How to connect a washing machine with your own hands

How to connect a washing machine with your own hands
How to connect a washing machine with your own hands

To connect a newly purchased washing machine, it is not necessary to call a specialist. You just need to find detailed instructions and listen to the manufacturer's recommendations. After that, you can find the answer to the question: "How to connect the washing machine?". But first you need to purchase the desired model and select the installation location.

Where to put it?

Before you connect the washing machine to the sewer, you should choose the right place. It is clear that such a unit requires a connection to water and sewerage. It is not always convenient to make constant permutations. From this it is clear that before you connect the washing machine, you need to consider some factors:

  • Having a constant source of water.
  • Connection to electricity without adapters and extension cords.
  • Smooth floor. It is good if the pedestal is made of concrete, since the maximum vibration occurs during the washing process.
  • Aesthetics. It is desirable that the machine fits well intoroom interior.
  • Ability to approach from any direction.
connect washing machine
connect washing machine

Most often, these units are installed in the bathroom. This is a standard location because there is water access and a drain facility. But there are also disadvantages. Since the room is small, you have to look for a miniature model of the unit. There is one more thing - this is high humidity, which contributes to disruption of the electrical wiring and parts of the machine itself.

Kitchen Installation

The machine is mounted under the sink or near the sink. Everyone understands that this room is rarely a large area. So, additional installation will interfere. Do not forget that the level of humidity and temperature indicators may be higher than allowed during the operation of the unit. Some are renovating so that it can be built in.

Other rooms

Sometimes it is convenient to place and connect the washing machine in the hallway, pantry and other utility room. There are also disadvantages. This is a water supply. You will have to use various tricks to organize the operation of the device.

Ready to install

How to connect a washing machine? After the purchase, the machine is delivered to the house in its original packaging. The entire unit is fully protected and no component damage is allowed. Therefore, before connecting the washing machine, remove the fixing bolts, nuts and clamps. There are three main steps to follow:

  1. There are fasteners on the back of the wallcomponents. They serve for rigidity. They are removed. In addition, they help secure all cords and hoses.
  2. After the wooden pieces laid between the tank and the body of the device are removed.
  3. The drum is fixed using the same bolts. The kit includes plugs that fit into the holes that appear.
connect washing machine
connect washing machine

Do not throw away the entire set of fasteners, because they may be needed when transporting to a store or service. It is not difficult to cope with such a task at the first stage.

How to connect a washing machine?

It is clear that before starting you need to follow the basic steps that will lead to the correct operation of the unit:

  • Using the building level, you need to correctly and evenly set the device.
  • Connect to a water source.
  • Put a drain hose into the sewer so that the work program can be started.
  • In order for the motor to work, it is worth connecting the electrical wiring.
how to connect washing machine
how to connect washing machine

To make it clearer, you need to consider each step in detail and find out the features of the work.


It is clear that before you connect the engine from the washing machine, you need to take into account all the features. Many people say that the main thing is to make a stable foundation. The main requirements should be highlighted:

  • Only a horizontal surface is needed.
  • It is unacceptable that jiggles occur inhand.
  • Need protection from vibrations and other influences that occur during operation.

If there is no such foundation in the house, you should not install it anywhere. You will have to create a floor from a sand-cement mixture or otherwise strengthen the coating under the unit. Once the first step is completed, it is worth thinking about the further process. The car is unpacked, the pedestal is ready, you can put it. The horizontal surface is checked. You can't make big mistakes. Otherwise, the level of vibration during operation becomes noticeable. You can carry out regulation with the help of legs that can be twisted. No need to apply any pads, otherwise they will slip out and lead to trouble. The presence of tiles can be sealed with a rubber mat.

connect the machine
connect the machine

When the machine is fully installed, you need to tighten the legs and fix. In order for the procedure to be performed correctly, simple rules should be followed:

  • Use legs. The stability of the machine can be achieved if it is located on the most even surface.
  • When the floor has a large slope, it is worth using additional fasteners. This is an additional commit.
  • Before you connect the washing machine yourself, it is important to check the reliability of the installation. To do this, swing from side to side diagonally.

If each stage is followed correctly, even the minimum wiggle will not occur. When all actions are performed without violations, you can movenext.

Plumbing connection

This is considered a difficult stage. How to connect the washing machine to the water supply? To perform this work, you need to do a number of simple manipulations:

  • Evaluate the location of the unit to correctly select the right hose size, fittings and fittings.
  • When determining the length of flexible pipes, you need to pay attention to their place of fixation. Usually these are areas behind furniture. It is important that flexible pipes do not interfere with sight and movement.
  • Usually, the necessary components come with the machine, but in practice there are few of them. Therefore, you need to measure everything well and, if necessary, buy in addition so that there is no strong stretch.
  • You will have to purchase a ball valve and a valve. Without them, it will not be possible to fix the unit at the source of water supply. Devices are selected based on the existing water supply design.

