Unfortunately, nowadays most people living in cities suffer from a rapid pace of life. They are surrounded by everyday bustle, the noise of roads, endless running around. Such a way of life quickly absorbs all the forces and energy. But how to restore it? This issue is currently relevant for all city dwellers, so most have dachas. They are located in the forest zone. Sometimes country houses are located next to a river or lake. It is in such places that you can not only enjoy a serene and peaceful life, but also restore energy. Due to the maximum rapprochement with nature, a person in a matter of hours is able to stock up on strength and replenish his life resource.

A country house is not only a place where you can spend time in the summer. Now you don’t even have to give up the amenities that all city dwellers are accustomed to. We are talking about plumbing, a bathroom. The interior design of a country house can be planned already at the construction stage. At this stage, it is necessary to provide for the presence of a bathroom, a comfortable and spacious kitchen, the location and size of windows, and other points. A fireplace doesn't hurt either. It gives the room warmth and comfort. Thanks to modern technologies, a country house can be equipped with the latest fashion. And if you carry out heating, then you can live in it not only in summer, but also in winter.
Landscape design of a country house: basic principles
Unlike an apartment, a country house also has a piece of land. Therefore, when creating comfort, do not forget about this. Currently, professional designers give different advice on the design of the local area. What will be on it, everyone decides for himself. If there is a desire, then you can take the land under the garden. However, not all people want to do this work during the weekend or vacation, so most often they organize space for recreation on the site. Install gazebos, barbecue areas. The fountain also promotes relaxation. If you want, you can make a pool. There are a lot of similar ideas, however, in order to choose the right design for a country house site, you need to know the basic principles of landscape organization.
- Simplicity. It is not recommended to oversaturate the space with different elements. For example, large statues, numerous flower beds, stone compositions. Restraint in decor is the key to comfort.
- Harmony. In order for the site to look like a single composition, you will need to use the sameelements. For example, make flower beds only round, lay paths using only one type of tile.
- Proportions. When choosing a decor, it is necessary to take into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe site. A large fountain will not look harmonious in a small garden.
- Colors. For gazebos, fences and other architectural structures, it is better to choose neutral shades. Thanks to this decision, it will be possible to focus on the green crown of shrubs and trees.
- Gardening. In order for the site to look attractive throughout the year, it is necessary to take into account the period of flowering and fruiting of plants, as well as their life cycle.
- Smooth transitions. In order not to disturb the harmony, it is recommended to abandon bright color blotches. They will stand out from the overall picture, thereby violating the integrity of the landscape. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the shape of the leaves, the height and size of the plantations, the palette of flower beds change evenly and gradually.
Let's start decorating the house
Having finished with the site, you can start designing a country house. Inside, all rooms should be not only functional, but also beautiful. Choosing the design, the owners can realize their fantasies. In such a space, which is not limited by size, artistic tastes can be fully expressed. The only thing you need to remember is that it is the right design that will become the key to a cozy space.
In order for the house to be the place where you want to constantly return, it is necessary to carry out quality repairs. Choicefinishing material also plays an important role. With its help, it is easy to turn a modest building into royal chambers, where all family members will be comfortable.

Let's talk about features
Most people try to build fairly large and spacious houses outside the city. The fact is that on its square I want to implement a lot of tasks that will help turn this place into a real paradise. At the first stage, professionals advise creating a design project for a country house. It will take into account the location of rooms, outbuildings, workshops. If the house is large, then the main thing is to properly plan the space. Rational use of it will achieve maximum comfort. Do not focus only on living rooms. Pools, saunas, wine cellars, greenhouses are often equipped in country houses.
Advantages, in comparison with apartments, private buildings have a lot. Thanks to the isolation, the owners do not face restrictions that affect the layout. For example, in an apartment it is impossible to change the height of the ceilings, move window openings, or build an additional room. But in the house, all architectural solutions can be fully implemented. Even if the site has already been purchased with the building, then this is not a hindrance. Having invested a certain amount in repairs, you can safely change everything beyond recognition, adhering to the requirements of different styles.
Design of a country house can be both strict and bright. In the first case, the following directions are suitable: American,classic. And for those who want to fill the house with rich and rich colors, it is recommended to stay in the Art Deco style. The absence of restrictions on the layout of rooms gives freedom of choice. In any room you can install a fountain, columns or sculptures, equip a fireplace, use interesting multi-level ceilings and much more.

