this crop, but breeders are working to increase the number of varieties of this bonsai. The easiest option is to grow them from ready-made seedlings. Here are reviews, a description of the varieties of columnar pear that have received the greatest popularity among gardeners.


Speaking about the columnar pear Sapphire, it should be noted that it belongs to the autumn winter-hardy variety. The first ripe fruits can be harvested in early September. Elongated fruits weighing 250 grams are very fragrant, juicy, have a pleasant taste. A feature of the variety, according to gardeners, is the yellow-green shade of the fruit with a beautiful red blush. It is recommended to eat pears two weeks after harvest. The following factor can be attributed to the pluses: the fruits hold well on the branches, do not crumble in the rain. The shelf life of fruits is quite long: until the beginning of next year. Suitable for jam, various compotes, very often they are used for making dried fruits. The variety is tolerant of scab and has an average resistance tofrost.

Columnar pears: varieties, reviews
Columnar pears: varieties, reviews


If we talk about a variety like Night-Wert, it should be noted that despite the fact that it belongs to a winter-hardy variety, the plant will not be able to survive the winter at a temperature of -25 degrees. It is better to plant it in the southern regions of Russia. The first pears weighing about 200 grams can be obtained already in the second year after planting. The pulp is white, dense tender texture, very fragrant.


Unpretentious hybrid in care is characterized by high yield and undemanding to growing conditions, as well as sufficient frost resistance. With its unusually beautiful appearance, it can decorate any garden. The ripening of this variety begins in early October. Fragrant, with juicy white pulp and delicate taste, the fruits are round-oval, apple-shaped, shaped and weighing 400 grams. Among gardeners, it is considered one of the best varieties of columnar pears for the unusual combination of a range of colors located on one plant. This fruit tree is absolutely not demanding on the soil. Variety Sanremi is very resistant to various types of diseases.


A tree of this variety grows up to 1.9-2.2 meters. Refers to self-fertile varieties. The plant is unpretentious to the composition of the soil, resistant to disease and cold. It starts fruiting two to three years after planting. The fruit of the columnar pear Decora has a slightly sour refreshing taste. They have an oval shape, their weight does not exceed 200-230 grams, the color of the fruits is a beautiful bright yellow color. pulpcharacterized by juiciness and a pronounced aroma, which is compared with the aroma of a rose. These pears have a very short shelf life.


This variety is more of a dessert variety, with very large sweet fruits, weighing 300 grams, elegant bright burgundy color. Due to its spectacular fruits, the pear is especially popular. The fruits ripen quite quickly, you can harvest as early as the beginning of summer. Its fruiting begins in the second year after transplantation. Due to the beautiful appearance during flowering and fruiting, it is often used for garden decoration.

Columnar pear Carmen
Columnar pear Carmen


The fruits of this variety are short pear-shaped, with a bumpy surface, the maturation of the columnar pear Honey begins in mid-August. Pears have a yellow-green color and a rather large mass - 400 grams. They have a pleasant light aroma, juicy and unusually sweet taste. The variety has good transportability; under recommended storage conditions, it can last until mid-February. A feature of the honey pear is that its yield significantly exceeds that of other similar varieties; a crop of 80-110 kilograms can be harvested from a young tree. Fruiting begins 3-5 years after planting the seedling. Frost resistance is above average, shoots do not freeze at -25 degrees. The tree tolerates frost well, feels great on any soil.

Judging by the reviews of columnar pears, we can conclude that all varieties are characterized by an unusualsweet taste and have a high level of resistance to pests and diseases. They are characterized by high yields, but at the same time they do not take up much space.

About the advantages and disadvantages

The most important indisputable advantage of this type of pear is that the plant is very compact and takes up very little space in the garden. Due to the fact that the plant has small branches and a small crown, gardeners can carry out compacted plantings, while receiving consistently high yields.

Another advantage of the columnar pear can be considered a good survival rate of plants and early fruiting. Small tree growth greatly facilitates harvesting and caring for plants in general. The advantages include a rather large size of the fruit, which have high commercial qualities. By the way, all varieties of this species are frost-resistant, and also unpretentious to the soil. In addition to high yields, the universal use of fruits should also be noted. They make all kinds of preparations for the winter, in the form of compotes, juices, jam, marmalade, and are also consumed fresh.