Most often they use a direct cut into the water supply so that there is no additional load. Although sometimes they use fasteners at the mixer.

how to connect washing machine
how to connect washing machine

How to connect a washing machine to a bathroom? A mortise clamp can be a great way to hook up a machine to a water source. Everyone decides what exactly is available in order for the unit to start functioning.

How to connect the electric motor from the washing machine?

To do this, you need to deal with the wires of different colors present on the motor:

  • Two white wires come from the tachogenerator, we won't need them.
  • How to connect the motor from the washing machinecars? Brown and red go to the winding to the stator and rotor.
  • Gray and green connect to graphite brushes.

Here's how to connect a DIY washing machine motor.

What will be required in the process of work?

In order not to stop, you will have to prepare the appropriate set of tools. Before you connect the washing machine, it is important to decide which pipe it will be mounted to. When making a connection with a metal pipe, you will have to arm yourself with an adjustable wrench, as well as hermetic materials. As such, Fum tape is used.

When working with plastic, more material needs to be prepared. This is soldering equipment, suitable fittings, pipes themselves. Once everything you need is collected, you can get to work. How to connect the washing machine yourself to the water supply? The first thing to do is fix the hose. The last one is included. If it is missing, then it is worth buying. It is important not to save on length. To do this, elementary actions are performed:

  • The filter is fixed at the end of the hose. Its convex side should be at the outlet of the implement.
  • Fix the hose attachment point with a nut. This is done by hand. Do not use adjustable wrenches, so as not to break the thread. Do not overlook the rubber seals. They help to seal the structure.
how to hook up a car
how to hook up a car

Only after the manipulations are carried out, a hose is connected to the machine and the water is turned on. Hereeveryone decides for himself which method will be relevant for his apartment. Important points are noted in full.

Connecting to the toilet

How to connect the washing machine? It is better to choose the fast way. It is used most often. There is nothing complicated in the process, so everyone will cope with the task. The toilet tank will become the source of water. Here's what to do:

  • Remove flexible wiring.
  • Connect the tee.
  • Fix the hose through the stopcock so that water is supplied.

This method is suitable if the car is in the bathroom. With a different location, this is unrealistic. The fact is that the distance of the hoses should be insignificant.

Mixer connection

The method is simple and often used. You need to purchase a tee in which you can place a tap. We need to connect to a source of cold water. Many note that this method is simple and can withstand any load. But the disadvantages cannot be ruled out. This is the location of the hose in plain sight. The only way to hide it is to build a special box.

How to join the multilayer pipe?

Today, many began to use metal-plastic structures because of their unpretentiousness, simplicity and long service life. You need to make a cut. Wiring and a tee are installed in it, after which the connection of the automatic machine is already done. To be able to perform such manipulations, you need:

  • Turn off the water.
  • Make a hole.
  • Choose the right tee according tosize.
  • Make a cutout to match the adapter.
  • Fix the device itself and the nut.
  • Perform flaring at the joint.
  • Push the pipe onto the fitting nipple.
  • Maximum tighten the connection and do not forget about the seal.

Before tapping, it is worth attaching the stopcock. This is done by craftsmen in order not to damage the pipe elsewhere. After that, water hoses are already mounted. When there is a soldering iron, then with the help of it, fasteners and pipes are fixed. Stopcocks are always installed for the water supply and in case of emergency, so that it is possible to close the flow.

Sometimes it's enough just to place a water source in any available place near the main pipe. Is it possible to connect a washing machine in this way? The answer of the masters is positive, but you will need a clamp from a clip with a threaded outlet. When buying, you need to take a pipe diameter indicator with you so that the fitting is the same.

how to connect a washing machine
how to connect a washing machine

An important point in the whole structure in the process of connecting the machine to the water will be a collapsible clip. Be sure to insert a seal to prevent leaks. The adapter is fixed and will, if necessary, cut off the water supply. A hole is made using a pipe. A crane is attached to the outlet of the coupling. Everyone decides which device will be more convenient to use.

Fixation to drain device

After washing, dirty water must go somewhere. How to connect a washing machine? Videos inThis article will help answer this question. In the process, really apply any system:

  • Temporary. The hose is directed to the toilet or bathroom.
  • Permanent construction.

In the first version, there is a hose that is attached to the bathtub or toilet bowl and washing and draining is carried out. And the second scheme implies the presence of a drain siphon, into which the hose from the machine is inserted. Many bypass the siphon and direct the outlet from the washing unit into the sewer pipe directly. In this case, the tee is fixed as an additional outlet.

The manufacturer always gives maximum information about his device in the documents. It must be studied. When connecting to the network, there are no specific or unique methods. This must be done safely. Once the actions are completed, the first start-up should be carried out and the operation process should be considered. It is important that there are no leaks, both for the water supply and for the drain facility. The operation of the machine should be uniform and smooth.
