DIY kitchen set installation

DIY kitchen set installation
DIY kitchen set installation

It is impossible to organize a functional kitchen space without an appropriate set. Moreover, the characteristics of its components by themselves do not guarantee the achievement of the objectives. Of great importance is the primary planning of the workspace and the quality of the assembly of the components. In turn, the installation of a kitchen set involves not only the installation of basic pieces of furniture, but also the provision of effective interaction between individual objects, including the communal network infrastructure. It also takes into account such qualities of the environment as energy efficiency, safety and aesthetics.

kitchen cabinet installation
kitchen cabinet installation

What is a kitchen set?

The standard kitchen set includes a base with cabinets and cabinets, which is designed for both tableware and home appliances integration. In a wide layout, it can include a countertop, sink equipment, trim elements, as well as communication parts that provide communication with ventilation ducts and water supply.

The size of the kitchen set should also be taken into account in the choice. For example, according to the height of the pedestals, the standard is 90-100 cm, and according towidth and depth - about 60 cm. Of course, these parameters can be individual, depending on the requirements of the housewife herself. Especially the limitations are manifested in the operation of the hinged elements of the headset. The height spectrum of the capture zone of the upper pedestal, for example, can be 140-170 and 150-210 cm. The selection of optimal values is determined at the stage of purchasing furniture, since these characteristics can not always be adjusted at the installation site. There are also sizes that are selected with a focus on technical and structural data. So, a stone countertop on a wooden base should be thin - about 3-4 cm thick, otherwise there is a risk of deformation of the supporting base.

Features of installing a kitchen set

Initially, you should determine the areas that will be corrected for the subsequent installation of furniture. Unlike a typical installation, for example, upholstered furniture, in the kitchen the task becomes more complicated for a number of reasons. Firstly, often along with the installation of the same pedestals, the finishing decorative coatings on the walls are also updated. Secondly, there are channels for conducting engineering networks, the parameters of which must be borne in mind when performing installation work. For example, if we are talking about the integration of a gas stove, then installing a kitchen set with your own hands can be done using an individually designed cabinet. With the help of a common set of carpentry tools, even an inexperienced home craftsman can form a niche with pipe outlets. The same applies to electrical wiring and plumbing supply lines.or retraction.

do-it-yourself kitchen installation
do-it-yourself kitchen installation

Necessary tools and supplies

In addition to a hammer, a set of screwdrivers and pliers, the worker will also need some power tools. It will not be superfluous to have a screwdriver with a drill function on hand - this is a universal device that is useful for working with hardware when making fasteners, and for creating holes in chipboard panels. For heavy installation operations, a puncher may also be required. As a rule, working with headsets is limited to tools with typical sets of small-format drills, but there are exceptions. The size of the nozzle depends on how the fixing will be carried out in the concrete wall.

Also, the installation of a kitchen set is not complete without wood processing. Chipboard and MDF materials often form the frames of cabinets and cabinets, so you can’t do without a jigsaw and a hacksaw either. And, again, to obtain a better result, it is advisable to arm yourself with an electric hand tool - for example, an electric jigsaw will allow you to accurately and quickly perform even a figured cut. As for consumables, they include fittings, basic hardware, auxiliary fasteners in the form of brackets, clamps and brackets, as well as putties, sealants and liquid nails.

Installation of kitchen set apron

Perhaps, this is the only mandatory segment of the kitchen set, which is a cladding. This is the material that protects part of the wall adjacent directly to the work area. For example, slab or countertop installation areas are primarily included in this area. In the standard scheme, the kitchen set is installed using chipboard panels and fasteners. So, MDF panels can be attached to the wall behind the countertop with liquid nails or self-tapping screws. Here it is very important to calculate in advance the position of the apron relative to the adjoining cabinet, countertop and household appliances. In addition, the upper part can also be limited and not reach the ceiling. The apron usually ends at the level of the exhaust system.

Assembly and installation of kitchen cabinets
Assembly and installation of kitchen cabinets

Installation of cabinets and cabinets

The complex of pedestals forms the base from which the rest of the functional segments depart. The assembly is carried out in several stages, which may have their own nuances depending on the parameters of individual modular blocks. To begin with, the walls of the cabinet or cabinet should be positioned so that the front part of the finished segment is turned up. Next, an adjacent module is attached at an angle of 90 °, after which both structures can be fastened together with a screwdriver. In the same way, subsequent cabinets and cabinets, which are included in the complex, are attached. Each time after the prefix, you should carefully check the correctness of the position of the corners.

