Everyone involved in construction is always interested in various innovations in this area. As you know, no construction is complete without reinforcing structures, because they make the structure stronger and more reliable. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with some additions. It is considered the best and its name is fiber for concrete.
Not everyone knows what fiber is. Let's start with some technical specifications. This is a material that is used as a reinforcing substance. It helps to qualitatively improve the properties of concrete. Fiber can be added to various building mixtures and mortars. Without concrete, it is difficult to imagine at least one building. Everyone knows that this building material differs from others in its strength, durability and increased performance. And if you add fiber to it, then you end up with a material that has the following qualities:
- high frost resistance;
- abrasion;
- increased water resistance;
- good strength;
- extensibility, which is important in construction work;
- tolerates deformation well;
- easy to use.

Where is it used?
When you have an idea what concrete fiber is, it's worth talking about where it is used.
- Insulation and plastering;
- installation of screed in all types of premises;
- when repairing roads and similar surfaces;
- erecting the frame of the building and raising the foundation;
- used in the manufacture of road curbs and decorative stones;
- in many architectural structures such as fountains or fences.
Fiber has a wide range of applications. It is not able to change the appearance of concrete, but it will completely rebuild its technical characteristics. It can be used in both finishing and decorative work.
We learned the main characteristics that fiber for concrete has. Material consumption will be considered later, but for now let's move on to the next important issue.

There are several grades of fiber, which are divided into groups according to the materials for their manufacture:
- Glass fiber for concrete. This type of material is used when finishing walls, floors and working with plaster. It is strictly forbidden to use for construction work. Glass fiber is considered the most fragile and will not be able to withstand heavy loads. If you need to reinforce the foam blocks, then chopped fiber for concrete is used. Consumption per m3 is 900 grams.
- Bas alt fiber. When mixed with concrete, the material completely splits. Does not highlightno odors and is considered absolutely safe. Used in the production of heat-resistant concrete products.
- Polypropylene fiber. The fiber is fully synthetic. It makes concrete stronger and more durable. Used in the construction of the foundation of the building and floor screed.
- Anchor material. Fiber is made from wire. More commonly used for concrete that is in folds.
We have reviewed the main groups of materials that are used as a strong and connecting link. But their variety does not end there. We will study the rest of the species in more detail.

Strong as steel
Let's consider the most demanded fiber for construction. Steel fiber for concrete is particularly durable. The finished design is reliable and safe. This fiber is widely used in construction. Concrete with such an additive does not crumble and does not lose its characteristics. If you want to get durable structures, then fiber for concrete should be used. Consumption per m3 is from 20 to 50 kg of fibre. It is also worth noting that all modern road surfaces are made using steel fibers. Among other things, it is used in the following directions:
- manufacturing of well rings;
- construction of tunnels and bridges;
- production of curbstones, sidewalks and various plums;
- ideal plasticizer.

Metal quality
Worth itstudy another representative. Metal fiber for concrete is made from the following materials:
- steel sheets;
- stainless wire;
- heat resistant steel.
Such a material can withstand heavy loads aimed at stretching and bending. Concrete with the addition of such fibers has the following properties:
- high resistance to static and dynamic loads;
- does not crack;
- longer service life;
- increased strength.
Lay the fiber at the stage of preparing the concrete solution, which is kneaded in a mixer. It is possible to add fiber directly at the construction site. To do this, it must be stirred for 30 minutes in a mixer.

Quick reference
As you can see, fiber for concrete is an indispensable additive. In addition to all its main advantages, it has the following interesting qualities:
- concrete increases resistance to severe frosts;
- increases the fire resistance of the entire structure;
- concrete gets extra fire safety;
- moisture keeps inside the whole structure for a long time;
- concrete is able to withstand a small explosion and will not break into pieces.
Now you know what fiber is and what it is used for. We have identified all the existing varieties and ways to use it. Modern construction is not represented without additional additives. After all, even the roadwaymade with fiberglass. Remember that our safety is hidden in quality designs.