An important role in the design of any room is given to the floor. And linoleum in the interior is far from the last place! Of course, there are many types of this type of coating, but in most cases it is linoleum that is chosen. This is mainly due to the extensive list of advantages, which are not so few. And in appearance, it is practically indistinguishable from a laminate or floor tile.
The relationship between the psyche and the color of the interior space
There is a close relationship between a person's mood and the color scheme of a room. At the same time, some tones contribute to calming, inspiring and relaxing, while others, on the contrary, produce an annoying effect.

In particular, we are talking about the following:
- "Poisonous" shades have a "dynamic" effect on interiors, so it is highly undesirable to abuse them. Especially for small rooms. For example, if the floor is bright red, then the ceiling with walls should be calmer.colors.
- As the photo shows, linoleum in a black monochrome interior will allow you to create a classic, English or Egyptian style, in which there is no place for a riot of colors. It has a calming effect on the human psyche, rather than bright and catchy colors.
- Soft pastels like beige or ivory can create a relaxing atmosphere. For this reason, many designers prefer it in the formation of the French or Japanese style or even the Renaissance.
Actually, the interior of any room can cause one or another reaction from the human body. And all this with just a play of color. Each shade causes activation of the pituitary gland and a specific area of the brain. Stimulation of the brain appendage causes the release of a number of hormones that affect metabolic processes, sleep, sexual desire, appetite and emotional state.
In other words, the mental state of any of us is fully dependent on our environment. Even the most staunch optimists will be overwhelmed by prolonged exposure to a room full of grays and blacks.
Common gamma
Now we know the importance of colors in relation to linoleum in the interior. The main thing is to choose the right shade, which will allow you to create almost any style. In our time, all available conditions have been created for this.

Despite the wide range of synthetic coatings that serve inas a good alternative to natural materials, the most popular are colors corresponding to different tree species:
- oak;
- beech;
- cherry;
- ash;
- pine;
- wenge.
Based on this, the following three leaders can be distinguished:
- Brown gamma is ideal for creating such "masterpieces" as country or Provence. Warm shades contribute to the creation of a truly cozy, homely atmosphere. In addition, it calms the nervous system, in connection with this, such a color scheme would be appropriate for a bedroom or living room.
- Walnut shade - the warm color of the flooring blends harmoniously with the classic interior design. At the same time, such a floor looks great in combination with light-colored furniture, as well as with bright accessories (paintings, panels, vases, etc.).
- Bleached oak - vintage style is still a fashion trend. Therefore, the "oak" linoleum in the interior with the effect of aging will harmoniously emphasize the sophistication of the style.
Besides this, light colors also have no less popularity. Moreover, it is presented not only as white and light gray tones - there is a rich palette. Light flooring will serve as an excellent base for almost any modern appliances or furniture.
Blue Gamma
Cool and at the same time light and fresh colors of linoleum for the most part involuntarily evokes associations associated with the sky, the azure sea. Such material is able to create a feelingairiness, and also expands the space visually.
As for the size of the room, this material can decorate the interior of both a large room and a small space. It can be successfully used in the kitchen, nursery, hallway, bathroom or toilet.
Grey tone
According to many photos of linoleum in the interior, the steel range will be stylish and at the same time look noble not only in the kitchen, but also in the bedroom and living room. The light gray shade is widely used by many professional designers because of its neutrality. This color has a calming and relaxing effect on the human psyche.

The main thing is to choose the appropriate pattern for the interior. Imitation under the tree looks pretty nice. It is also important not to abuse the shade, otherwise the room will become faceless and boring. And to prevent this from happening, you should dilute the dullness of the interior with bright paraphernalia - pieces of furniture, lamps, decor.
Shade of yellow
Saffron or lemon color is just perfect for the kitchen or children's room. Beautiful yellow tones have a energizing effect and can increase appetite. Here it is also important not to overdo it with the color scheme, since its excess leads to excitement and bile production. Linoleum in a yellow interior is recommended to be combined with other shades - white, light gray, beige, blue.
Of course, this shade is not light, butin many stores you can find floor coverings in which the red color is harmoniously combined with other tones - soft pink, white, light gray. Ultimately, the floor looks not too aggressive and catchy.
In itself, the red color has a stimulating effect on a person and stimulates all systems in the body. Therefore, plain red materials on sale can be seen extremely rarely. This color scheme is relevant for offices, living rooms, kitchens.
Beige palette
A slightly brownish shade combined with a gray tone is a versatile and fairly neutral solution for interior design. Light oak can be combined with many other shades and is well-deservedly popular with many designers.
Light linoleum in the interior gives complete harmony of unity with nature. Living room, bedroom, children's room, kitchen - in a word, this coloring is suitable for almost any room. Among true connoisseurs, beige-colored linoleum with imitation wood is very popular.
Rainbow shades of pink
This option is more preferable than red. Bright colors will be relevant for rooms designed for girls. In some cases, a catchy pink tone is also preferred by many young girls.