When the mixing of the modules with each other is completed, a thin sheet of fiberboard can be attached to the back. At the same time, the installation of the oven in the kitchen set excludes this operation in one of the modules. A pedestal intended for the integration of appliances must initially be calculated in accordance withthe size of the installed object. As for the sheet covering the back wall, if desired, it can also be fixed in a module with a plate, but in this case, you will have to make a cutout in advance for connecting communications.

kitchen countertop installation
kitchen countertop installation

The nuances of mounting corner pedestals

The use of corner furniture in the kitchen is especially justified when it comes to introducing a sink with a cabinet into the set. However, this task is complicated by the fact that you have to mount the block yourself according to individual sizes. The assembly is carried out using wood-panel sections. The layout involves the use of holes for confirmation with widening of the edges in the cap area and chamfering. By twisting the connection points with a hexagon, you can assemble a reliable design with an angle and two side parts. Also, the installation of kitchen set panels sometimes involves the introduction of legs. Their height is calculated so that the plumbing connection for washing is connected at the optimum height without sharp bends and pipe stress. To do this, the assembled pedestal must be turned over, and then screw the prepared supporting elements with self-tapping screws.

Features of mounting attachments

The line of the top shelves is installed above the tabletop with a minimum indent of 60 cm. accessories. Cabinets are hung on a rail with fixationhooks. The hanger bolts must be adjusted according to the optimum position of the unit. They can be twisted or loosened. Usually, the assembly and installation of a kitchen set starts from the corner, but in this case, the introduction of an extreme bezel may also be required. This solution is required in situations where installation is carried out on uneven or defective walls. At the final stage, ties for cabinets are fixed and doors with canopies are installed.

kitchen cabinet dimensions
kitchen cabinet dimensions

Installing countertops

There are several ways to mount the countertop. The choice of a particular option depends on the material and dimensions of the panel. Massive stone slabs may not be fixed at all with auxiliary fasteners, if bearing grooves were provided in advance to insure against shifts. If we are talking about light plastic or wooden models, then the fastening is implemented using special hardware. In particular, the installation of the countertop of the kitchen set is carried out by means of brackets or self-tapping screws. But for this, the niche of the plate must have factory recesses and holes with the possibility of hidden installation. Mounting on silicone adhesive with sealant can also be an alternative solution. The most reliable option would be to use a combination of mechanical fasteners and adhesive mass.

Installing the sink

The sink can either be integrated into the countertop, or, according to the overhead principle, be installed in the niche of the corner pedestal, the installation of which has already been considered. In the first case, the main difficulty will be due to the need to cut the countertop itself alongdimensions corresponding to the selected sink. In the case of chipboard panels, this operation can be performed with an electric jigsaw, but it is advisable to immediately purchase stone models with a finished niche of the appropriate format. The situation with the preparation for installation is facilitated when it comes to integrating an overhead sink into a cabinet. In this case, the installation of a kitchen set should be carried out with the expectation of the possibility of connecting the sewerage and water supply to the sink fittings located in the cabinet at a specific height. Physical fastening can be done with the same silicone adhesive, or with hardware.

kitchen panel installation
kitchen panel installation

General recommendations for the course of work

When working with MDF, chipboard or fiberboard, it is necessary to observe indents when making fasteners. In particular, it is recommended to keep a distance of at least 5 cm from the edges - this will eliminate the risk of damage to the panels under load. Further, it is desirable to treat all open points of connections with metal elements with special sealants that are safe for steel and aluminum. In addition, the correct installation of the kitchen set should focus on the integrity of the overall structural composition. This means that the pedestals of the lower and upper levels must be kept on the same line. This rule has not only an aesthetic value, but also a practical justification. The modules of the complex, located on the same line, provide more opportunities for the introduction of common fixing devices, increasing the reliability of fixing the headset.

installing an oven in a kitchen
installing an oven in a kitchen


The performance of the headset is influenced by a variety of factors, among which is the observance of the described assembly rules. Thanks to high-quality fittings and fasteners, the characteristics of the furniture also increase. But if you plan to install a kitchen set with your own hands without the help of a master, then you should also prepare for complex technological operations. The most difficult actions can be associated with the processing of countertops and drilling walls. Sometimes you can do without them by choosing alternative ways to solve installation problems, but such solutions do not always turn out to be advantageous during the long-term operation of the headset. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to initially assess your strengths and prepare an appropriate tool for performing delicate technical operations.