Columnar pear: description of varieties
Columnar pear: description of varieties

There are practically no flaws in the columnar variety of pear, to be exact there are only two of them:

  • short fruiting period (10-15 years);
  • a small selection of varieties.

According to reviews, varieties of columnar pears do not require special attention, care consists in timely pruning of side branches and crown formation. But, in the event that it is not carried out, the brancheswill grow large, and fruiting may stop altogether.

Fit and care features

The most favorable time for planting columnar trees is spring. The fact is that the root system is located very close to the surface of the earth. And it is quite possible that the plant, when planted in the fall, will not take root well and will freeze out during frosts. Seedlings are considered the best planting material, but can be grown using seeds, as well as by grafting cuttings on other crops. As with any garden tree, the planting hole is prepared in advance (about 2 weeks). This can be done like this:

  1. The distance between the pits should not be less than half a meter, and between the rows, at least one meter. If you plant columnar pears in a tiny area, then they will not have enough light and air, and parasites may also appear.
  2. A mixture of the following composition is poured into the dug planting hole: humus, compost, earth, the amount of organic fertilizers per hole is 3-4 kilograms. Then a bucket of water is poured into the hole.

Experienced gardeners recommend observing the following proportions: the depth of the pit is at least 80 centimeters, and the diameter is 60 cm.

Columnar pears: planting and care
Columnar pears: planting and care


After the moisture is well absorbed, a pear seedling is placed in the hole, while all the roots are straightened well, a small peg is placed and driven in between them. It is necessary to ensure that when planting, the grafting site is above the ground, and the rhizome is well closed to it. The earth is first filled up to halfholes, then it is compacted, the rest of the soil is poured on top. After that, the tree must be carefully watered. In the event that the soil settles a little, the seedling should be sprinkled with more earth. After that, the plant is tied to the prepared peg.

Features of care

Columnar trees do not require any special care. But still, it is necessary to observe and carry out such manipulations in time:

  • timely pruning;
  • regular feeding;
  • pest protection;
  • preparation for winter;
  • loosening the soil;
  • weeding;
  • mulching.

It must be remembered that good care, watering, timely top dressing and tree pruning affect the quality and quantity of the entire crop.

Columnar pears: reviews
Columnar pears: reviews


During the entire first year of growth of a columnar pear, it is necessary to remove all the flowers that have appeared, this will allow the tree to take root better. In the second year, if the tree is well rooted, up to 5 fruits can be left on it. In subsequent years, their quality and quantity should be closely monitored. In the event that it has increased, and the size of the fruits has become smaller, it means that the tree is overloaded with fruits. And this means that the number of fruits should be normalized.


An orchard of columnar trees needs regular spraying. You can start them immediately after the snow melts, and the air temperature will no longer drop below +5degrees. Spring spraying can protect seedlings from pathogens. Experienced gardeners recommend using the following products for spraying: iron and copper sulfate and urea (50 g per 10 liters of water).

The first spraying is best done immediately after the first leaves appear on the trees. Two subsequent with an interval from the previous one in two weeks. In addition, the same solution is used as a fertilizer. Top dressing is carried out during the season three times. About two liters of solution should be poured under each seedling of any variety of columnar pear.

Disease and pest control

It's no secret that it's easier to protect plants from diseases and pests than to treat trees later. It is very important to annually whitewash tree trunks and spray them. Around the seedlings, it is recommended to plant plants that repel pests - tobacco or lemon balm.

Columnar pear: reviews
Columnar pear: reviews


Scab. With such a disease, spots appear on the plants, which spread very quickly. The methods of dealing with it are as follows: utilization of fallen leaves by burning, spraying with urea in the spring.

Powdery mildew. Signs of the disease: falling flowers, ovaries, fruits. It is necessary to prune the affected shoots and apply certain insecticides to combat this disease.

Rust. Leaves and fruits are affected, all infected areas should be removed in time. As for the tree itself, it must be treated with sulfur.


The most common pests of this crop are pear sucker, aphids, pear mites. They are fought with the help of special preparations - insecticides.

Preparing for winter

After the last leaves fall from the tree, all debris is removed around the trunk circle. If this is not done, various pests will overwinter perfectly in it. They can cause great damage to plants next spring. Columnar trees have a very tender apical bud, so the first two or three years the plants need to be covered for the winter. This can be done with a fabric that allows air to pass through. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a nylon stocking filled with sawdust. You can protect the tree from mice and hares as follows: tie it with spruce branches and sprinkle it well with snow.