This color scheme has a calming effect on the human body, stabilizing the performance of the nervous system. She is also able to extinguish outbreaks of aggression.
Bthe interior of the kitchen, linoleum of a muted shade looks best. It looks especially beautiful if there is a geometric pattern on the surface.
Calming Greens
For interior design, natural grass colors are used in rare cases, especially if a monochromatic coating is meant. Often, a green tint is customary to harmonize with a gray tone. Such linoleum will serve as a good background for pieces of furniture from various common colors:
- orange;
- red;
- yellow.
Green shade is able to calm and activate mental processes in the head. For premises of a sports or commercial nature, the use of plain material is allowed. For a home environment, it is better to opt for a muted shade of green.
Purple exotic
Purple linoleum in the interior of the apartment is a real exotic with many variations - from a transparent light shade to lavender. For interior design, in most cases, pastel colors are used. As for the purple hue, this is a non-standard and bold option for any room in a house or apartment.
From such a floor will breathe coolness and freshness. In addition, this is an original solution for giving originality to any room, even devoid of any unusual paraphernalia. Thanks to the purple color, an atmosphere is created that is fraught with many mysteries and mystery. Being in such a room, you cannoticeably improve your mood.
The right combination of colors in the interior
In order to create an atmosphere of comfort and harmony indoors, you need to know how to successfully combine different shades with dark or light linoleum in the interior (photo can be found in the body of the article). This will visually expand the boundaries of any room. Moreover, the effect produced will be both up and down. Now let's look into this in more detail.

Increasing space. Using white linoleum against the background of light walls and ceilings, you can make the room more spacious.
Increasing the length of the room. To do this, choose a light-colored linoleum, and paint the back wall in any range of beige. As for the ceiling and other walls, they should be dark.
Decrease depth. In this case, all surfaces must be made light, with the exception of the back wall. It should be dark colors. This effect is more applicable to rectangular rooms.
Height reduction. If the room has high ceilings, then it is quite difficult to create an atmosphere of comfort. It is easy to compensate for this with a simple option: apply a beige scale to the walls, and a brown or dark gray shade to the ceiling. On the floor, dark linoleum looks good in the interior.
At the peak of popularity
Tarkett enjoys well-deserved popularity among both ordinary consumers and professionals. This is largely due to the responsible attitude of specialists to the manufacture of products, qualitywhich is at a high level. In addition, it fully complies with hygiene standards.
Currently, Tarkett's range of linoleum has 8 collections and each contains up to 60 different design options. Thanks to this variety, you can choose a floor covering for interior decoration of any room.
But "Tarkett" linoleums in the interior are not only a rich color palette and high technical characteristics, there are other equally valuable advantages. The involvement of modern technologies in the production made it possible to provide the material with a high degree of wear resistance. In turn, this increases the service life of linoleum, its presentable appearance will remain for a long time.

In addition, linoleum has refractory qualities, and the products released during combustion are non-toxic. And during the operation of the floor covering, harmful substances are not emitted. Therefore, without exaggeration, it can be considered an environmentally friendly and safe material.
Due to the unique surface structure of linoleum (it looks like a real artistic masterpiece in the interior of almost any room), it can be treated with various detergents. It is no coincidence that spilled chemical liquids or scattered soot will not bring any harm. The special composition prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. This reduces the development of allergic reactions and diseases.
Tarkett Linoleum Collections
Total in the company's product rangeTarkett can be divided into three main areas:
- household;
- semi-commercial;
- commercial.
Besides this, there are several collections:
- "Favorite" - linoleum is presented in the design of an ornament, wood or as a palace parquet. The service life is from 5 to 10 years, or even more.
- Grand - this series is developed with the involvement of innovative technologies and taking into account the wishes and requirements of consumers. Linoleum "Grand" in the interior is not only a wonderful decoration, but also the personification of real quality.
- Discovery is the embodiment of the style and beauty of nature itself. The surface has a relief structure that mimics the look of natural materials.
- Force - this vinyl flooring is able to withstand high loads. Imitation of stone or wood contributes to the creation of a special atmosphere in the room.
- Idylle - without a doubt, this series can be considered royal. The high strength of the coating successfully withstands the load from shoe studs and sharp furniture legs. Just perfect for laying in a suburban property or apartment.
- Sprint Pro - here the ratio of three components (price, color palette, technical characteristics) is performed at the optimal level. Such linoleum will be relevant both at home and in a small office.
- Premium - these linoleums have an interesting unbroken design.
- "Atlanta" - this collection is realized in wood design - bleached oak and other species. Linoleums"Atlanta" in the interior can give a special sophistication.
- "Idyll Nova" - everything in this product is perfectly combined with each other - the price, the design, and the high quality.
Tarkett's product range includes conductive linoleum with graphite filaments that can conduct electrical charges to the ground loop.

In the interior design of any room, an important emphasis is placed on the flooring. Largely due to this factor, the most favorable atmosphere is created, which, in addition to being pleasing to the eye, has a positive effect on the mental and physical state of a person.