Wells, from which they scooped up water with a bucket, have already sunk into oblivion. Maybe somewhere there are similar ones, in some remote village. But they were replaced by automation. Water itself enters the house, and a person does not need to go outside for it. Do-it-yourself plumbing at a summer cottage is easy to arrange, it will solve a number of problems associated with water supply.

Water supply is divided into two parts: outdoor and indoor. The first is responsible for supplying water to a house or other premises, and the second is for distributing it for various purposes, that is, taps to the kitchen, bathroom directly to the taps. If do-it-yourself water supply at a summer cottage is more complicated, then it is equipped with additional automation to control pump overloads and water consumption. When installing a water supply system, it is necessary to follow the rule: all elements and parts must be easily accessible for maintenance and repair of the water supply system, in particular, this applies to internal communications.
Not all dacha cooperatives have a centralized highway,therefore, it is necessary to contact a specialized company that digs wells. It is unlikely that it will be possible to do this with your own hands, since often groundwater is located at great depths.
If the depth of water is less than ten meters, then you can dig a well. It is quite difficult on your own, so you will need the help of a couple of people and certain knowledge in this area. The advantage of this design is the possibility of construction without contacting specialized services.

But the water supply system, created by this type with your own hands at a summer cottage, has its drawbacks, one of which is the limitation of water supply for a large family. Therefore, it is first necessary to calculate the estimated water flow, and if necessary, increase the depth. For mine water intake, a surface pump is suitable, it is easy to maintain and much cheaper.
If the depth of groundwater is more than a ten-meter mark, then one cannot do without a well. The drilling service is not cheap, but the costs are offset by uninterrupted water supply in any volume. Building a do-it-yourself water supply at a summer cottage, in order to reduce costs, you can share it with your neighbors.
Often, people stay at summer cottages, and therefore the installation of a permanent water supply is inappropriate. You can get by with an easy option for organizing water supply. As a pipeline, hoses are used that are connected to taps and to a pump. Basically, such water supply is used for watering the garden. After the end of the warm period, everything is easydetaches and hides in the pantry. You can choose another option: lay pipes underground to a shallow depth, up to one meter.

Year-round water supply in the country with their own hands is organized as follows: in principle, it is no different from the above, with only one nuance - the pipes are laid at a depth greater than the freezing zone by thirty centimeters, having previously insulated them. Foamed polyethylene is used as a heater. The highway itself must be sloped from the well to the building.
Automation is installed in a warm room in order to prevent the system from freezing. Do not forget about the sewer system, which also needs to be insulated.