Dollar tree - a symbol of well-being

Dollar tree - a symbol of well-being
Dollar tree - a symbol of well-being

The dollar tree, scientifically called Zamioculcas, belongs to the aroid family. Its homeland is tropical Africa.

dollar tree
dollar tree

This is a succulent that can accumulate moisture in the leaves, trunk and roots, in order to gradually use it for growth in the future. The dollar tree is covered with very beautiful, waxy leaves with an average of ten divided feathers. Under the ground, it hides a very powerful tuberous rhizome - its "reserve" for a rainy day. In height, this plant can reach a meter.

Since the dollar tree is a flowering plant, its reproduction in nature is possible by seeds. But you can’t find seeds in stores, and many grow it from cuttings or single leaves, which are dried for two or three days before rooting. Then the planting material is planted in a small pot. The soil for this succulent is prepared from the same amount of sand, peat, humus and turf. And when the plant grows a little, the container is replaced with a larger one so that the roots of the plant can freely fit in it without touching the walls. Soil change and transplantproduced in spring.

How the dollar tree blooms
How the dollar tree blooms

Although the dollar tree is very unpretentious and hardy, it still requires certain conditions for normal life and growth. Best of all, it feels on the windowsills of windows facing south, in the presence of shading. The heat of this African is only a joy. The dollar tree on the north side will not die, although its appearance will be unattractive.

Unlike other succulents, even in winter, it requires at least eighteen degrees of temperature, otherwise it gets sick.

Today, few people know how the dollar tree blooms, since this phenomenon is rare even in nature, and even more so at home. Its flower is similar to a corncob with clusters of small nondescript flowers hidden under a green leafy veil.

dollar tree photo care
dollar tree photo care

Watering the plant should be done after the soil has completely dried, and fertilizing is carried out from March to the end of October. Water must be poured in so that the soil is wet throughout the depth, but without overflowing, from which the tree can become rotten.

You need to fertilize the dollar tree with mixtures designed for succulents once every half a month, as the plant quickly takes the nutrients it needs from the soil for growth. In winter, they stop not only top dressing, but also watering. But in order for the dollar tree not to gather dust and dry out, at least once during this period you need to give it a plentiful warm shower.

It is believed that if you grow this unpretentious plant at home, an influx of finance opens. It is one of the ways to attract funds to the house. A dollar tree-photo can also be a talisman for this. Care is not needed, however, according to some, the picture works as well as a real plant.

Those who prefer to have a living plant at home hang dollar bills rolled up into a tube on the Zamioculcas, or wrap the stem of the plant with them. Sometimes one cent is put in the pallet so that it charges the plant with its energy.