Most people choose a classic design for a country house. A photo of such interiors clearly demonstrates the features of this architectural style. It differs in characteristic features. These include textured finishes, naturalness, discreet colors, natural materials, massive furniture. To finish the ceiling, they prefer to use drywall. There is no need to be limited to a single-level design. Now suspended ceilings are popular. They consist of several levels, with the help of which original compositions are composed.
You can use different materials for wall decoration. Wooden panels will look great. They focus on nature. Decorative plaster is also quite in demand. It is of high quality and has a long service life. The simplest finish is wallpaper. If you choose them correctly, they will harmoniously fit into the classic space.
But the floor should be decorated depending on the purpose of the room. As a rule, parquet is chosen for the living room and bedroom. Ceramic tiles are perfect for bathrooms and kitchens. Sometimes as a floor coveringuse natural stone.
In order for the space in the classical style to be finished, it is necessary to complement the interior with decor. In such rooms, bookshelves, large wall clocks with a pendulum are often installed. A fireplace will be a great addition.
It is important to pay attention to the fact that elements such as stucco are used in the decoration. With its help, door and window openings, ceiling, walls are decorated. The classic interior looks a little pompous, but this is precisely its charm.
For those who want to create a modern, but simple design of a country house (photos of interesting projects can be seen in the article), it is recommended to opt for a minimalist style. It differs in that the space is designed in accordance with strict geometric shapes. The rooms are filled with modern appliances. That is what the emphasis is on. Lamps of an unusual shape will serve as decor.
In order for the room in this style not to look too cold, you can additionally use textiles. It's the little things like that that fill the space with warmth. The color scheme should be only light and neutral. Contrasting inserts are allowed, but in small quantities.
Rooms decorated in a minimalist style should be spacious, filled with air and light, so you need to choose furniture very carefully. It is better to give preference to compact models.

Scandinavian style
Currently very popularscandinavian country house design. The interior is decorated only with natural wood, preferably in a light shade. There should be few decorative elements. The color scheme is predominantly white. Furniture is allowed only in a laconic form and strict design. In this style, it is recommended to maximize the window opening. Be sure to take care of the lighting. The rooms should have a lot of wall sconces, LED strips, furniture lamps, floor lamps.
Warm and romantic design of a country house can be created using the Provence style. The interior should contain artificially aged elements. It is preferable to choose a finish with floral motifs. The color scheme is light. Ceramic decor will fit perfectly into the room. Stucco will also be useful. However, when designing, the main thing is not to overdo it with details. There must be flowers in the house. They can be both small and large. But in the kitchen, various herbs are grown in pots on the windowsill, which will fill the entire space with aroma.
Arabic style
The Arabic design of a country house will look quite interesting. This style is perfect for active people who prefer bright and saturated colors. In an interior with Arabic notes, there should be a lot of golden elements. Door and window openings are made in the form of arches. The color scheme is rich and contrasting. The room should radiate energy and a positive atmosphere. Decor elements of intricate shape are placed around the entire perimeter of the room. The windows are draped with heavy curtains. Emphasizethe mystery and originality of the interior in the Arabic style can be achieved with the right lighting.

Room Design
Having de alt with the style, you can talk about each room separately. For example, the design of a kitchen in a country house should correspond to the purpose of the room. Naturally, when designing this space, the main focus is on functionality. It is also necessary to take into account that the kitchen should have a lot of household appliances. If the room is very small, then it is more reasonable to combine it with the living room. In this case, zoning is carried out using colors, finishing materials or furniture.
There are no special restrictions when decorating a bedroom or office. What do designers advise to do for these rooms? First of all, choose a design that will adjust to the desired mood. In the bedroom, a person needs to relax, and in the office, nothing should distract from work. For the rest, the owners can trust their taste and arrange the space in accordance with personal preferences.
Of course, we need to talk about the design of the living room. In a country house, it can be both bright and neutral. It is advisable to allocate a fairly spacious room for this room. The owners will spend time in it with the whole family, arrange gatherings with friends, celebrate celebrations. This room must have comfortable upholstered furniture, a large table surrounded by chairs. Also, a corner with armchairs and a coffee table, where you can read a newspaper orjust have a cup of tea with a girlfriend or friend.

What about the fireplace?
It's hard to imagine the design of a country house without a fireplace. If it was not provided for at the construction stage, then installation will require the construction of a special structure. These works are best left to professionals. Note that such a design will cost a lot.
If it is not possible to install a real fireplace, then it can be replaced with a fake modification. What does she represent? Currently, there are special models that run on electricity. They not only act as a decor, but can also heat the room. In order for the false fireplace to look spectacular, it is lined with brick or stone.

Country house is easy to turn into a great space for relaxation. As you can see from the article, many styles are suitable for its design. They are selected depending on the preferences of the owners. There are no restrictions, the main thing is to make the space comfortable and cozy, where all family members will want to relax.